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NFL & NBA Updated Schedules and Degenerate Gambler DD

Edit: I'm a POS forgot about MLB. Season starts July 23. Added link and info in schedule below.
Was posting this in the "what your moves tomorrow" thread but I got carried away. So figure post my Bullshit here.
The moves I am planning to make and the conjecture I am erroneously calling DD are detailed below.
All focused around the sport book services, online casinos etc for next couple days and weeks.
DKNG - GAN - BETZ - IGT - MGM - SGMS - PDYPY etc etc
Dates for NFL / NBA / MLB season opening and schedule info below
Like every dumbass who thinks they sound insightful loves to say, "Americans are starved for entertainment and sports."
Another obvious thing everyone here knows based on the fanatical participation in this glory hole of a sub:
Americans are going through gambling addiction withdrawal.
They need to get right.
Well the fix they need is practically here.
Tomorrow July 8:
All NBA teams will be checked into their Mickey and Minnie hotels and prowling the on-site facilities (aka the Orlando Covid Bubble) acting like the responsible gentleman that they are. I wonder if ladies of the night are on their way there now, or if they are already there incognito in Donald and Goofy costumes.
This means no more uncertainty. American sports will be back on the media radar.
News spots, YouTube assholes, woke social media posts, all will have NBA content.
DKNG and other gambling and fantasy platforms are going to start advertising hard.
DKNG promos will be on every PJ trader's/boomer's favorite cable news shows.
Daily fantasy targeted ads will be on your Reddit feed and on your wife's boyfriend's Instagram.
This will be the first time since their IPO in April that they will be pumping ads for biz so hard.
Crazy visibility.
You know who else is gonna talk about the NBA, MLB, and NFL starting???
🇺🇸 Trump
Everyone on CNBC - Jim Cramer morning and afternoon - Faber - LeBeau - Kernen - Kernen's co host babe - The young dork who pisses Kernen off every morning
They will be falling all over themselves to show us that they are cool sport guys.
And that they know about cool sport guy gambling companies.
These tickers are gonna get alot of free stonk news airtime.
1.5 Weeks from now
July 22:
NBA scrimmages start
NBA beer virus scrimmage schedule
Major ad buys for NBA fantasy and betting will start the week before the scrimmages and run through until the season starts.
July 23: MLB regular season starts
MLB beer virus season schedule
2.5 weeks from now
July 30:
NBA Season Starts NBA beer virus schedule
This leads right to the main event for all degenerate gamblers and fantasy players
🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈 NFL SEASON 🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈
3.5 weeks from now
August 11
NFL 53 man roster cut date
The NFL preseason is cancelled
That is actually good for fantasy football, don't have to worry about injuries as much so can draft as early as you want.
So fantasy will be going full force, and DKNG will keep hitting us with the ads.
Three weeks of drafts and talking heads pumping NFL.
7.5 weeks from now
September 10
First NFL game
👍🏿 🍆💦
Im going all in tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.
I cashed out all my calls and positions mid morning today. I am going to try my best to not drop all $ in one session.
Big picture - my moves:
Tomorrow through early next week will pickup an irresponsible amount of Calls exp 8/21 and 11/20
Gay Stock purchases:
I am going to buy a Honda Civics worth of DKNG stock over next two - three days
Why not calls? Well I am not sure when it's going to leap and volatility is high.
DKNG was at $43.75 on June 22.
Down 30% since then.
$30 now.
Its going to blow by $50 and to $70 and maybe more by the time we are at the start of the week 2 of the NFL season (September 17).
I will periodically throw money at BETZ tomorrow through the end of July.
Will use it to stop myself from impulse buying something stupid like HTZ or NKLA calls or TSLA puts.
I dunno why but the BETZ ticker just seems kinda gay to me.
Note: To clarify the above. I am a tard. Smart for a tard, but still a tard.
submitted by jk_cd9 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Jan. 28, 2002

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
PREVIOUSLY: The Complete Wrestling Observer Rewind 1991-2001
1-7-2002 1-14-2002 1-21-2002
  • NJPW was thrown into chaos this week when Keiji Muto, Satoshi Kojima, and IWGP Jr. Heavyweight champion Kendo Kashin all abruptly quit the company, along with 5 of NJPW's front office employees, and are headed to AJPW. Needless to say, this immediately killed the working relationship between the two companies and NJPW is already attempting to forge a new partnership with NOAH. There's also said to be a significant power struggle within NJPW right now behind the scenes that will likely be straightened out whenever Inoki returns to Japan (he's in Los Angeles right now). Tatsumi Fujinami is NJPW president but in the wake of losing these big stars, and the disappointing TV ratings for the Jan. 4th show, it's rumored his days may be numbered. There's rumors that Inoki may take over the role for the first time since he was forced out of the position back in 1983 (long story, bunch of financial scandals, Google is your friend here). Muto is currently half of the IWGP tag team champions and they were scheduled to defend the titles next month and he volunteered to still work the show, but NJPW wasn't having that so that won't be happening now and the titles will instead be vacated, along with the Jr. title Kashin held. And of course, the IWGP title is also currently vacant due to Fujita's injury, so all of NJPW's top titles are vacant right now (the only other active title is the Jr. tag belts, held by Gedo and Jado).
  • Lots of rumors floating around about how this happened, but the gist appears to be that Hiroshi Hase was the architect (no Seth) behind this whole thing. Reportedly, Muto (and maybe some of the other people who left) may be purchasing a stake of AJPW from Motoko Baba so he'll have some ownership say. The long-term idea is that Mrs. Baba will step down in a few years and Muto, who by then should be ready to retire (lol) will take over the role as AJPW president. Of course, that was the original plan for Misawa after Giant Baba died, but he and Motoko Baba couldn't get along and Misawa eventually left and formed NOAH instead. It's also worth noting that Kashin in particular wasn't thrilled about doing shoot fights while working in NJPW, but felt pressured to by Inoki and he reportedly wanted out of the company even if the AJPW thing hadn't been an option. As for Kojima, he and Tenzan have been the best tag team pro wrestling has seen in years and from an in-ring perspective, may have been the best pure worker in NJPW so his loss is going to hurt a lot too. The office workers who left are mostly accounting and merchandising people who will be doing the same jobs for AJPW.
  • One bummer of a note here is that, before this, Muto had talked of putting together a dream match against Misawa. But as long as Motoko Baba is breathing air, an AJPW star isn't going to work with Misawa, so that's probably a dead issue (yeah, sadly we never did get that match).
  • One final note: Muto also tried to recruit NJPW rising star Hiroshi Tanahashi, who most believe has the most potential of anyone in the entire company, to jump ship with him but Tanahashi decided to stay (oh man, can you imagine how different things would be if he had gone).
  • On Raw this week, Vince McMahon teased the impending arrival of Hall, Nash, and Hogan, saying he's going to do something soon that even he will regret. Vince has reportedly caved on most of Nash's demands, including the reduced schedule. Hall will be making less money than Nash and will be given an even lighter schedule, because he's a single parent with custody of his children (and Dave questions how fucked up Dana Hall must be if SCOTT is the one who has custody). And of course, you gotta figure Hogan ain't working a full schedule, since he hasn't done that in a decade and probably ain't gonna start now. Of course, this puts WWF in the same position WCW was in a few years ago: having all the top stars working TV and not appearing on house shows, which is something WWF used to openly mock WCW for. Now they'll be doing the same thing, with the same guys. It's something that killed WCW's house show business long before the TV ratings started going down. There's also the issue of how they'll get along backstage, since many of the agents (Dave says Gerald Brisco in particular) were very vocally against bringing these guys back. And then there's John Laurinaitis, who has a lot of power backstage now and he and Nash used to butt heads constantly in WCW. So things are gonna be interesting.
  • In a bit of a surprise, Vince has also agreed to let them use the NWO name and gimmick, and that reveal was made later in the week on Smackdown when Vince talked about killing the WWF with the help of the NWO. As of now, there's no plans for Triple H to join the group. X-Pac will probably find his way into it, given his relationship and history with the group. Nash is reportedly pushing for Shawn Michaels to be involved, but Dave has heard that's unlikely because there's still some fences that need to be mended there between Shawn and some in the company. But then again, Nash has gotten his way on everything else he's asked Vince for so far, so who knows? Anyway, Hall and Nash have officially signed, but Hogan still hasn't finalized his deal as of press time, but the office has been told it's inevitable and to start making plans as if he's signed. It's expected all 3 men will probably debut at the No Way Out PPV next month.
WATCH: Vince McMahon announces the arrival of the NWO
  • The Royal Rumble is in the books and was a huge success. Critically, it was an excellent show, nothing MOTY-worthy or anything, but nothing bad at all and was a legit sellout. Coming out of the show, it appears Chris Jericho will be defending the WWF title against Triple H at Wrestlemania, though that can still change. Triple H winning the Rumble was expected but made the most sense. The Rumble match lasted just over 69 minutes (nice), surpassing the 1993 Rumble and, as far as Dave is aware, making it the longest mach in WWF history (a famous Pedro Morales vs. Bruno Sammartino match in 1972 was reported in all the newspapers as lasting 75 minutes, but it was actually only 65 so don't come at Dave with no "well actually..." bullshit)
  • The return of Mr. Perfect and him being put over like a major star (he lasted until the final 4) proves that WWF has no intention of letting any other competitor get off the ground and will nip that in the bud before it ever happens. Hennig has been available for more that a year (WCW released him before they folded) and WWF never seemed interested, but as soon as XWF came along and made him their featured star (with plans to make him the face of the company), suddenly WWF swooped him up. Hennig's appearance was meant to be a one-off but it was known they were likely going to offer him a deal if he was impressive, and they have. It may not be a huge get for WWF, but it's a massive loss for XWF and pretty much renders their entire first set of TV tapings meaningless now, and Dave says that was precisely the point. Vince left the door open for competition once before and it nearly killed him. He won't make that mistake again (not until 2019 anyway). Dave says to let this be a lesson to any new promotion trying to start up: make sure you have people signed.
  • Other notes from Royal Rumble: Goldust, who was also a one-off for the match, is expected to sign a full-time deal as well. FlaiVince street fight was way better than it had any right to be considering it was between two guys over 50, one of whom isn't even a trained wrestler and the other hasn't wrestled in nearly a year since the final Nitro. Jericho retained the title over Rock in an excellent match and Dave notes that no one in the history of wrestling with the kind of main event star power Rock possesses has ever done as many jobs as him. Maven dropkicking Undertaker out of the Rumble match was the biggest pop of the entire show. But then Undertaker spent the next several minutes beating poor Maven nearly to death, lest anyone think Undertaker was actually trying to get this kid over or anything. Overall, Dave thinks it was the best Rumble match in several years.
WATCH: Maven eliminates Undertaker from the 2002 Royal Rumble
  • The tradition of Memphis wrestling on WMC-TV has been revived! Sorta. The show, dating back to the 70s, has been off the air since last spring when the TV station refused to allow them to tape shows in their studio anymore. For the next few months, they aired a bunch of "Best of" shows but those eventually stopped in December and they've been airing infomercials in that time slot ever since. But this week, a show featuring Jerry Lawler and Brian Christopher in the main event, taped at a nearby casino in Tunica, MS aired on the channel in the usual Saturday morning time slot. Dave says the production quality was garbage and there was no local publicity for it, so it probably did a terrible rating, but it's something (pretty much just one last dying gasp, this doesn't lead to anything).
  • Carlos Colon said he's going to cut back on being an active wrestler because he wants to spend more time with his kids. Dave points out that most of his kids are wrestlers in his company, so maybe he's actually trying to get away from them.
  • NJPW star Minoru Tanaka announced his engagement to former women's wrestler Yumi Fukawa, who retired last year (did some research and they're still married to this day. Tanaka still wrestles in NOAH and Fukawa is an actress in Japan).
  • Atsushi Onita, who has been issuing grandstand challenges to Antonio Inoki for months with no response, has now challenged Naoya Ogawa for a match and wants it to be a benefit show in Afghanistan for the kids there. Dave says don't hold your breath for that one either. Onita says if he beats Ogawa, he wants the match with Inoki. Again, none of this is happening, just Onita trying to work his own angle. Neither Inoki nor Ogawa want anything to do with him.
  • Goldberg participated in a charity golf tournament this week and while there, he made some comments about going to the WWF. "I personally believe that everything I've stood for when I got into the ring would be compromised and succumbed to the circus-like atmosphere that's out there, and that's putting it mildly. I would be an imbecile if I gave up half my money to work for a company I didn't respect." Dave wonders if his tune will change when that WCW contract money dries up (yup). Also, at the same tournament, they did a funny little angle with Goldberg throwing his caddie into a lake.
WATCH: Goldberg torpedoes his caddie into the lake
  • Superstar Billy Graham has reportedly lost nearly 60 pounds in just 3 weeks, most of it water weight due to edema he's suffering from and all the other liver issues he's currently dealing with.
  • Bruno Sammartino did an interview talking about the role he has in a new low-budget movie called Saloonatics where he plays a mob guy with cancer. Sammartino talked about how uncomfortable he was with all the profanity his character had to say but he eventually got more comfortable with it and was able to put aside his personal feelings and eventually was okay with it. (No idea where the full movie is, but here's a trailer and yeah this shit is LOOOOOOOW budget).
WATCH: Saloonatics trailer
  • Former WCW announcer Mark Madden is in some controversy in Pittsburgh, where he hosts a daily sports talk show on the local ESPN radio station there. A few weeks back, the sports media in the city was swirling with rumors about NFL star Kordell Stewart's sexuality. Madden went on his radio show and criticized people who were spreading those rumors. A writer who works at the radio station then went on the air and accused Madden of being one of the main people who fueled those rumors and claimed Madden had said things in the past on his show implying that Stewart is gay. Madden denied ever saying that, demanded the guy find the tapes to prove he ever said it, and basically felt like the guy ambushed him live on the air with the accusations. The radio station apparently agreed because the writer was fired when he refused to apologize (for what it's worth, several people have made accusations about Stewart being gay over the years and he's always denied them, and even successfully sued someone a few years ago for claiming he had a relationship with him. Who knows and who cares? Not anybody's business anyway).
  • Jake Roberts was on a radio talk show in England recently and said some interesting stuff. Said he plans to stay in the UK for the next 2 years. Said he could walk back into the WWF and have a writing job tomorrow if he wanted it. Dave scoffs at that and says I guess he prefers wrestling in front of empty indie show crowds in England instead of earning a steady paycheck. Jake also talked about the scene in Beyond The Mat where the movie alleges that Roberts asked an indie promoter for crack cocaine as his payoff for working the show. Roberts denied it happened and said he doesn't trust a promoter with anything, so he wouldn't trust one to get him crack. Well okay then. Claimed he left the WWF last time because he wasn't comfortable with the angle he was doing with Jerry Lawler, feeling like they were exploiting his sobriety. Dave pretty much rolls his eyes at all this, because Jake was actually fired for going on a bender and no-showing a bunch of events (I'm glad we all love Jake now, but he was still 1000% full of shit and off the deep end during this period).
  • Iron Shiek missed an appearance on the Opie & Anthony radio show this week because he was detained for several hours at the airport. Turns out he wore his curly toed wrestling boots on the plane and because this is 4 months after 9/11 and only 1 month after the attempted shoe-bomber, and let's be honest, simply because Iron Shiek is Middle Eastern, people freaked out. And when they wanted to examine his boots, he initially refused to let them and, well, you can imagine how well that went over with airport security.
  • If WWA's PPV in Las Vegas happens next month, Bret Hart has agreed to reprise his role as the on-screen commissioner. As best Dave can tell, no one else has really been signed on for the show and the MGM Grand doesn't know anything about this alleged plan to hold the event in their arena and in fact, WWA hasn't even applied with the Nevada commission to get a license to run a show anywhere in the state and it's almost certainly too late to get one by the scheduled date. So Dave is skeptical that this even happens, and if it does, he can't see it being in Las Vegas. (Surprisingly, it does happen and it is in Vegas, but we'll get there.)
  • Speaking of the Nevada athletic commission, XWF brought a bunch of wrestlers and a wrestling ring to the National Association of Television Program Executives conference in Vegas, with hopes of putting on a live show and impressing all the TV execs and trying to secure a TV deal. But the XWF didn't get permission from the Nevada commission, so they weren't allowed to use the ring and do a show. Whoops.
  • Speaking of XWF, morale is in the dumps in that company right now. Losing both Hulk Hogan and Curt Hennig (neither of whom were signed but had been working with them) as well as Sting reportedly not being interested has killed a lot of the excitement about the promotion for people within it.
  • Notes from Raw: Flair cut an emotional promo about his history in wrestling and how he was on the road so much and put wrestling ahead of his family and not seeing his kids and all that stuff. During the promo, Lawler made a sarcastic joke about Flair needing to have his priorities in order, which Dave thinks is pretty rich coming from Lawler, who lived the exact same life and wasn't much of a father to his kids either (which Lawler has admitted, to be fair). They're continuing to tease a Triple H/Stephanie split, with him being annoyed at her nagging. Speaking of Triple H, Dave thinks he needs to lose at least 15 pounds because he's totally slow and lumbering since he came back.
  • Notes from Smackdown: AJ Styles worked a dark match, losing to Rico Constantino, but apparently he looked awesome in the match (yeah he hits an awesome shooting star to the floor late in the match). And the show ended with McMahon doing the big NWO reveal on the back of his chair during his promo.
WATCH: AJ Styles vs. Rico Constantino dark match - 2002
  • Regarding Triple H's match on Smackdown last week, where they gave away his return match on free TV 3 days before the Rumble. Remember how Dave was flabbergasted that they would be so short-sighted? Turns out Triple H felt the same way and fought hard against it, but Vince wouldn't budge.
  • Chris Benoit is telling people he expects to be back in the ring around June (yup).
  • Jim Ross answered some questions at a press thing last week and had lots of interesting stuff to say. He said the criticism WWF was receiving for bringing in Hall, Nash, and Hogan hurts, but they have to do what's best for the company and Vince feels this is it. Doesn't sound like JR loves the idea too much either. They've had no talks with Scott Steiner. When told of Goldberg's recent comments (mentioned above), he said he wanted to believe Goldberg hadn't really said that and thought it was a shame. Said there's heat on Jeff Jarrett for how he left the WWF last time so he probably won't be welcomed back anytime soon. JR also hinted that the brand split will come after Wrestlemania and implied that they will be reviving the cruiserweight division. Dave says he's convinced that Vince will never get behind pushing cruiserweights as major stars so he's not holding out hope for that. Said they may bring in Rey Mysterio if they decided to launch a cruiserweight division. Said they'd love to have Eddie Guerrero back but he has to get his personal issues straightened out first. Same with Shawn Michaels, plus they don't know if he could physically do it.
  • ESPN's Bill Simmons wrote an article reviewing Royal Rumble 2002 and Dave thinks it was great. In one piece, Simmons managed to pretty much sum up all of WWF's recent problems while still acknowledging that the show was entertaining. And the link Dave posted for it in 2002 still works!
WATCH: Bill Simmons reviews the 2002 Royal Rumble
  • Unless things change, Chris Jericho is gonna be in an awkward situation next week. Jericho is scheduled to play in a celebrity hockey game as part of NHL All Star Weekend. Who will his celebrity coach be, you ask? Goldberg. As of press time, most people in WWF don't seem to be aware of it and Dave wouldn't be surprised if Jericho gets pulled from it.
  • Booker T was on the Howard Stern show (after his comments last week saying he wasn't a fan of Stern, go figure) and talked about his time in prison and his plans to write a book. He also said he hopes to retire in 2 years which Dave ain't buying (yeah, still about 10 years away from that). He also said someone is suing him over the term "Spinaroonie" because apparently someone else thinks they own the rights to that name. Booker also mentioned that he's dating former Nitro Girl Sharmell Sullivan. Dave notes that they've been dating since WCW and Booker is the one who helped her get hired by WWF, where she's currently in developmental.
  • DDP has also said he plans to retire in 2 years, to become a motivational speaker. This one actually almost happened. He left WWF just 3 months after this and didn't wrestle at all for several years. Then he had a brief run in TNA but he's been mostly retired other than some one-offs ever since.
  • Randy Orton is moving up to the main roster. In his final OVW match, Orton lost clean to Prototype and Dave says it's clear they're grooming Prototype to be the next OVW champion.
WATCH: Randy Orton vs. Prototype - OVW 2002
WEDNESDAY: More on the impending arrival of the NWO, more on the upcoming brand split, cruiserweight division, and more...
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Here are all positions commented in the last 24 hours


ALLY 3/20 30c
AMD 4/17 $43c
BA 250c 6/1
BA 4/9 $146c
BA 4/9 150c
COCK 420c 5/1
GME 50c 5/20
HAL 8c 6/19
MSFT 200c 3/20
MSFT 200c 3/20
MSFT 200c 4/17
MSFT 3/20 200c
MSFT 3/20 200c
MSFT 4/17 200c
SPY $253c 4/6
SPY $270c 4/17
SPY 05/15 350c
SPY 250c 4/6
SPY 270c 5/15
SPY 300c 4/9
SPY 300c 4/9
SPY 4/17 265c
SPY 4/17 415c
SPY 4/19 250c
SPY 4/9 $260c
SPY 420c 4/20
SPY 5/1 320c
SPY 6/19 $420c
TSLA 1000c 5/17
USO 6c 4/17
USO 9c 4/17
USO 9c 4/17
W 60c 4/9


BAC 20p 4/9
BYND 57p 4/17
GLD 145p 4/9
HYG 72p 4/17
INDA 6/19 22p
IWM 108p 5/15
SPY $170p 9/18
SPY $175p 5/15
SPY $180p 09/18
SPY $180p 4/9
SPY $210p 5/15
SPY $220p 4/9
SPY $251p 4/9
SPY 170p 5/1
SPY 180p 5/15
SPY 180p 7/17
SPY 200p 4/17
SPY 200p 4/17
SPY 200p 4/17
SPY 200p 4/17
SPY 200p 4/9
SPY 220p 4/17
SPY 220p 4/17
SPY 229p 4/17
SPY 230p 5/15
SPY 240p 05/15
SPY 240p 4/17
SPY 252p 4/6
SPY 257p 5/22
SPY 259p 6/19
SPY 260p 5/15
SPY 4/17 $262p
SPY 4/17 195p
SPY 4/17 200p
SPY 4/17 220p
SPY 4/17 230p
SPY 4/17 240p
SPY 5/8 250p
SPY 6/19 $235p
SPY 9/30 220p
UCO $1p 5/15
and since im unable to capture all positions, heres some comments that might have plays in them:
6/17 200p 5/1 5/1 50/50 4/5 MM 6/19 4/9 4/22 PM 2/3 4/15 4/17 4/17 AT UF 4/10 9/11 COVID 17/4 NHS 4/20 LV 5/15 5/1 5/1 HYG 1/15 3/20 4/17 4/17 3/20 3/20 4/17 4/24 4/17 ETS 23407c 5/7 3c 20c US SPXS 4/8 BP 4/17 4/8 4/17 $ROPE QR TLT LEAPS EZ NO 4/17 SPY VIX 4/17 JS QE 7/17 4/9 IQ ES RCL 4/8 6/19 4/17 NOX XYZ 3/31 DBZ TQQQ 4/8 5/15 4/17 6/18 5/4 5/15 05/15 230p 135p 230p 200p 232p 4/09 6/19 4/17 5/15 3/20 CV ALL 4/17 6/19 5/1 3/15 1/15 1/15 7/17 50/50 4/17 OLAY 4/17 4/9 SPY 1/3 5/15 2/2 FED 8c 1/5 WHO MMT TT 1/3 DV UNEMP 6/19 4/3 4/24 OP 05/15 3/16 DD 4/17 4/13 1/10 SAVIN DD GDP CNBC 4/20 OPEN US 4/17 5/1 4/17 3/23 GPC DA 50/50 04/09 US 4/17 4/17 4/6 UN 3/20 3/20 MM 4/9 28C COVID 4/9 4/23 5/15 5/1 04/27 5/1 5/1 5/1 NSA 4/17 1/5 YOLO ZIRG 4/17 4/17 4/9 DT EDE BRRRR 51/50 GA 4/6 3/4 9c NF TP 17c 4/20 4/20 3/10 9/11 US 4/10 4/13 LOGM 4/17 COVID WSB EVERY 4/7 WE 4/17 4/17 CCP 5/15 4/17 4/17 24/7 US LPT TV 4/17 CLBTD 4/17 5/1 SPY GC JPM USD XTL RT 4/17 CNBC SBA REIT 50/50 VJ XZ NA 9/11 5/15 HEHE 10p NYC 4/17 9/11 IMF 0c 4/17 TN TIRED GDP JP 5/15 RH 5/15 4/9 BUT 4/6 7C MM 3c 4/17 4/17 5/15 SAUDI 6/21 NYC BREAK 4/17 TUNNE 4/13 4/17 0c 5/15 BRITI 4/8 CNBC 5/15 SPY WSBG BREAK SPY 5/1 4/17 4/20 5/15 6/1 4/17 4/17 4/6 04/17 SPY SPY USD UR 4/6 ICU 0p 4/9 NYC BULL 5/15 4/9 4/17 5/1 4/6 4/24 4/9 5/1 4/17 06/19 DD US 6c 4/17 BAHAH 5/1 4/6 3/31 70/30 10/16 4/20 RETAR 9/11 30p HTF 4/17 4/17 4/9 3/20 YOLO 4/09 4/17 4/17 MO 4/24 4/17 NFLX NY 4/17 2c US 70770p WSJ 17p 04/09 4/17 04/24 4/17 SPY 4/17 49/50 4/24 9/11 5/15 BS 260p 4/9 PM 4/9 4/8 5/15 OHD NYC 4/6 US 9/11 ICU 30p 4/9 NYC 4/8 255p NYC 4/17 ICU ICU OM 4/17 UK 5/8 50/50
Edit: source code:
submitted by MalOuija to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Somewhat Successful First Day Day Trading. Turned 4k into $367

Somewhat Successful First Day Day Trading. Turned 4k into $367
Yes it's not huge, but I played it safe and got somewhat lucky. I bought the stocks in the last 30 minutes before closing, and sold them in the first 15 at opening. I put 2k in DSW which shot up almost 4 dollars, I sold immediatly at the highest price. I bought it at $23.33 and sold at $26.84.
I bought 80 shares of Skechers for $24.21 and sold them all at $25.11 (minor profit to supplement my winnings from DSW). I was lucky, DSW shot up 16% because their earnings report came out right before opening and was great. I didn't see the price shooting up much more, so I just sold it for a quick profit. My profit was $367. My total came to $4367.
I seriously think I could make a living doing this. I was going to play it safe with stable stocks like these that are volatile and sell when I make minor profit. I was only expecting $100-$200 a day to begin with so this was a great surprise. This has been really fun, so I'll be moving 4k more into my account so I have more to play with. My strategy to begin with will be to buy stable stocks that are volatile at close, and sell in the morning once I see some decent profit.
Thoughts/advice/feedback is appreciated. I don't have a finance or stock background, just a marketing background.
Edit: Since this thread has caused so much entertainment and interest, I will be posting daily updates for a while and we can use this thread to comment on my stock bets or which ones you think are better.
UPDATE 12/12/18: Today my profit was $78. I turned $4000 into $4078. I could have held longer because the stocks probably will rise, but I wanted my capital back so I can invest again tomorrow. I'm kind of annoyed because the stocks I sold already went up again (DSW & Urban). Both stocks went up less than $1 and I sold. I didn't see too much movement or spike in the morning, so I didn't expect them to raise much more. I sold 56 shares of Urban Outfitters for $35.24 each. I bought the Urban stocks at $34.64. I also sold 93 shares of DSW for $25.52. I bought the shares at $26.84. I bought both Urban & DSW at close last night. I sold them within 20 minutes of the market opening this morning. Not high profits, but I didn't lose. The goal is to build my capital so I can do higher volumes of safe stocks like these. This was my second day of day trading. I also went ALL IN on Stitch Fix today.
UPDATE 12/13/18: I bought Stitch Fix yesterday for $22.15 and it tanked below 8% today. It's one of today's biggest losers. I have about 4k into it, and 176 shares. At this point I think since I have so may shares of it, I should wait until it goes up high and then sell it. I heard this stock does not do well during the holiday season, so I might wait until 2019 to sell it depending on how it looks the next few weeks. Since I have 176 shares it would be nice to make at least 3 dollars profit per share. I will be depositing some more cash into my account so I can continue day trading while Stitch Fix.

Update 12/18/18: Still have 4k in Stitch Fix and the stock is 11% down from what I bought it from. I'm waiting this out because I know it will get back up. I purchased Stitch Fix at $22.15. In the mean time, I will deposit more money soon to day trade with other stocks. If anyone has suggestions I would like to hear them.

Update 1/2/19: I obviously took a small break while the market was crashing.I'm back & ready to make money. Stitch Fix is making a slow but steady comeback, so I still have 4k parked there. I bought 130 shares of MGM (3k investment) before Christmas and sold it today for $75 profit. I could have made more but got greedy. Casinos did amazing today, so I just chose a good stock.
submitted by BellaBaby19 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Exit strategy MGM casinos

Hey folks looking to see where the community’s thoughts are on my options trade for MGM. I took a position in the money yesterday and have done alright so far but want to sell tomorrow as I anticipate the opening of casinos will be good news Driving stock up. Stock is up today so contemplating dumping and running or hold on for opening tomorrow. Thoughts?
submitted by aaityo1 to Daytrading [link] [comments]

It’s 1:40am. I finally cashed out ahead in online blackjack. My worthless and pathetic ass just re-deposited it and tilted it all away. I hate everything I’ve become.

I hate and love gambling. Nothing beats the rush of a win and the loses keep me up at night and make me hate myself. I’ve told myself I need to stop more times than I can count and no matter how many times I uninstall these online casinos, I always come back.
I’m only 21 and I love poker and gambling in general and I just can’t stop. I don’t even know how much I’ve exactly lost in total but I’m positive the number would make me vomit. I can’t tell my friends because I don’t want them all to think I’m a loser and I can’t tell my parents because, and I know I sound like such a fucking scumbag for multiple reasons, I’m gambling their money.
My family does well for themselves so I doubt they’ve noticed anything suspicious in the year I’ve picked up this shitty addiction, but what the fuck does that say about me? I’m just a scumbag that steals my parents money. I’ll be honest I don’t even know who I’m writing this for. Myself maybe? Idk I’m not thinking this post through of rereading it.
It kills me that I tell myself I love my parents, but evidently I don’t I’ve them as much as gambling as I’ve consistently put what I want over what they earned. I have this knot in my gut and voice in the back of my head yelling at me about what a shit son I am and what a disappointment I’d be remembered as if I was wiped off earth tomorrow.
I gamble to forget everything. My shitty loveless relationship of 4 years that I continue to lie to myself is going to work out. The fact that I don’t think I have more than 4 actual ride or die friends on earth and even then that’s pushing it. The fact that in 7 months I’m going to be a college graduate and I haven’t learned shit besides how to smoke weed and steal from the few people who care about me. The only thing I feel I’ve applied myself to is fucking up the hours, days, and lives of the people I come into contact with. Gambling is an escape. 80% of the time it leaves me feeling worse than when I started, but I keep coming back because I know that, that 20% chance of happiness at the card table are better odds than doing anything else.
Yeah I’m depressed. I’m sure it’s obvious as fuck by now, but again I don’t know who I’m talking to now. Gambling isn’t the sole reason but it sure as shit doesn’t help. What the fuck am I doing? Why do I think that airing my ungrateful and wasteful life to a subreddit of not even 900 people? Why do I think it’ll change anything? Why is it the only place I can turn to right now for comfort? What the fuck would I have done 40 years ago without the internet? I’m just a fucking loser. I thought losing the weight would make me happy and turn my life around, and here I am in literally the best shape of my life and I feel weaker than I did in practically all my lowest moments. I was hospitalized for a suicide attempt last year to give that statement some context. On the off chance some poor soul has read this god damn pity party up until this point, you can probably see I’m not in the most optimal of spots mentally. Since you have been so sympathetic as to read until this sentence let me put your mind at ease and tell you that you are not reading the post of a dead man. Don’t add yourself to the list of people who has to worry about my ass.
The worst part I find is who the fuck even cares? Honestly? Who the fuck wants to hear some spoiled piece of shit moan and cry about how he’s gambled away multiple thousands of dollars of someone else’s money? I’m a piece of shit and I did this to myself.
There’s no happy ending to this post right now. Maybe I’ll come back and look at this once I’m in a better place but right now it feels like I’m perched right over a bottomless cavern. One push, one gust of wind, and boom, gone, an eyesore off the face of the earth. I hate this. I hate gambling. I love gambling. I hate my life. I lie to myself about being happy 20% of the time. It’s all a ruse. Just a pathway to the next self deception.
I just want to be happy. And right now the creeping thought in the back of my head is “redownload MGM, you can win it all back and make this go away”. The only thing stopping me is the fact that I have a commitment to my family and I can’t stay up gambling all night to miss it. Now I’m just staying up all night thinking about how I’m already such a fuck up at age 21.
I just want to be happy. I hope anyone reading this is happy. If you’re not take comfort in the fact that it could be worse. You could be the guy airing his life’s problems to the world on the internet. Aimlessly hoping that someone or something can help fix this.
I realize that this is more than gambling. I got issues that I need to address and have been helplessly trying to since basically sophomore year of high school. But fuck man I can’t stop gambling. Why the fuck I do this?
I’ve never been on this sub before I started typing what has become my self-pity TED talk. Idk if this kind of post is normal and I certainly don’t know if someone has just opened up like this before. Sorry if this was too real or too preachy or too pathetic but I just felt like I needed to do it.
Thanks if you somehow read all of that without puking or closing out of it. You’re a real one. I genuinely hope anyone who sees this has the best day of their life. You’re gonna crush it and you will make it through whatever it is that has you hung up.
Thanks for giving me a place to actually be me in all my awful self. Whatever that says about me is what it is but from the bottom of my heart thank you.
submitted by ThrowAwayAccountForI to GamblingAddiction [link] [comments]

My experience in Las Vegas

I'm in Las Vegas, leaving tomorrow. I have been staying at Mandalay Bay and attending a conference here. I have been here during the terrible mass murder.
In the hope that this would be somewhat cathartic, I've written out what happened below. I'm not doing this to be a karma whore or to get reddit gold. Don't gild me. The text below is just a brain dump of what happened and how I feel - I haven't really tried to make it presentable or anything. Hope this is OK. Times aren't super accurate as I'm going from memory.
My manager, his son and I were finishing our meal at "The House of Blues" (a restaurant within the Mandalay Bay complex - just off the casino floor). At around 10:10pm local time, our waitress yelled out that we were to all evacuate immediately, that there was a shooting taking place in the hotel. At about the same time we heard screaming and saw people running past the front of the restaurant. We were evacuated to outside the hotel, to a loading zone or rear entry of some sort. While outside, we heard some gunshots and more screaming. It sounded like someone with a gun was pretty close to us. At this stage, we had no idea what was going on - people thought that there were gunmen shooting people in the casino and on the streets like an execution squad. As everyone thought we were in danger, we were then evacuated back into the hotel through a service entrance to another restaurant (RM Seafood), where we (about 15 of us plus a handful of staff) were sitting at tables in a function room towards the rear of the restaurant.
We sat with a pair of ladies who were attending the conference with us, from California. One of these ladies (we will call her "A") was becoming hysterical with panic, so I started talking to her and trying to calm her down; asking her about her family and pets, and trying to get her to think of something other than the situation we were in. I crouched in front of her and positioned my body to offer her some protection if shots were fired. At this point, police/military started storming the casino. We could see men with guns (who turned out to be police/military but it was hard to tell at the time with all the confusion) running past the restaurant shouting for people to get down. This was terrifying, as we expected bullets to start flying at any minute. "A" started going into shock/panic again. We all crouched around her to offer her some security/protection in case something happened and tried to put on a brave face to stop her from becoming more panicked.
After twenty seconds or so, we crawled under the tables back to a service area which led to the Michael Jackson Theatre. At this point I got separated from my boss. He (and some other people) had stayed in the restaurant and crawled behind the bar. The ladies we were with had also left their bags in the restaurant during the panic. We burst into the theatre and were told to find a seat. It was apparent that the people in the theatre had no idea what was going on - many of them were clapping and cheering as if us running in all panicked was part of the show. The people in front of us turned around and asked what was going on. We told them there was shooting going on and we'd been evacuated in here, but to keep it quiet so as not to incite panic. Three heavily armed police entered the theatre and instructed the theatre staff to lock the exit doors from the inside. They spoke over the public address system that they were responding to "an incident in the casino", and that we needed to all stay in our seats, keep quiet, and keep the exist clear. They asked that the lights be kept off.
Some people got up to see what was going on. The police yelled that they needed line of sight to the exits and for people to return to their seats. At this point, someone tried to open the door from the outside. The police officer yelled "GET DOWN NOW!" and raised his machine gun to the door. Everybody got down onto the floor in front of the seats, there was a lot of screaming. We expected a gunman to burst through the door an open fire. After a minute or so of nothing happening, we got back up. "A" started to panic again, and said she would feel more comfortable sitting near an exit, so we went with her and crouched down by one of the exit doors that led to the outside of the casino, next to the car park. I positioned myself in front of her to try and offer some protection and comfort her, and asked her to show us pictures of her children on her phone to try and help her calm down. At this point I think everyone in the theatre realised that something serious was going on, and started to take the situation very seriously. Shortly after, several more police officers arrived, and broke into teams of 2-3 per exit. They were armed with rifles, shotguns and machine guns. The police didn't seem to know what the threat was, and were acting like people with guns might burst through the doors at any minute. They kept the theatre in lock down for 2-3 hours. During this time we were not allowed to leave the theatre under any circumstances. People that needed to use the restroom had to urinate in plastic cups. We could overhear the radios that the police had on them, saying things like "reports of shots fired at New York New York, the Bellagio, the MGM Grand and several other hotels". We all thought that this was a coordinated terrorist attack. It was truly terrifying.
During the initial lockdown, the police made an announcement over the PA system along the lines of "we have heard some people saying they are carrying concealed weapons. If you are carrying a concealed weapon DO NOT DRAW IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OR WE WILL SHOOT YOU".
After 2-3 hours of lockdown, the police now thought that there were two shooters coming from the roof of the hotel, and that the reports of shootings on the streets and at other hotels were false. They secured the lobby of the theatre and assembled a strike team outside the lobby for our protection. They then allowed people to visit the lobby to use the restroom. At this point they moved the remaining people from the restaurant into the theatre. My boss was not allowed to bring the ladies' bags into the theatre, so he stashed them in a cupboard so they were safe. The theatre and lobby was kept under lockdown for another three hours or so while the SWAT team were clearing the casino floor and each floor of the hotel room by room. People from the conference who were still in their rooms were texting us saying that SWAT had burst into their rooms guns up, made sure there was no threat, and then left. This spooked many of the conference attendees who later required counselling (put on by the conference organisers).
We were told that the entire hotel had been marked as a crime scene, and that we would be unable to return to our rooms. The police arranged for busses to evacuate the 1500-ish people in the theatre to various places - a site near the airport, a local university, a local sports field. They asked that the elderly, people with young children, and people requiring medical attention please line up for the first lot of busses. During this time, one lady started going into a seizure as she did not have access to her anti-seizure medication. The police made an announcement over the PA system asking if anyone had any of the specific medication she required. That was the last I heard of that so hopefully she was OK.
As we were all able bodied and staying in the hotel, we stayed behind and did not evacuate during the initial rounds. The evacuation process took place over the next few hours. Over this time, through twitter, reddit and listening to the police scanner, we learned that there was only a single shooter, he was firing from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay to a country music festival "Route 91" that was over the road from the Mandalay, that he shot himself, that there was over 50 dead, they had found a bomb in the killer's car, and that, thankfully, we were never in any real danger (although I would later find out that the killer's car was filled with ammonium nitrate explosive, and it was parked metres away from the theatre in the hotel's car park).
Throughout the lockdown, people were sleeping in aisles, sleeping on the floor, trying to call and message loved ones, eating and drinking food/drink from the concession stand (we were told to help ourselves at no charge), etc. People were sharing phone chargers to try and make sure we could all stay in contact with friends and family. A lady ("D") in front of us was worried about her one year old, who was in a hotel room with her grandmother. She was concerned that when her child awoke in the morning, there would be no substantial food in the hotel room. The manager of the theatre did everything he could - people were cold due to the air conditioning - had nothing to offer but napkins but did everything he could to try and make people comfortable. The theatre staff (who must have been equally terrified) were handing out water. I had a chat to some of the police, who mentioned they were getting tired and hoping that a new shift would come to relieve them soon. They had been on shift for about 14 hours.
At around 6:30am, a new shift of police came to relieve the team that had been protecting us all night. We thanked them for keeping us safe and they promptly left, thanking us for being cooperative.
At around 7:45am, the evacuations had finished. There was about 12 of us left in the theatre. My boss, his son, the two ladies we ran into, and a few more people. We were told that the SWAT team had cleared the hotel, and that we could go back to our rooms (with the exception of people staying on level 32 - I would later learn they were given new rooms). We were locked in the theatre for a total of around 10 hours. We went to RM Seafood with the ladies to retrieve their bags. We made sure they were OK and then we all went back to our rooms.
From this point forward, there were guards posted in the lobby, many more guards patrolling the casino floor. Guards with sniffer dogs walking around the hotel and conference area. Impromptu metal detectors were set up at the entrance to the conference facility. Everyone entering for the remainder of the conference would be subject to airport-style security - metal detector checks and bags searched.
We found out through talking to the hotel security staff that:
My hotel room overlooks the concert area. I've kept my windows shut as I did not want to see the bodies of the victims. I was told that they were still there to allow forensic investigators to document the crime scene. The front entrance of the hotel has remained closed, and there are road closures in place still.
About half of the conference attendees left, including "A". Many have had counselling that was arranged by the conference organisers.
Since this, Trump has come and gone, and today the vice president has come and gone. The death toll is up to 58. The hotel and casino is very quiet. The hotel staff are visibly shaken.
That's my story. I'm so thankful that I'm alive and can come home to my wife and children, pet bird and the rest of my family. When I look back at the ordeal, the only thing that really happened to us was fear through misinformation and confusion during the shooting. I am not a real victim. The people at the festival that were shot are the real victims, and the people that were injured trying to help the fallen.
Through this tragedy, I have seen both how disgustingly evil humanity can be, but also how amazingly selfless humanity can be. The red cross have more blood donations than they can handle. Seeing everyone look after each other in the theatre was amazing - everyone was looking after everyone else. Seeing the footage on the news of people helping the fallen get to safety, while bullets were raining down on them from above ... Words cannot describe the bravery of these people.
The gun control debate is raging here. I have heard people say things like "after this, I will never leave home without my gun again", which to me is complete madness. I read in the news that sales of guns have skyrocketed, and that "bump stocks" have sold out of gun shops everywhere as people fear they will be banned. Again, this is madness to me. I will never return to America after this. I simply do not feel safe here knowing that people have access to these unnecessary weapons.
Take care of one another.
Love Mike.
submitted by MikeNizzle82 to perth [link] [comments]

My story on why I'll never return to any MGM property again (long)

Sorry in advanced, mobile rant incoming.
So let me paint the scene. I don't have a rewards card with this casino chain. I am currently diamond at Harrah's and I wanted to go to status match, but they weren't open to do it when I arrived so I decided I'll do it tomorrow.
So I'm on a 30$ a spin slot machine I saw someone punt 1k on and win nothing. I throw 800$ in and win a feature, which ends up paying 1,300.. so I'm irritated that I'll have to pay taxes on this now with no record of loss statement because I didn't think this through.
Fast forward 20 minutes (how long it took to process my "jackpot" with no card previously established) and I decide to play blackjack. 50$ a hand table, bought in with 500$. Within 20 minutes I'm playing between 200 and 400 a hand, and it's not until I'm up considerably that they want me to get a card. I tell them I already missed the benefits tonight, so no thanks.
45 minutes later I leave with 5 grand, the pit boss wishes me a nice evening and I head to the cage. They take my chips into the cage and tell me I can't recieve payment until the pitboss rates me, and the only way to do that is to get a players card. I said give me the chips and I'll do it tomorrow then and they responded with "we can't release the chips to you until you get a players card" and proceeded to put them in a plastic box as if I'm dumb enough to reach in a casino cage arguing that its company policy to only pay out upon rewards card verification.
I'm a true degen gambler. I've played at Indian casinos, Ameristar, no names in the middle of nowhere(should out to Diamond Jack's and route 66) I have never in my life been forced to sign for your fucky fuck card to recieve my winnings.
Recap : I was allowed to play with no card, I was allowed to win with no card, I was allowed to leave my table with no card, I had no indication whatsoever that the pitboss was going to place a hold on my chips because I had no card, and it's not until I handed over my chips and they detained them that they forced me to get their card and wait for 45+ minutes to get my money
Fuck you MGM, seriously Fuck you
submitted by SoFreshTho to gambling [link] [comments]

The History of the cancelled and upcoming sonic movie

Out of all the video games that got movies....sonic took The longest to make, that's right paramount pictures sonic film and Sony's sonic film isn't the first time Sega tried to bring the blue blue to the big screen, in fact plans for the sonic movie began when the super Mario bros movie was being maid...also sonic has The most cancelled video game films out of all the video game movies, so everyone set back grab some chili dogs a drink and onion rings as I explained The History of the cancelled sonic me this is gonna be a long one....a very very long one
Sega and Mgm’s Sonic the Hedgehog: Wonders of the World: METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER In the early 90s, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer got the rights to do a Sonic the Hedgehog film, because SEGA wanted something to advertise the new Sega Saturn they were releasing, the company wanting the movie to come out in either late 1994 or early 1995.
Josh, a 12-year old son of a divorced couple, is presenting his incomplete school paper about a historic event he was tasked to write about. The unamused teacher warns Josh to finish his paper by tomorrow or face being referred to by his parents. After school, Josh goes home to an apartment owned by his father, Hal, an unemployed computer scientist who is doing research for his grand invention, a supercomputer called the XRI (eXtremely Radical Intelligence) that possesses artificial intelligence with the ability to project virtual reality. After dinner, Hal leaves to gather research on a piece of hardware, leaving Josh with the XRI. A curious Josh encounters the XRI and, after being unable to get it to help finish his school work, hooks up his Sega Saturn to play Sonic X-treme.[1]
At that moment, Sonic, the game's main character, discovers he has a will of his own and stops responding to Josh's controls. Josh manages to hack into the computer to bring Sonic out of the video game, becoming a 3D character capable of interacting with reality. Josh and Sonic form a bond with each other, but Sonic's departure from Sonic X-treme causes him to lose his power as time goes on and he ends up causing trouble throughout the real world, destroying Josh's apartment and causing car wrecks throughout the city. Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman (identified in the treatment through his real name, Dr. Robotnik) and his minions inadvertently escape the game and look to take over the real world, and Sonic is unable to stop him due to his draining powers.[1]
When Hal comes home to see his apartment in ruins, Josh's mother, Lisa, also stops by and the two start to argue. Josh attempts to explain what happened but neither believe him, with both blaming him for the mess. Josh is then taken out of Hal's custody to Lisa's home, where Sonic tracks him down. After leaving the house without Lisa noticing, Josh and Sonic devise a plot to find out about and stop Eggman's scheme by searching for Chaos Emeralds, which are scattered across the real world encased in ordinary rocks. After finding a Chaos Emerald, Sonic uses its power to temporarily regain his strength, and Sonic gives Josh a taste of the power of the emerald to help finish his school work, though Sonic warns Josh not to further exploit the emerald's power until he can master it. At the same time, Dr. Eggman sets up a shell corporation called Shady Corporation and uses it to purchase the abandoned Ramshackle Amusement Park, renaming it Botnikland Amusement Park. He recruits a group of school bullies and roboticizes them into Bullibots. Eggman orders the bots to look around the park and find the remaining Chaos Emeralds.[1]
Eggman then runs into Hal, who reluctantly accepts Eggman's offer to be the park's main research and development designer. Using Hal's XRI technology, Eggman develops a virtual reality ride to draw kids to the newly revived theme park. The park opens to huge crowds, with kids all across town attending opening day. However, when Josh and Sonic manage to inspect the ride, they discover Eggman is using the ride to turn the kids into his Badniks, calling them Kinder-Bots and forcing them to look around the park to find the Chaos Emeralds. After further inspection, the duo discover that Eggman, using the Chaos Emeralds, will program the XRI to turn the world's natural landmarks, such as Mount Everest and the Amazon rainforest, into digital replicas so that he can make virtual reality experiences and profit off of people wanting to see them, so that they wouldn't have to visit the landmarks themselves. The BulliBots catch the duo and a chase ensues, ending with a weak Sonic being captured and Josh barely escaping.[1]
After the chase, the Kinder-Bots return home, being unconditionally obedient to their parents. Josh hatches a plan to return everything back to normal and return Dr. Eggman back into the game world. The climax has Josh rescue Sonic and the duo battle Dr. Eggman before Josh activates the XRI and causes himself, Sonic, Dr. Eggman and the Badniks to enter Sonic X-treme. Another battle ensues, with a newly rejuvenated Sonic eventually defeating Dr. Eggman with Josh's help. With Eggman's plans foiled, he vows to return and escapes. Sonic decides to stay in his world knowing that it needs him to stop Eggman's schemes, and bids Josh farewell before the latter returns home and reunites with Hal and Lisa. The film ends with Josh promising Hal to remove the XRI, until he sees Sonic's eye wink at him at the screen and starts playing Sonic X-treme again.
Early stages Sega first came up with the idea of a feature-length Sonic the Hedgehog film during production of the cartoon in 1993. Newly-appointed consumer products director Michealene Risley, who was instrumental in green-lighting the series, was assigned to negotiate with several Hollywood producers to find support for the project. “I was basically driving the Sonic movie," Risley recalled to Kotaku in 2018. "I don’t know who came up with the idea – whether it was Tom [Kalinske, Sega of America CEO] or Shinobu [Toyoda, Sega executive vice-president and COO] or me, or we talked about it as a group – but having come from the movie world, I was always pushing those things."[1] Tom Kalinske, however, was hesitant on the idea of a movie, recalling how 1987's Masters of the Universe damaged the namesake toy-line and how the critical and commercial failures of Super Mario Bros. and Street Fighter stained the reputation of their namesake video game franchises. Kalinske noted to Kotaku that "There is really is that fear that a bad movie could potentially hurt your brand. The Sonic brand was strong enough to probably withstand it, but there is that fear."[1] Despite Kalinske's concerns, Sega was highly enthusiastic about the project, according to Risley. "It all depends on the timing of the movie, the look of the movie, whether you go live action or animation. [The film failing] was never an issue for us."[1] After about a year of negotiations, Sega struck a development deal in August 1994 with MGM and Trilogy Entertainment Group, led by producer Pen Densham, with Densham serving as executive producer of the planned movie.[1]
After securing the deal, Sega and MGM tapped Richard Jefferies to help come up with a screenplay for the film. Jefferies had previously written the cult classic The Vagrant for MGM in 1992, and had worked with Risley during her time at Marvel Comics to help write a proposed film adaptation of the Silver Surfer character. According to Jefferies, Sega wanted the ill-fated Sonic X-treme game, which was in development for the then-unreleased Sega Saturn, to tie-in with the movie, adding that Sega was "trying to co-ordinate the two and make the two compatible."[1] Sonic would have also been portrayed through heavy use of computer-generated imagery.[1] Jefferies' treatment contains a number of references to the franchise's games, with a notable example being Josh's school assignment. In it, he writes about a World War II test pilot named Sonic, who was killed in a freak accident when he tried to break the sound barrier.[1] This is a reference to the technical files of the first game that provided Sonic the Hedgehog's original backstory.
Jefferies' treatment was submitted to MGM in May 1995.[1] According to Jeffries, the draft received a positive reception among Sega and MGM executives, but Shinobu Toyoda sent a letter to Kalinske suggesting that Doctor Eggman be removed from the script, favoring a "strong/mean villain" to give the series a fresh idea.[1]
Cancellation Before the project could be green-lit, MGM suddenly backed out of the development deal, and after an attempt to revive the film at DreamWorks went nowhere, the film was scrapped.[1] It is unclear why MGM chose to drop the film from their slate, though Pen Densham claimed the deal broke down due to creative differences between Sega and Trilogy, causing the latter to pull out and leave MGM with the bill.[1] Jeffries, however, blamed "Hollywood politics" for the film's demise, believing that the studios each wanted a higher share of the film's profits.[1] He also suggested that the character had trouble adapting to the decline of the 16-bit console market. "The focus groups weren’t responding to the evolution of the character," Jeffries remarked, "and the heyday of the character was behind them. Maybe they were hoping a movie could help reinvigorate that. But maybe it was a response to where Sonic was headed, and maybe MGM came to that conclusion themselves. I don’t know."[1] Jeffries speculated that the film's budget would've reached around $150 million, making it MGM's most expensive film to date, and suggested that the financial concerns were another reason for MGM abandoning the film.[1]
MGM’s early ideas weren’t that bad, they were imagining a Who Framed Roger Rabbit type movie. Mixing live-action with animation..the studio executives weren’t that excited and shot down the idea, thinking it was too expensive.
They instead chose an incredibly bizarre script for the movie written by Richard Jeffries.
The script featured a 16-year old boy who suffers an accident that later gives him the ability to morph into a hedgehog, and the boy decides to use his new power for good. Since it had absolutely nothing to do with Sonic, SEGA demanded rewrites. Later Super Mario Bros. came to theaters and was a complete and utter failure. Both SEGA and MGM suddenly didn’t think video game movies were a very good idea. MGM then realized they had a new James Bond movie in the works so they ditched SEGA.
Sega and Ben Hurst Sonic Satam movie: that's right everyone's favorite sonic cartoon almost got A movie, A decade after MGM’s failed Sonic movie, one of the writers of SatAM called Ben Hurst pitched a movie acting as a continuation of the show, this time animated. But, darn Ken Penders had to get involved. He pretended to be helping Ben, and then went up to SEGA and claimed that Ben was trying to steal the Sonic franchise. This killed any attempt of Ben’s movie idea being made. Being the jerk he is, Penders then brought up his own concept for a movie to SEGA.
Sega and Ken penders Sonic Armageddon: This was the movie that Penders pitched to SEGA, the plot seemed to be much darker with Mobius being destroyed and roboticization being much more gruesome then in the cartoon. Most of the important characters are not shown and a few of them have major redesigns (the biggest being Snively, who’s now more cyborg-like). SEGA was interested, but Sonic X was airing and they didn’t think it would be worth it to have a show AND A movie out at the same time with different continuities.This went far enough to have concept art and a trailer. ..a very awful trailer-
Ken penders knuckles the echidna movie: In the early 2000s, wind was caught of lead writer Ken Penders’ alleged attempt to get an animated feature film centered around Knuckles the Echidna into development, the key studio of choice being DreamWorks SKG.
His proposals were rejected (according to Penders) not out of disinterest, but due to severe legal complications regarding the copyrights to any Sonic characters developed in connection to the license by any party, which are said to essentially render the story thus far created through the intertwining roles of Japanese and American-conceived characters and concepts entirely limited to the media in which they first appeared—in this case, the Archie comic book series. (It is believed that this same snag is the reason for Sonic’s suspiciously unnamed home planet featured in Sonic X.)
To this day, it is supposed that, due to these complications, Sonic and his friends will never grace the big screen in any form not sanctioned by Sega of Japan in whatever form they choose, and the odds that elements originating from the pages of Archie, including such central elements as the Dark Legion in this case, are extremely slim due to the same set of circumstances.In a self-published article, Penders mentioned that the film proposed would have been an animated feature, though whether the animation would have been traditional or computer-generated is unknown.
Sega and Ken penders sonic the hedgehog movie: that's right the sonic Archie comics almost got a movie, In the mist of the coming dispute between Archie and their freelancers there was some reflection by Ken Penders on his Twitter. In fact the reflection may have revealed more than reflected.He and SEGA were planning on a film project earlier in the decade that would be based on his work for Archie. The film was scheduled to be released in 2011 but one unfortunate event would prove to be the setback that resulted in the project being discontinued. Penders explains more:
Ken penders: I have documents that show SEGA & I were trying to launch a film project based on the work I did for the Archie comic series, I had meetings with them in person in Hollywood, at their offices, at several E3 shows and #comiccon .
One thing you need is someone within the company who believes in your project, and that person untimely passed away on us, I had the backing of the producedirector of the FOX animated X-MEN series, who was aiming for a 2011 release. We considered SEGA Licensing Director Robert Leffler a personal friend as well as business associate. The project was designed to establish a global Sonic continuity based on the Sat-AM and Archie series with SEGA’s blessing. The film would have defined Sonic and Sally as an official couple for the franchise.
Sega and Sony's cancelled sonic the hedgehog movie
on 3 December 2013, Sony Pictures Digital Domain Names, Inc., a division of Sony Pictures Entertainment, filed a notice of registration for three inactive websites adressed as "", "" and "". The registrations were reported by The Sonic Stadium on 7 December, but neither Sony Pictures nor Sega confirmed the existence of a proposed film project at the time.[21]
On 20 March 2014, a film adaptation was first hinted when The Tracking Board released a rumor about the film, stating that it would receive a "Dark Knight treatment" and posted a writer shortlist of proposed writers involved.[22] On 10 June 2014, the official Sonic website was updated, with a locked section listing "TV and Movies."[23] Later that same day, at a private Sega/Sony Pictures press conference, The Hollywood Reporter reported the confirmation of the film, and that Sony had green-lit the project.[3]
It was revealed on 21 June 2014 that Sonic the Hedgehog and its eventual successor films will be a separate continuity from the Sonic Boom continuity.[24] On 19 November 2014, Van Robichaux stated that the film production team is "aiming for [a] PG-13 [rating]".[25]
On 31 October 2016, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Tim Miller, who had left directing Deadpool 2 due to creative differences, had been hired as executive producer for the film and that Jeff Fowler will assume directorial duties. Patrick Casey and Josh Miller are also confirmed to write the script.[4]
Van Robichaux, the former writer of the Sonic Movie, before being replaced by Patrick Casey and Josh Miller, said some more details about the production of the Sonic Movie while it was being produced by Sony Pictures.
-Jeff Fowler was attached to direct the movie as far back as when the project was still at Sony.
-The reason why Sony didn’t produce movie was because of the 2014 hack and a lot of the new executives that were brought to oversee the project didn’t like the direction the movie was taking.
-Sega and Van clashed over Dr. Robotnik’s name. Van wanted him to be named Dr. Robotnik as it would be easier for American audiences to swallow and would be “more intimidating”, but Sega wanted him to be named Eggman.
-Van clashed a lot with an unnamed Sony executive (most likely Amy Pascal)
But wait there's more....someone on Reddit i guess managed to find more leaked info about Sony's sonic movie...Now this could be fake, but seeing how the 2014 Sony hack happing it wouldn't be surprising if this is true
"It would've originally stayed more close to the games and would have been like a combination of Sonic 1 and Sonic Adventure in terms of story.
I think this leak is real considering how many early plot synopsis there were during production of the movie, and also because it talks about a casino and a lead human male and female role (the film is currently going under the name "Sonic The Hedgehog: Casino Nights" as a working title, and now we have a cop and his wife confirmed in the story).
And Also because Sony had an entirely different vision for the film than Paramount does. Sony's idea was to make a more darker origin story for the characters. Paramount seems to be wanting to make a comedy adventure family film considering it has comedic actors like Jim Carrey and Tika Sumpter involved.
When Paramount got the rights to the film they completely redid the script and the story. Here is a supposed leaked early draft of the film's plot (this includes the ending):
"Sonic (Schwartz) is a tearaway teenage rebel hedgehog living in the forest near Green Hills, Montana. He was mutated by experiments by Doctor Robotnik (Carrey), along with several other animals, who escaped years ago and now live in peace. Tails and Knuckles aren't mentioned in the script, but it can be inferred they're around.
Doctor Robotnik's experiments centered around ancient golden Incan rings, which the animals took with them when they escaped. Sonic is restless and wants to see the world. He's caught speeding in Green Hills town and arrested by the sheriff, Tom (Marsden). He quickly becomes a viral sensation online, and draws the attention of Dr. Robotnik, who comes to Green Hills to get back the rings. Despite Tom trying to protect Sonic, he's captured by Robotnik and taken to his government lab. Tom is able to break inside with the help of town locals who have befriended Sonic, and together they free him. A last stand takes place in Green Hills as Robotnik launches an assault with gadgets and robots he's created, but is foiled by traps laid by the townsfolk and Sonic. Robotnik is blown up, survives, and is then arrested for his illegal experiments becoming public. Sonic is hailed as a hero, but rather than wanting to see the world, he decides he wants to stay and protect his home, Green Hills. Ends with him running down a highway."
When someone asked if he goes fast in the film, the leaker responded this:
"He goes fast a few times, but it didn't read very exciting. It's more like zipping down highways or quickly leaving a room and popping back in with a chili dog, which happens once.
Oh, I forgot to mention there are a couple of oblique references to the game. Robotnik has divided America up into 'Zones' in a map at his lab. He actually says, "I need back up to the Green Hills Zone!" at one point. Sonic speeds past a signpost making it spin around, which I took to be a reference to the spinning signs at the end of levels."
When someone asked how close it was stay true to the games, they responded:
"The way it read, it was meant for people who remember playing Sonic years ago but not much else. The references are as general as you can get, in that there is Sonic, there are rings, 'Green Hills'. It doesn't adhere to any storyline from the games, comics or anything else.
To be honest, it felt like an Alvin and the Chipmunks or Smurfs movie.""
Sega and paramount pictures upcoming sonic the hedgehog movie
It was announced on 2 October 2017 that Viacom-owned Paramount Pictures had acquired the film rights to Sonic the Hedgehog from Sony, replacing the latter as distributor. Sony had temporally shut down production before the switch after placing it into turnaround.[6] The announcement came after co-producer Neal Moritz's Original Film banner signed a first-look production deal with Paramount the prior month, ending their previous deal with Sony, and several months after Sony's film financing partner LStar Capital ended its deal with Sony due to a string of box office failures from the studio.[26][27] Despite the change of studios, the production staff working on the film remained employed and moved to Paramount as well.[6] This is not the first time Paramount and Sega have crossed paths - from 1969 to 1983, both were subsidiaries of Gulf and Western Industries.
On 22 February 2018, an official press release was put out confirming the film's move to Paramount and a release date of 15 November 2019, a date that was first reported by The Hollywood Reporter two days prior.[28][29] Sega will have creative input into the project and will co-finance it with Paramount, who will release the film worldwide.[28]
Independent outlet Omega Underground reported on 4 March 2018 that the film's producers were circling Junkie XL to compose the film's musical score, reuniting him with Miller once again after doing the score for Deadpool. The site also reported that Paramount was aiming to begin filming at some point in July, backing up story co-writer Van Robichaux's speculation he tweeted a month prior.[30][31]
On 1 April 2018, it was announced that filming was going to start on 30 July in Vancouver, instead of Atlanta as previously reported.[32]
On 29 May 2018, it was reported that Paul Rudd was in talks for a lead role as Tom, "a cop who befriends Sonic and will likely team up to defeat Dr. Eggman". Paramount later clarified that this was not the case, but that Rudd had been considered for the role at one point. The same day it was revealed that the film will have a budget of $90 million.[33] The following day, it was announced that James Marsden had been cast in an undisclosed role,[34] later revealed to be Tom Wachowski.
On 7 June 2018, it was announced that Tika Sumpter was cast to star opposite James Marsden in an undisclosed role.[35] On 12 June 2018, it was later stated that shots of the film would be filmed at Vancouver's Highway 19 during mid-September 2018, and that the movie's current title is "SONIC".[36] Soon after, screenwriter Patrick Casey revealed that for the film, Sonic would have a design that was still him and yet a "little more realistic".[25] At Too Many Games in 2018, Johnny Gioeli stated that “Sega Has Nothing To Do With The Sonic Movie”.[37] Takashi Iizuka soon after corrected though, that he would be supervising the film.[38] Sonic the Hedgehog was originally slated for a 15 November 2018 release, but after Sony Pictures' turnaround, it is now scheduled to be released in the United States on 8 November 2019 by Paramount Pictures.[1] In an exclusive IGN interview the first official poster for the film was released on 10 December 2018, revealing its official title as Sonic the Hedgehog. Tim Miller explained Sonic's redesign:
"That was always Stage 1 of adapting it to what the real world is and what a real animal would be like, it would be weird and it would feel like he was running around nude if he was some sort of otter-like thing. It was always, for us, fur, and we never considered anything different. It’s part of what integrates him into the real world and makes him a real creature. <...> I don’t think SEGA was entirely happy with the eye decision, but these sorts of things you go, ‘It’s going to look weird if we don’t do this.’ But everything is a discussion, and that’s kind of the goal, which is to only change what’s necessary and stay true to the rest of it."[2] Filming
Principal photography commenced on 30 July 2018 at Vancouver, British Columbia, and continued until 30 September 2018. During filming, the picture was shot under the working title "Casino Night", a reference to the level in Sonic the Hedgehog 2.[39] A casting call was ordered to run on 18 Aug 2018, 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm PT and 19 Aug 2018, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm PT for residents of Ladysmith, BC. The roles were for the "townsfolk" from the fictional town, Green Hills.[40] Filming ended on 16 October 2018.[41] Despite this, more filming took place in downtown San Fransisco in late October.[42]
Well that was a very long post...Anyway guys let me know what you think of these cancelled films down below
submitted by Windowsboy2018 to SonicTheMovie [link] [comments]

The Carver

Two years ago, I took a look back on my life and thought, was the work I was doing really something I was proud of?
As a kid, I was moved from one foster family in Vegas to another. My parents died before I can remember. My daily routine was as such, no matter what home I was in. I worked out my body during the day and read at night to educate my mind.
As life went on, when I was old enough to work, I started out as a floor sweeper outside of a casino. Later, I made my way up to become a blackjack dealer, eventually working my way up to mechanic—a blackjack dealer who is so good with his hands, he can pull any card from the deck. Since I was one of the best, the house only brought me out to handle the players suspected of card counting. It was good money. But, as most jobs, it got boring. One evening, I decided to tell my boss that I would like to move up; do a little something different. He gave me the once over, saw how tall I was along with how much muscle I had, and asked if I would be interested in security. I told him I was indeed.
That’s when I met the man himself. The one and only, Dana White, the modern day Godfather of Las Vegas. Say what you want about the guy; but to me, he has a mind like no other. He had heard good things about me and partnered me up with a guy named Vino. Vino was an ex-navy seal, who had specialized in combat and torture. He taught me a lot. Some of the things I still have nightmares about to this day. Even though the guy scared me, he was honest. As an example: there was this one guy—Jimmy, I think his name was—who owed the house $75,000 and couldn’t pay. See, if you’re staying at a hotel in Vegas, you can walk into the hotel casino and ask for $25,000 in chips. They will ask for your ID, making you sign a paper, and charge it to your hotel bill. At the end of your stay, if you don’t have the cash, that’s where we have a problem. You deal with people like me.
When Dana found out this Jimmy couldn’t pay, naturally, Vino and I were brought in to settle the dispute. Mediators, if you will. We did our thing and got him to sign his car to us, a Mercedes-Benz convertible SL. Since the car was worth about $100,000, the guy walked away with a good $15,000 in cash. See, we were good people. Honest-like.
Toward my early thirties, I had done a lot of things I wasn’t proud of. I felt myself, getting darker and darker. I was getting too desensitized. I also tortured people for a living when they couldn’t pay. Towards this point in my career, their screams of pain became more of an annoyance, but I couldn’t gag them because I needed information. If they had a stash in a safe somewhere, etc.
Also, I wasn’t enjoying it anymore. It wasn’t fun like it used to be. It became “just a job.” I tried spicing up my torture sessions by adding more of a variety. See, I have this potato peeler, right? Only I replaced the standard blades with sharped razors. Believe it or not, that works. Human skin peels just like a potato. You can shave over and over again, and thin layers of skin will peal right off. It’s a very effective method of torture. You should try it sometime. Dana loved the tool; even wanted one as a Christmas present. As a joke, he named me, “The Carver.”
But, anyways . . . not only did I do torture, I was also in charge of disposals. That’s exactly what it sounds like. If somebody needs to be . . . “handled,” I would take care of the individual and dispose of the body by burying it in the desert. Believe or not, this happens all the time in Vegas. And I was the guy who got it done. But, like I said, after all of these years of committing horrible acts, I didn’t like what I was becoming.
That’s when I talked to Dana and told him what was up. I told him I needed a break. Surprisingly, he was quite understanding. He told me I always had a job waiting for me if I ever wanted to return. I told him thank you.
For the next couple of months, I enjoyed my retirement. I had a lot of money saved up. To thank me for my work, Dana had given me a decent sized house and car. I always suspected that he never wanted me to leave town, that he wanted to keep a close eye on me, and I was fine with that. I didn’t even mind the extra app on my phone that monitored my GPS, or the security system Dana had installed in my house with the cameras constantly recording in every room.
Since I knew a lot about the business, I understood how things worked. I even checked in with him every so often, competed in a couple of poker tournaments to keep up appearances, and went to all the UFC events. I finally felt like I had some sort of happiness, but there was always a void in my life, and I wasn’t sure how to fill it.
Then, one night, everything changed. I happened to be leaving the Luxor when I heard a cry of pain from the main road. It was sloppy. Too many tourists around to hear. When I moved to the alley to investigate, I saw a mugging. Two guys. One girl—one of the prettiest I’d ever seen. Then I realized it wasn’t a mugging when I saw one of the guys undoing his belt buckle.
I took a step forward. “Everything alright?”
With sheer terror on her face, the girl begged for my help. That’s when I noticed who the two guys were. Two small-time dealers who used to work for me at the Mandalay Bay. When they saw who I was, they took off running. It didn’t matter. If I needed to, I could easily find out where they lived.
I approached the lady and handed her my cell. She called the police, and an ambulance arrived. I gave her my number and said if she needed anything to let me know.
A few days later, she called. She told me she wanted to take me out to dinner as a thank you for saving her life. Cassidy was her name. At first, I was a bit reluctant. Guys like me don’t tend to have working relationships. I was more in the nature of buying a whore for the night and calling it a day.
Somehow, she convinced me, and we went out. It actually turned out a lot better than expected. Not getting sex on the first night was kind of a turn on. Not only that, she read a lot and was pretty smart. At the end of that night, I went home with a genuine smile on my face and realized that had not happened in a really long time.
We saw each other a couple of times after that, with each date getting better and better. Two years later we were married, which brings us to the present.
Early February of this year, my world was rocked. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the UFC was negotiating to be bought by some group called the WME-IMG. They put in a bid for 1 billion whereas Dana wanted 5. It was then that Dana came knocking on my door and told me it was time to get back to work. Being that it was going to be at least a billion dollar buy out, he needed me there; somebody he could trust to make sure everything stayed in line. I told him honestly I wasn’t interested in torturing or killing anybody anymore. I was married and I wanted to put that life behind me.
He said that was fine. Because of my size, I was only to be there for presence only. He asked me to do it as a personal favor for him. I agreed. So I went back to work, and was there for everything. For the next five months, seven days a week, I would leave at seven in the morning and not come back until almost midnight on some days.
One night, I came home and found Cassidy snuggled up in our bed. I undressed and gently climbed in only to find that she wasn’t sleeping. She asked how much longer I would be working these hours. I told her the truth. I had no idea. She rolled over on her side, showing me her back. She was pissed, and I knew it.
I sighed and made a silent promise. After this was over, I would make it up to her. A trip—just her and I—to the Bahamas or something. The next day, during my lunch break, I walked over to Victoria Secrets and picked out a lovely black bra and panty set. From the lacy design, I knew they would be perfect on Cassidy. For an extra price, I could have it same day delivered to our house. This was perfect, because I had to return back to the office after lunch.
With a smile that my gift would make things right, I paid, and it was sent to my house.
That night, I went home and found that she was dressed and going out for the evening. Not only that, she was talking on the phone. As soon as I entered the room, I heard her say, “I’ll talk to you later,” and abruptly hung up on whomever she was talking too.
That gave me pause. She had never done that before.
“Everything okay?” I asked, setting my keys on the wall table.
“Y-yes,” she said. Her lip twitched. “It was my mom. She’s considering coming down for the weekend.”
My training from Vino took over. Her demeanor told me something. She was nervous about something. About what though?
“That was your mother on the phone?” I asked.
She cleared her throat. Another sign of lying. “Yes.”
“I see. Heading out?”
“Only for a couple of hours.
“Shopping?” I asked.
She shook her head. “Yes.
Verbal/non-verbal disconnect. She said one thing and her body did another. Another lie.
“Want me to I go with you?”
“It’s okay, you don’t need to worry about it. I shouldn’t be back too late. Promise.”
I smiled. “Okay, I’ll be here when you get back. Love you.”
She approached me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Love you too.”
That was suspicious. Too suspicious. I waited ‘till she left then hopped into my own car and followed her. I knew how to tail people; I’d done it many times. Besides, it was too dark out. She would only see my headlights in her rearview. For the first time in a long time, my heart pumped fast and hard. I just didn’t know what to expect. Light raindrops dotted my windshield as cars whipped pasted.
We drove for about 15 minutes before coming down in front of the MGM. I waited as the valet took her car. She entered the hotel.
I followed, giving my car to the valet as well. When I arrived into the entrance hallway, I saw her talking to another man. He was tall, though didn’t have nearly as much muscle as I did. He was dressed in a tailor made suit and carried a briefcase. Who the hell does that now or days? Carry a briefcase.
He removed his hat then leaned over and kissed her on the lips. She opened her mouth and tongue was exchanged.
My jaw tightened. A spike of anger flowed through me. I clinched my fist. My wife. She was having an affair. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my rising temper. If I was going to deal with this, I needed a plan. It didn’t take long to formulate one.
After they left, I approached the reception lady. She looked at me with a smile as I approached. I told her who I was, that I was a dear friend with the owner of the MGM, which was true. Then I bribed her with all of the cash I had in my pocket. $1200 later, I had the information I needed. The room number: 712. I also asked for the room directly across from them. It was empty. That one I paid with my credit card.
The next twenty minutes were the most agonizing, longest minutes of my life. I paced back and forth the whole time, my head filled with dark images of what was happening on the other side of that door of room 712. I only hoped they were talking. That was it. That had to be it. They were just talking. I would find out soon. Afterward, I settled on cleaning my gun.
When I was ready, I put my gloves on. Tight. Black. Leather. I picked up my gun and slammed the magazine clip into the well. I pulled back the slide release and let it go. It clicked that familiar sound I was used to hearing. It was calming. Blissful. I screwed in the silencer.
I took a breath, readying myself for what I was going to find. I opened my door and stepped to the one across from me. Without a second thought, I kicked the door open, ripping apart the frame. I stepped into the hotel room and closed the door behind me. I took my hat off hung it on the coat tree. I rolled my neck. Chills ran down my arms.
“What the hell is this!” the man yelled, coming into the main room, his focus dead set on me.
He wore a pink, silk robe that hung down to his mid-thighs. The top half with parted open to give me a full view of his hairy chest. One thing I had to say, though: he had a distinct face, with perfect features. Light eyes, dark hair. Striking jawline. A small, strong nose. Quite handsome indeed.
Without a second thought, I shot him in the face. The back of his head exploded. Blood spattered on the door frame behind him.
My wife screamed. The same fearful screams I heard the first night I met her.
I heaved a sigh and walked into the bedroom. When I entered, I paused at what I saw. The room screamed luxurious with mirrored ceilings, a Jacuzzi in the center and a bed that looked the size of two king sized beds pressed together. Glitter pearl wallpaper was on every wall. And it smelled like sex and cigarette smoke. Cassidy laid on the bed, most likely naked behind the blanket, which she used to cover herself.
She stopped screaming. Her eyes widened. “Benny?”
I didn’t say a word. The anger on my face told her all she needed to know. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something. On the floor, was a pair of black, silk panties. Same style as the ones I bought her that day. My mouth went dry. An emotion swelled in my chest that I don’t know how to describe. Like a heart attack without actually having one. I swallowed. Gently, I leaned over and picked them off the floor.
“Benny, I can explain,” she said.
Anger swelled with me. It was them. I gripped the panties in my hand and crushed them. Though it wasn’t physically hurting them, it made me feel better; an outlet for my anger.
“Benny?” she cautiously called out again.
At that, I walked up to her and hit her in the head with the butt of my gun. She was knocked out cold. I lifted her naked ass out of the bed and slung her over my shoulder, fireman style. With my opposite hand, I called Vino. Told him I needed a favor. A clean up in room 712, MGM. He told me it would be his pleasure.
I left the room and waited outside for the valet to retrieve my car. Even though I had a naked woman slung over my shoulder, nobody said a thing. “What happens in Vegas,” is actually a thing. The locals were used to seeing things like this all the time.
When I got home, I handcuffed her and zip tied the chain to the shower head. Then I broke out most of the lights, only leaving the one that shone directly above her. The rest of the bathroom was cloaked in darkness. I grabbed my work bag out of the closet. In it was my tools. Something I hadn’t used for years. Then I walked back into the bathroom, put the lid down to the toilet and took a seat, leaving half of my body bathing in the shadows. I patiently waited for Cassidy to wake up.
An hour later, I heard her groan. It was close to 2:00am.
As soon as she was decently conscious, I began to speak, “I never told you about my life before you.”
I smiled to myself. “Honestly, I thought it would scare you.”
Her jaw twitched. “Benny, what is this?”
She tried to move her hands, clanking metal of shower head echoed.
I continued. “I never told you about the things I had done, about the acts I’ve committed.”
“Benny? Why am I handcuffed?” Her lip quivered.
“I didn’t want you to think differently of me. That I wasn’t the person who you fell in love with.”
Her voice broke. “I-I do love you.”
I smirked and shook my head. “No. Because if you did, you wouldn’t have cheated on me.”
“Are you going to kill me?”
My smile broadened. “Do you think I'm that boring?”
"What does that mean?"
"Don't worry. You'll soon find out enough . . ."
Her panicked gaze met mine. “Please. I-I can explain—”
“You know, when I first met you, there was a void in my life. And I thought that you were the one who filled that void.”
“Benny, pl-please . . .don't—”
“But that wasn’t it. You were not it.” I paused. “I understand now,” I said, more speaking to myself.
Tears streamed down her face. “I don’t know what that means!”
“See, that void was my old job. I loved doing what I used to do. The only thing I needed was a break is all, not stopping altogether. I-I’ve missed it so much. It was calling to me the whole time and yet, I didn’t answer.”
“Wh-what are you talking about!” she yelled at me, shaking her hands violently.
“Shh, ssh, it’s okay. It's okay,” I soothed. I stood up, shushing her by putting my finger to her lips.
“Let me show you,” I said softly. “Let me show you exactly what I am talking about . . .”
Then I took out my potato peeler and got to work. She cried, screamed, begged for me to stop. I heard her pleas, assuring her that it would be over soon, just to let go. She didn’t. I continued. In some places, I even shaved it down to the bone. After I applied the rubbing alcohol, she screamed so loud, her voice gave out.
It was interesting, as I was doing this, I found true happiness once again. The blissful pleasure calling out to me to do what needed to be done. I cried that night. Why? Because I was happy. It was like making love for the first time, and I was ready to release it all.
Four hours later, it was done. I held her in my arms as she took her last breath, a brief shutter before going still. On the shower floor were hundreds of slices of flayed flesh.
Truthfully, she should have been proud of herself of lasting as long. Most people don’t, though I’d never tortured a woman before. I guess it is true what they say. They have a better tolerance to pain then men. From experience, I can tell you that is a fact. Even in torture.
When I was done, I called Dana. I told him, “I’m ready to come back to work full time. To help you with anything you need.”
I heard him smile on the opposite end of the phone. “Good to hear, I knew you’d back home eventually. They always do.” He paused. “How about I send along Vino in the morning and have him clean up that bathroom of yours. Free of charge.”
I knew he would be watching from the security camera. I didn’t care. Dana was a good guy. I knew he had my back. He probably already had taken care of the security footage at the MGM as well as made sure the staff kept their mouths shut.
“Sounds good. Thanks, Dana.”
I hung up the phone. Afterward, I took a shower, directly next to my wife’s body and cleaned myself up. It had been a long night and I was tired. If I was going to get back to work tomorrow, I needed to be well rested. Then I went to bed with a smile on my face. Everything was great. Perfect even.
As I look back, at the beginning, I asked if this type of work was something I could be proud of. The answer is yes. Yes, it is.
submitted by ThomasGrave to nosleep [link] [comments]

The name’s Bond… James Bond. A deeper look at Casino Royale (2006)

Hey folks! I'm planning on watching all 23 of the James Bond films between now and the release of Spectre in November. 007 films have always been my guilty pleasure and I thought it might be worth trying to have a more analytical discussion about them. If you all are interested, I'll be posting one of these discussions/reviews every 2 weeks. So here goes!



It’s often said that Bond films are made and broken by their villains. I say that this is a fine metric for all pre-Craig entries. Don’t get me wrong. Le Chiffre is perhaps one of my favorite Bond villains and I’ll get into that shortly, however this film isn’t dictated by the quality of the villain as he is overshadowed by a far more fulfilling character. We finally have our first film that is truly about James Bond.

For the first time in the illustrious 44 year history of the franchise, we get a film that honors James Bond as a three-dimensional character. The role is juicy and Craig delivers spectacularly. The film dives deep, deep into the psyche of a spy — of a killer. I revel in the pointed exchanges between Bond and M. It is a pleasure to watch Bond arrogantly defend his actions. He is smug, self-righteous, and (to his superiors and peers) frustratingly correct more often than not. The caustic sparing between Bond and Vesper Lynd in their first meeting on the train even takes the title of greatest dialogue sequence away from Pierce’s Bond vs. Dench’s M in GoldenEye. It’s intelligent, it’s hysterical, and it’s real. It’s everything that a conversation between a top-tier, egotistical field agent and an aggressively ambitious agency accountant would be.

And speaking of Vesper, there is no doubt that she is the greatest of all of Bond’s female cohorts. Obviously with 20 films to choose from, there are no shortage of female characters to consider. Pussy Galore is first competent female character who isn’t being played by forces out of her control. She’s completely dismissed for being a lesbian and taken advantage of in a terribly unsexy love scene. Tracy Bond is a fiercely independent and upstanding young woman. But ultimately she is restricted by her role as the obedient daughter. Anya Amasova is the first truly self-reliant, professional female. Even her character's integrity is completely undone as the writers go for a cheap sex scene at the end of the film. None of this applies to Vesper. She is self-sufficient. She is clever. She is human. The scene in which Bond comforts her in the shower following his visceral killing of a couple of thugs is one of the most striking and easily the most touching scenes in the entire series.

Finally, as I mentioned before, Le Chiffre is one of my favorite villains. He is a welcome breath of fresh air in a series that had clumsily escalated to the point of villains wearing cheap Ironman knock off suits shooting lasers from the moon. Le Chiffre is a mathematical wizard who enjoys embezzling the money of his criminal clientele. Best of all, the entire plot of Casino revolves around Le Chiffre’s necessity to recollect $100 million of his clients’ funds that he lost betting the wrong way on a stock shortage. This sets up a fantastic dynamic between hero and villain. Unlike Everything that Le Chiffre does, he does out of fear and desperation. As the veil thins and the stakes raise, his actions become increasingly wretched, eventually concluding in a skin-crawling torture scene.

Look and Sound

Plain and simple, Casino Royale is the sexiest looking Bond film yet. Even the stylized scenes (the cold open and it’s accompanying flashback) are positively stunning. Daniel Craig’s introduction isn’t one of flash and spectacle. He doesn’t get a big Hollywood close up. His first lines are as dry in content as they are in delivery. The first time we see him, he is sitting in the far corner of a dark office. All we see is his face, unmoving and small in the film’s frame, his body obscured in noir-like darkness. Mads Mikkelsen's already superb performance is also greatly enhanced by top tier lighting.

When the frame moves, the direction is just as immaculate as when it is still. The camera motion invokes a high level of energy during a series of perfectly choreographed, photographed, and executed action scenes. The stunt work and effect work is above and beyond any heretofore seen 007 footage. The parkour chase scene and airport chase scene are two of the most exhilarating sequences the franchise has to offer.

David Arnold’s score is above average, though ultimately it doesn’t stand out too far from its contemporary film scores. That said, my absolute favorite music decision is that of the delayed gratification of the James Bond theme. It is absent throughout the entire score until the final seconds in which the familiar tune slowly and smirkingly edges in as our protagonist saunters into frame to utter the ever-iconic line, “Bond… James Bond.”

Chris Cornell’s “You Know My Name” is solid though I wouldn’t rank it terribly high in the annals of Bond Song history. The accompanying credit sequence on the other hand is quite possibly my favorite. Title designer Daniel Kleinman dispenses with the standard 3D abstractions in favor of flat colors and 2D design.

Casino marks the final Bond film in which Peter Lamont acted as Production Designer. His mark on the series is as notable as his predecessor, Ken Adam. Where Adam emphasized the stylized mid-century modern world of Connery's Bond, Lamont took the world in a decidedly new direction. Beginning in 1981 on the production of For Your Eyes Only, Lamont aimed to produce a world that felt tangible, modern, and realistic. In this final film, his efforts reach their zenith. When paired with the positively stunning lighting from cinematographer, Phil Méheux, the combination is a world that requires no suspension of disbelief.

Callbacks, Recurrences, and Tropes

From the first frame, things have changed. Immediately following the MGM lion’s roar, we find ourselves at the snowy exterior of a foreign government building. No gun barrel sequence here. The scene plays out with Bond discussing his first ever kill as a government agent. During the conversation, we flashback to the fight. It climaxes with Bond’s nemesis springing back to life and aiming a gun at 007. The POV snaps into the barrel of the gun as Bond reacts, shooting the would-be killer in the familiar manner of the traditional gun barrel shot.

Casino Royale is the first film of the series not to include either Moneypenny or a Quartermaster. While Dr. No didn’t include a character by the name of Q, it did have Major Boothroyd, MI6’s armorer. Incidentally, Q is referred to as Major Boothroyd in The Spy Who Loved Me. It's a bit confusing but the moral of the story is that there is no gadget master in Casino Royale. With that is the absence of the traditional gadgetry as we’ve come to expect. One of the few prop callbacks is the return of the iconic 1964 Aston Martin DB5. The DB5 makes its fifth showing in the series, following appearances in Goldfinger, Thunderball, GoldenEye, and a brief cameo in Tomorrow Never Dies. In one of the wiser casting decisions, Judy Dench was asked to return as M. She provides a pleasant bridge in the casting change between Brosnan and Craig.

Casino also marks the return of CIA Agent Felix Leiter — this time portrayed by Jeffrey Wright. It shouldn’t come as a surprise by this point that Wright’s portrayal of Leiter is also undoubtedly the best of the series. Gone is the portrayal of Americans as cowboys and the rednecks. That’s not to say that the character isn’t without his Americanisms. I do get a chuckle every time Bond asks Leiter what will become of the poker game winnings if Bond beats Le Chiffre. Leiter response with a toothy grin, “does it look like we need the money?”

Casino even handles one of the more preposterous 007 traditions in spectacular fashion. It would seem entirely out of place for a character to have a name like Pussy Galore or Xenia Onatopp. The gag still makes an appearance, however. When briefing Vesper on their upcoming mission, Bond playfully informs her that her undercover alias is Stephanie Broadchest (and that she’s just going to have to trust him on this one).

Finally, even Bond’s signature drink order is adjusted to reflect the new character’s coarse nature. After being denied reentry into the poker tournament, Bond orders a drink while he stews over his course of action. He then responds to the bartender’s “shaken or stirred” inquiry by snapping, “does it look like I give a damn?”

Overall Impression

Spectacular. Visually stunning. Emotionally gripping. Engaging, exhilarating, electrifying. The strongest and most unique entry thus far. Technically proficient in every way with writing that is entirely without equal. Every facet from the cinematography to the costuming appears to be fully thought out and executed in with the utmost care and proficiency. I suppose it’s a bit of a faux pas to refer to another review in your own review but Roger Ebert said it best when he explained that as the years went on, he was becoming less convinced that he would ever need to see another James Bond film until he saw Casino Royale.

Quick Hits

Category Score Note
Writing 9.5 Top notch. Sharp, smart, funny.
Directing 10 Gorgeous framing, excellent camera moves, pulled some fantastic acting from his cast.
Acting 9 As true to real witnessing real life as you’re going to get in a Bond film.
Cinematography 10 Even for a non-Bond film it’s still positively breathtaking.
Production Design 10 Peter Lamont continues to deliver.
Score 8.5 Rock solid without being exceptional.
Editing 9 Fantastic pacing. Never feels slow or dull.
Effects 9.5 Stunts and effects are mind blowing.
Costumes 10 Watching Daniel Craig evolve into the Bond that we know and love is a spectacular moment.
Personal Score 9.5

Score - 95 / 100

Film Score
Casino Royale 95
GoldenEye 86
Goldfinger 85
On Her Majesty's Secret Service 82
The Spy Who Loved Me 80
The World is Not Enough 79
From Russia With Love 76
The Living Daylights 75
You Only Live Twice 73
License to Kill 72
Dr. No 70
The Man with the Golden Gun 68
Tomorrow Never Dies 68
Live and Let Die 66
Thunderball 61
A View to a Kill 59
Moonraker 59
For Your Eyes Only 55
Octopussy 48
Diamonds Are Forever 37
Die Another Day 30

Bonus Category!

So for each movie my wife and I will be enjoying a spirit or cocktail that relates to the film. This was the easiest cocktail choice yet. Bond hands us the drink on a silver platter by actually listing out the exact ingredients and measurements for the Vesper Martini. It is as follows

• 3 measures Gordon's Gin
• 1 measure vodka
• 1/2 measure Cocchi Americano vermouth (Bond asks for Kina Lillet which has been discontinued so the internet suggested Cocchi as a "perfect substitute")
• garnish with a slice of lemon

Shake well over ice until cold. Garnish with a thin slice of lemon rind.

So what do you folks think? How does Casino Royale fare in your opinion?

submitted by sdsachs to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

The History of The Cancelled Sonic The Hedgehog Movies

Out of all the video games that got movies....sonic took The longest to make, that's right paramount pictures sonic film and Sony's sonic film isn't the first time Sega tried to bring the blue blue to the big screen, in fact plans for the sonic movie began when the super Mario bros movie was being maid...also sonic has The most cancelled video game films out of all the video game movies, so everyone set back grab some chili dogs a drink and onion rings as I explained The History of the cancelled sonic me this is gonna be a long one....a very very long one
Sega and Mgm’s Sonic the Hedgehog: Wonders of the World: METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER In the early 90s, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer got the rights to do a Sonic the Hedgehog film, because SEGA wanted something to advertise the new Sega Saturn they were releasing, the company wanting the movie to come out in either late 1994 or early 1995.
Josh, a 12-year old son of a divorced couple, is presenting his incomplete school paper about a historic event he was tasked to write about. The unamused teacher warns Josh to finish his paper by tomorrow or face being referred to by his parents. After school, Josh goes home to an apartment owned by his father, Hal, an unemployed computer scientist who is doing research for his grand invention, a supercomputer called the XRI (eXtremely Radical Intelligence) that possesses artificial intelligence with the ability to project virtual reality. After dinner, Hal leaves to gather research on a piece of hardware, leaving Josh with the XRI. A curious Josh encounters the XRI and, after being unable to get it to help finish his school work, hooks up his Sega Saturn to play Sonic X-treme.[1]
At that moment, Sonic, the game's main character, discovers he has a will of his own and stops responding to Josh's controls. Josh manages to hack into the computer to bring Sonic out of the video game, becoming a 3D character capable of interacting with reality. Josh and Sonic form a bond with each other, but Sonic's departure from Sonic X-treme causes him to lose his power as time goes on and he ends up causing trouble throughout the real world, destroying Josh's apartment and causing car wrecks throughout the city. Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman (identified in the treatment through his real name, Dr. Robotnik) and his minions inadvertently escape the game and look to take over the real world, and Sonic is unable to stop him due to his draining powers.[1]
When Hal comes home to see his apartment in ruins, Josh's mother, Lisa, also stops by and the two start to argue. Josh attempts to explain what happened but neither believe him, with both blaming him for the mess. Josh is then taken out of Hal's custody to Lisa's home, where Sonic tracks him down. After leaving the house without Lisa noticing, Josh and Sonic devise a plot to find out about and stop Eggman's scheme by searching for Chaos Emeralds, which are scattered across the real world encased in ordinary rocks. After finding a Chaos Emerald, Sonic uses its power to temporarily regain his strength, and Sonic gives Josh a taste of the power of the emerald to help finish his school work, though Sonic warns Josh not to further exploit the emerald's power until he can master it. At the same time, Dr. Eggman sets up a shell corporation called Shady Corporation and uses it to purchase the abandoned Ramshackle Amusement Park, renaming it Botnikland Amusement Park. He recruits a group of school bullies and roboticizes them into Bullibots. Eggman orders the bots to look around the park and find the remaining Chaos Emeralds.[1]
Eggman then runs into Hal, who reluctantly accepts Eggman's offer to be the park's main research and development designer. Using Hal's XRI technology, Eggman develops a virtual reality ride to draw kids to the newly revived theme park. The park opens to huge crowds, with kids all across town attending opening day. However, when Josh and Sonic manage to inspect the ride, they discover Eggman is using the ride to turn the kids into his Badniks, calling them Kinder-Bots and forcing them to look around the park to find the Chaos Emeralds. After further inspection, the duo discover that Eggman, using the Chaos Emeralds, will program the XRI to turn the world's natural landmarks, such as Mount Everest and the Amazon rainforest, into digital replicas so that he can make virtual reality experiences and profit off of people wanting to see them, so that they wouldn't have to visit the landmarks themselves. The BulliBots catch the duo and a chase ensues, ending with a weak Sonic being captured and Josh barely escaping.[1]
After the chase, the Kinder-Bots return home, being unconditionally obedient to their parents. Josh hatches a plan to return everything back to normal and return Dr. Eggman back into the game world. The climax has Josh rescue Sonic and the duo battle Dr. Eggman before Josh activates the XRI and causes himself, Sonic, Dr. Eggman and the Badniks to enter Sonic X-treme. Another battle ensues, with a newly rejuvenated Sonic eventually defeating Dr. Eggman with Josh's help. With Eggman's plans foiled, he vows to return and escapes. Sonic decides to stay in his world knowing that it needs him to stop Eggman's schemes, and bids Josh farewell before the latter returns home and reunites with Hal and Lisa. The film ends with Josh promising Hal to remove the XRI, until he sees Sonic's eye wink at him at the screen and starts playing Sonic X-treme again.
Early stages Sega first came up with the idea of a feature-length Sonic the Hedgehog film during production of the cartoon in 1993. Newly-appointed consumer products director Michealene Risley, who was instrumental in green-lighting the series, was assigned to negotiate with several Hollywood producers to find support for the project. “I was basically driving the Sonic movie," Risley recalled to Kotaku in 2018. "I don’t know who came up with the idea – whether it was Tom [Kalinske, Sega of America CEO] or Shinobu [Toyoda, Sega executive vice-president and COO] or me, or we talked about it as a group – but having come from the movie world, I was always pushing those things."[1] Tom Kalinske, however, was hesitant on the idea of a movie, recalling how 1987's Masters of the Universe damaged the namesake toy-line and how the critical and commercial failures of Super Mario Bros. and Street Fighter stained the reputation of their namesake video game franchises. Kalinske noted to Kotaku that "There is really is that fear that a bad movie could potentially hurt your brand. The Sonic brand was strong enough to probably withstand it, but there is that fear."[1] Despite Kalinske's concerns, Sega was highly enthusiastic about the project, according to Risley. "It all depends on the timing of the movie, the look of the movie, whether you go live action or animation. [The film failing] was never an issue for us."[1] After about a year of negotiations, Sega struck a development deal in August 1994 with MGM and Trilogy Entertainment Group, led by producer Pen Densham, with Densham serving as executive producer of the planned movie.[1]
After securing the deal, Sega and MGM tapped Richard Jefferies to help come up with a screenplay for the film. Jefferies had previously written the cult classic The Vagrant for MGM in 1992, and had worked with Risley during her time at Marvel Comics to help write a proposed film adaptation of the Silver Surfer character. According to Jefferies, Sega wanted the ill-fated Sonic X-treme game, which was in development for the then-unreleased Sega Saturn, to tie-in with the movie, adding that Sega was "trying to co-ordinate the two and make the two compatible."[1] Sonic would have also been portrayed through heavy use of computer-generated imagery.[1] Jefferies' treatment contains a number of references to the franchise's games, with a notable example being Josh's school assignment. In it, he writes about a World War II test pilot named Sonic, who was killed in a freak accident when he tried to break the sound barrier.[1] This is a reference to the technical files of the first game that provided Sonic the Hedgehog's original backstory.
Jefferies' treatment was submitted to MGM in May 1995.[1] According to Jeffries, the draft received a positive reception among Sega and MGM executives, but Shinobu Toyoda sent a letter to Kalinske suggesting that Doctor Eggman be removed from the script, favoring a "strong/mean villain" to give the series a fresh idea.[1]
Cancellation Before the project could be green-lit, MGM suddenly backed out of the development deal, and after an attempt to revive the film at DreamWorks went nowhere, the film was scrapped.[1] It is unclear why MGM chose to drop the film from their slate, though Pen Densham claimed the deal broke down due to creative differences between Sega and Trilogy, causing the latter to pull out and leave MGM with the bill.[1] Jeffries, however, blamed "Hollywood politics" for the film's demise, believing that the studios each wanted a higher share of the film's profits.[1] He also suggested that the character had trouble adapting to the decline of the 16-bit console market. "The focus groups weren’t responding to the evolution of the character," Jeffries remarked, "and the heyday of the character was behind them. Maybe they were hoping a movie could help reinvigorate that. But maybe it was a response to where Sonic was headed, and maybe MGM came to that conclusion themselves. I don’t know."[1] Jeffries speculated that the film's budget would've reached around $150 million, making it MGM's most expensive film to date, and suggested that the financial concerns were another reason for MGM abandoning the film.[1]
MGM’s early ideas weren’t that bad, they were imagining a Who Framed Roger Rabbit type movie. Mixing live-action with animation..the studio executives weren’t that excited and shot down the idea, thinking it was too expensive.
They instead chose an incredibly bizarre script for the movie written by Richard Jeffries.
The script featured a 16-year old boy who suffers an accident that later gives him the ability to morph into a hedgehog, and the boy decides to use his new power for good. Since it had absolutely nothing to do with Sonic, SEGA demanded rewrites. Later Super Mario Bros. came to theaters and was a complete and utter failure. Both SEGA and MGM suddenly didn’t think video game movies were a very good idea. MGM then realized they had a new James Bond movie in the works so they ditched SEGA.
Sega and Ben Hurst Sonic Satam movie: that's right everyone's favorite sonic cartoon almost got A movie, A decade after MGM’s failed Sonic movie, one of the writers of SatAM called Ben Hurst pitched a movie acting as a continuation of the show, this time animated. But, darn Ken Penders had to get involved. He pretended to be helping Ben, and then went up to SEGA and claimed that Ben was trying to steal the Sonic franchise. This killed any attempt of Ben’s movie idea being made. Being the jerk he is, Penders then brought up his own concept for a movie to SEGA.
Sega and Ken penders Sonic Armageddon: This was the movie that Penders pitched to SEGA, the plot seemed to be much darker with Mobius being destroyed and roboticization being much more gruesome then in the cartoon. Most of the important characters are not shown and a few of them have major redesigns (the biggest being Snively, who’s now more cyborg-like). SEGA was interested, but Sonic X was airing and they didn’t think it would be worth it to have a show AND A movie out at the same time with different continuities.This went far enough to have concept art and a trailer. ..a very awful trailer-
Ken penders knuckles the echidna movie: In the early 2000s, wind was caught of lead writer Ken Penders’ alleged attempt to get an animated feature film centered around Knuckles the Echidna into development, the key studio of choice being DreamWorks SKG.
His proposals were rejected (according to Penders) not out of disinterest, but due to severe legal complications regarding the copyrights to any Sonic characters developed in connection to the license by any party, which are said to essentially render the story thus far created through the intertwining roles of Japanese and American-conceived characters and concepts entirely limited to the media in which they first appeared—in this case, the Archie comic book series. (It is believed that this same snag is the reason for Sonic’s suspiciously unnamed home planet featured in Sonic X.)
To this day, it is supposed that, due to these complications, Sonic and his friends will never grace the big screen in any form not sanctioned by Sega of Japan in whatever form they choose, and the odds that elements originating from the pages of Archie, including such central elements as the Dark Legion in this case, are extremely slim due to the same set of circumstances.In a self-published article, Penders mentioned that the film proposed would have been an animated feature, though whether the animation would have been traditional or computer-generated is unknown.
Sega and Ken penders sonic the hedgehog movie: that's right the sonic Archie comics almost got a movie, In the mist of the coming dispute between Archie and their freelancers there was some reflection by Ken Penders on his Twitter. In fact the reflection may have revealed more than reflected.He and SEGA were planning on a film project earlier in the decade that would be based on his work for Archie. The film was scheduled to be released in 2011 but one unfortunate event would prove to be the setback that resulted in the project being discontinued. Penders explains more:
Ken penders: I have documents that show SEGA & I were trying to launch a film project based on the work I did for the Archie comic series, I had meetings with them in person in Hollywood, at their offices, at several E3 shows and #comiccon .
One thing you need is someone within the company who believes in your project, and that person untimely passed away on us, I had the backing of the producedirector of the FOX animated X-MEN series, who was aiming for a 2011 release. We considered SEGA Licensing Director Robert Leffler a personal friend as well as business associate. The project was designed to establish a global Sonic continuity based on the Sat-AM and Archie series with SEGA’s blessing. The film would have defined Sonic and Sally as an official couple for the franchise.
Sega and Sony's cancelled sonic the hedgehog movie
on 3 December 2013, Sony Pictures Digital Domain Names, Inc., a division of Sony Pictures Entertainment, filed a notice of registration for three inactive websites adressed as "", "" and "". The registrations were reported by The Sonic Stadium on 7 December, but neither Sony Pictures nor Sega confirmed the existence of a proposed film project at the time.[21]
On 20 March 2014, a film adaptation was first hinted when The Tracking Board released a rumor about the film, stating that it would receive a "Dark Knight treatment" and posted a writer shortlist of proposed writers involved.[22] On 10 June 2014, the official Sonic website was updated, with a locked section listing "TV and Movies."[23] Later that same day, at a private Sega/Sony Pictures press conference, The Hollywood Reporter reported the confirmation of the film, and that Sony had green-lit the project.[3]
It was revealed on 21 June 2014 that Sonic the Hedgehog and its eventual successor films will be a separate continuity from the Sonic Boom continuity.[24] On 19 November 2014, Van Robichaux stated that the film production team is "aiming for [a] PG-13 [rating]".[25]
On 31 October 2016, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Tim Miller, who had left directing Deadpool 2 due to creative differences, had been hired as executive producer for the film and that Jeff Fowler will assume directorial duties. Patrick Casey and Josh Miller are also confirmed to write the script.[4]
Van Robichaux, the former writer of the Sonic Movie, before being replaced by Patrick Casey and Josh Miller, said some more details about the production of the Sonic Movie while it was being produced by Sony Pictures.
-Jeff Fowler was attached to direct the movie as far back as when the project was still at Sony.
-The reason why Sony didn’t produce movie was because of the 2014 hack and a lot of the new executives that were brought to oversee the project didn’t like the direction the movie was taking.
-Sega and Van clashed over Dr. Robotnik’s name. Van wanted him to be named Dr. Robotnik as it would be easier for American audiences to swallow and would be “more intimidating”, but Sega wanted him to be named Eggman.
-Van clashed a lot with an unnamed Sony executive (most likely Amy Pascal)
But wait there's more....someone on Reddit i guess managed to find more leaked about Sony's sonic movie...Now this could be fake, but seeing how the 2014 Sony hack happing it wouldn't be surprseing if this is realif
"It would've originally stayed more close to the games and would have been like a combination of Sonic 1 and Sonic Adventure in terms of story.
I think this leak is real considering how many early plot synopsis there were during production of the movie, and also because it talks about a casino and a lead human male and female role (the film is currently going under the name "Sonic The Hedgehog: Casino Nights" as a working title, and now we have a cop and his wife confirmed in the story).
And Also because Sony had an entirely different vision for the film than Paramount does. Sony's idea was to make a more darker origin story for the characters. Paramount seems to be wanting to make a comedy adventure family film considering it has comedic actors like Jim Carrey and Tika Sumpter involved.
When Paramount got the rights to the film they completely redid the script and the story. Here is a supposed leaked early draft of the film's plot (this includes the ending):
"Sonic (Schwartz) is a tearaway teenage rebel hedgehog living in the forest near Green Hills, Montana. He was mutated by experiments by Doctor Robotnik (Carrey), along with several other animals, who escaped years ago and now live in peace. Tails and Knuckles aren't mentioned in the script, but it can be inferred they're around.
Doctor Robotnik's experiments centered around ancient golden Incan rings, which the animals took with them when they escaped. Sonic is restless and wants to see the world. He's caught speeding in Green Hills town and arrested by the sheriff, Tom (Marsden). He quickly becomes a viral sensation online, and draws the attention of Dr. Robotnik, who comes to Green Hills to get back the rings. Despite Tom trying to protect Sonic, he's captured by Robotnik and taken to his government lab. Tom is able to break inside with the help of town locals who have befriended Sonic, and together they free him. A last stand takes place in Green Hills as Robotnik launches an assault with gadgets and robots he's created, but is foiled by traps laid by the townsfolk and Sonic. Robotnik is blown up, survives, and is then arrested for his illegal experiments becoming public. Sonic is hailed as a hero, but rather than wanting to see the world, he decides he wants to stay and protect his home, Green Hills. Ends with him running down a highway."
When someone asked if he goes fast in the film, the leaker responded this:
"He goes fast a few times, but it didn't read very exciting. It's more like zipping down highways or quickly leaving a room and popping back in with a chili dog, which happens once.
Oh, I forgot to mention there are a couple of oblique references to the game. Robotnik has divided America up into 'Zones' in a map at his lab. He actually says, "I need back up to the Green Hills Zone!" at one point. Sonic speeds past a signpost making it spin around, which I took to be a reference to the spinning signs at the end of levels."
When someone asked how close it was stay true to the games, they responded:
"The way it read, it was meant for people who remember playing Sonic years ago but not much else. The references are as general as you can get, in that there is Sonic, there are rings, 'Green Hills'. It doesn't adhere to any storyline from the games, comics or anything else.
To be honest, it felt like an Alvin and the Chipmunks or Smurfs movie.""
Sega and paramount pictures upcoming sonic the hedgehog movie
It was announced on 2 October 2017 that Viacom-owned Paramount Pictures had acquired the film rights to Sonic the Hedgehog from Sony, replacing the latter as distributor. Sony had temporally shut down production before the switch after placing it into turnaround.[6] The announcement came after co-producer Neal Moritz's Original Film banner signed a first-look production deal with Paramount the prior month, ending their previous deal with Sony, and several months after Sony's film financing partner LStar Capital ended its deal with Sony due to a string of box office failures from the studio.[26][27] Despite the change of studios, the production staff working on the film remained employed and moved to Paramount as well.[6] This is not the first time Paramount and Sega have crossed paths - from 1969 to 1983, both were subsidiaries of Gulf and Western Industries.
On 22 February 2018, an official press release was put out confirming the film's move to Paramount and a release date of 15 November 2019, a date that was first reported by The Hollywood Reporter two days prior.[28][29] Sega will have creative input into the project and will co-finance it with Paramount, who will release the film worldwide.[28]
Independent outlet Omega Underground reported on 4 March 2018 that the film's producers were circling Junkie XL to compose the film's musical score, reuniting him with Miller once again after doing the score for Deadpool. The site also reported that Paramount was aiming to begin filming at some point in July, backing up story co-writer Van Robichaux's speculation he tweeted a month prior.[30][31]
On 1 April 2018, it was announced that filming was going to start on 30 July in Vancouver, instead of Atlanta as previously reported.[32]
On 29 May 2018, it was reported that Paul Rudd was in talks for a lead role as Tom, "a cop who befriends Sonic and will likely team up to defeat Dr. Eggman". Paramount later clarified that this was not the case, but that Rudd had been considered for the role at one point. The same day it was revealed that the film will have a budget of $90 million.[33] The following day, it was announced that James Marsden had been cast in an undisclosed role,[34] later revealed to be Tom Wachowski.
On 7 June 2018, it was announced that Tika Sumpter was cast to star opposite James Marsden in an undisclosed role.[35] On 12 June 2018, it was later stated that shots of the film would be filmed at Vancouver's Highway 19 during mid-September 2018, and that the movie's current title is "SONIC".[36] Soon after, screenwriter Patrick Casey revealed that for the film, Sonic would have a design that was still him and yet a "little more realistic".[25] At Too Many Games in 2018, Johnny Gioeli stated that “Sega Has Nothing To Do With The Sonic Movie”.[37] Takashi Iizuka soon after corrected though, that he would be supervising the film.[38] Sonic the Hedgehog was originally slated for a 15 November 2018 release, but after Sony Pictures' turnaround, it is now scheduled to be released in the United States on 8 November 2019 by Paramount Pictures.[1] In an exclusive IGN interview the first official poster for the film was released on 10 December 2018, revealing its official title as Sonic the Hedgehog. Tim Miller explained Sonic's redesign:
"That was always Stage 1 of adapting it to what the real world is and what a real animal would be like, it would be weird and it would feel like he was running around nude if he was some sort of otter-like thing. It was always, for us, fur, and we never considered anything different. It’s part of what integrates him into the real world and makes him a real creature. <...> I don’t think SEGA was entirely happy with the eye decision, but these sorts of things you go, ‘It’s going to look weird if we don’t do this.’ But everything is a discussion, and that’s kind of the goal, which is to only change what’s necessary and stay true to the rest of it."[2] Filming
Principal photography commenced on 30 July 2018 at Vancouver, British Columbia, and continued until 30 September 2018. During filming, the picture was shot under the working title "Casino Night", a reference to the level in Sonic the Hedgehog 2.[39] A casting call was ordered to run on 18 Aug 2018, 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm PT and 19 Aug 2018, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm PT for residents of Ladysmith, BC. The roles were for the "townsfolk" from the fictional town, Green Hills.[40] Filming ended on 16 October 2018.[41] Despite this, more filming took place in downtown San Fransisco in late October.[42]
Well that was a very long post...Anyway guys let me know what you think of these cancelled films down below
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