Top 10 Richest Game Developers 2019 | Melior Games

what is the richest video game company 2019

what is the richest video game company 2019 - win

I made ANOTHER list of creepy, unexplained, paranormal, and interesting posts from all over Reddit! Over two hundred posts with hundreds of thousands of comments. A most excellent way to kill some time <3

In honour of Capaz97 giving me my mod job back after going AFK for so long, I made you guys another big list of creepy and cool threads to kill some time to.
I missed this community, and I'm glad to be back! <3
Please let me know any mistakes I've made.
As always, criticism and critiques welcome. Compliments always accepted.
With love,
Jane <3
submitted by _Jane_Doe_ to Paranormal [link] [comments]

Bearish on GameStop (obviously), but prefer to not go broke trying

Bearish on GameStop (obviously), but prefer to not go broke trying
Let me start by saying I spent a LOT of time in EB Games (for the snootier game player - Electronics "Boutique") and Babbage's as a wee lad. I've liked video games since I was exposed to the Atari 2600. The NES practically changed my world - it definitely added the occasional blister to my thumb. GameStop (Ticker: GME) is the remaining company having swallowed up pretty much all the other game stores (and closed many of them). Let's take a brief (for me) look at the bearish and bullish case and then provide a way that one can play these squeezes with a bearish bent without going broke. [insert this is for educational purposes only and realistically if someone *cough* that made $13M has a New idea, listen to them instead]

I'm Bearish on GameStop

But prefer to not go broke expressing that opinion. Look, I am not the first bear on GameStop and certainly not the richest. I can say that I won't lose 6 Billion shorting it though. Video games are as popular as ever, pulling in $180B in 2020 compared to a movie industry that sold only $42.5B at the box office in 2019. Why hasn't GameStop been rolling in the money? Digital. A *lot* of games are downloaded digitally, skipping the physical cartridge or disc. GameStop will get a boost from selling the new consoles, but the fact that both Sony and Microsoft offer "Digital Only" versions of their new consoles should be pretty ominous to shareholders. GameStop's big money maker historically was buying used games for a few dollars and then reselling them for Much Much more. The digital nature of many video game sales effectively cuts out this profit.
GameStop has also expanded into merchandise and electronics sales. I'll plead ignorance to how popular the first is, but I know I've never even considered browsing their site for electronics - I just assume Amazon (ticker: AMZN) will ship it to me before I even know I need it. For cheaper.

Bullish On GameStop

Why would someone be bullish on GameStop? Well the big 'news' is that they added some new activist board members with a lot of experience in "e-commerce, online marketing, finance and strategic planning". That was good enough for a 68% jump in the stock. Sixty Eight. GameStop is (and remains) one of the most heavily shorted stocks. So -any- good news can lead to a short squeeze and a dramatic rise in the stock. Very few people predicted this sub $5 stock would be all the way above $30 by January! Note, some did and they made a lot. ("Viewer discretion is advised" for reading those links. Note that this Won't work for most people, but their conviction was certainly impressive).
Oh, but wait, there's more:
GameStop - You all know this.
After hovering around 35-40, GameStop shot up on Friday to over $76, before selling off to end the day near $65. Then today, it hit a high of just below $160 before settling at $76.79 (editor's note - it's up in the aftermarket).
There are Lots of articles on the short squeeze, the Reddit vs. Short Sellers saga, that I encourage you to seek out - for entertainment if nothing else.

Bearish on GameStop - what to do?

I decided to put on a bearish play in GameStop, but (in my opinion) more importantly, I tried to take advantage of the ridiculous implied volatility in the name. I placed a trade similar to:

Bearish calendar in GME
  • Sell January 29th 50 put for 8.40
  • Buy February 19th 50 Put for 12.30
Debit of a bit less than $4 ($3.90 at the mid point). This trade profits the most if by the end of this week GME finishes at 50.

That's it?

No. Take a look at the implied volatility for these options. I'm selling an IV of 365% and buying one at 253%. In other words, I'm getting paid a lot to sell the option that expires near term and paying quite a bit less for one that expires longer term - a trade structure I'm happy to repeat over and over.

What can happen?

The ideal state is that the option I sold expires worthless (GME at 50.01) and the volatility of the Feb option skyrockets.
When the nearer term volatility stays more expensive than the further out expirations, one can often continue to sell options against the long. So this Friday, one could sell a put that expires Next Friday and take in an additional premium.
If you roll to a lower strike, one could turn the position into a put spread for a net credit. At the market close today, for example, we could close this week's put and sell the Feb 12 45 put, receive a net ~0.30 credit and a "free" diagonal spread.

What do you do if the stock keeps going up?

I was able to put this into practice today. I got out of a lot of my position when GME was trading well north of $100 - for a profit. The calendar had increased to about $7 for a 75% profit on this trade in just one trading day.

TL;DR - Bearish on GameStop

These types of run-ups occur from time to time. There are some that will make life changing money (see previous Reddit links). If you have some 'play' money and want to take a shot, go for it - but only do it with money you can afford to lose. As I can't watch the markets the entire time, I prefer to take risk defined approaches on favorable setups. When GameStop restocks the PS5, I'll use some of today's profits to their (dwindling) revenue and buy mine from there. Actually, I'll probably just wait until Amazon has it in stock (Disclosure Long AMZN!)
(Article copied/pasted from my website, so if a link didn't go through or someone things I'm 'leveraging' my own content - I gave me permission)
submitted by OptionSalary to options [link] [comments]

Everything is scripted

Everything is scripted
Ever wonder why the number 28/29 seems to be a number that keeps showing up in movies, packaging, songs/movie runtimes/newspapers? As someone who was born on a leap year it was something I’d picked up on my whole life – and yet I never really understood what it meant
Initially, I attributed it to a form of creative expression that utilised a leap year as some kind of solemn metaphor or that one psychological condition that makes you look for things that aren’t there - superstition - it turns out I wasn’t entirely right
Back in August, I had a go at decoding a cryptic note linked to the unsolved case of Rey Rivera (you can read the full note/case details here if you're interested). My attention was drawn to the list of movies included in the note, as I thought there was a possibility that whoever wrote the note was using each individual plot in order to communicate what was happening to him or what would happen to him
I started using Gematria to try and decipher the note and it wasn’t long before I found myself in QAnon territory - but fear not; everything connected seamlessly, and it brought me back to the movie list
The first 3 words of the note "Brothers and sisters" translated to "Follow the White Rabbit" and given the fact that The Matrix was included in the movie list, I couldn't ignore it (especially when I had a few translations that pushed the narrative of there being "no such thing as coincidences")
...Now, you're probably familiar with the saying "white rabbits" for the first of the month, or the "Page" from Alice in Wonderland that was running late (it's also worth mentioning that Alice in Wonderland was published on the 26th November 1865 - 6=9/29)
According to The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy, the answer to everything is '42' - if you take it apart, 4x2 =8 / 2 / ... you get 28
Taking all of this into consideration, I realised that the "white rabbit" must be linked to a leap year - 28/29 represents the rabbit hole
And where do you see the numbers 28/29 the most? In the media
If the movie plots were being used to convey what was happening to him, could movie plots also script reality itself? Is that what fuels the conspiracy theory that the media conditions us to accept things before they happen because it is happening?
To keep a long story short, the answer is yes - the "answers to everything" have been right in front of us the whole time; transparently so, to the point where trying to prove it would make it extremely difficult... But that's what made it so effective
After understanding the significance of numbers and "coincidences", I started to google the timestamps/links of posts from various verified influencers using UTC (important) and it turns out that these are the tunnels that lead to classified information - posts from verified accounts aren't posted by the actual content creator (e.g. this would be a starting point/pointer - Google both 11:30/1130)
Of course one post alone wouldn't be enough to make sense on its own, so you have to apply this to all verified accounts in real-time in order to connect the dots - from my own attempts of doing this, I've found that it's all mostly related to Covid-19, the vaccines, and everything that's going on between the US/Russia/China
It's a shame that Trump's account was suspended before I got around to posting this, but nevertheless, the tunnels continue:
\"Who\" = World Health Organisation
While following the timestamps of tweets of verified accounts, some timestamps lead me to specific albums/songs/movies/video games - a little bit like Rey's note; for example - post time 7:27 - Google 7:27 and it leads you to an album by Fifth Harmony - analytically, there are 2 people in the picture, so that takes you to track number 2
Fifth Harmony - Work From Home
"Put in them hours, I'mma make it hotter - relates to climate change
I'll make it feel like a vacay, turn the bed into an ocean (ever heard of sweating out a cold?)
We don't need nobody, I just need your body (vaccines)
Nothin' but sheets in between us, ain't no getting off early (fur-ly/furlough)
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work Work, work, work Let my body do the work, work, work, work" (does this imply that healthcare $$$ will do the work?)
Keep in mind that this song came out in 2016
This made me realize that absolutely everything in the media is scripted to contain (what I think is) classified information
I've been analyzing timestamps of verified influencers for a while now and it's come to my understanding that song lyrics are created using GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text) and the way it works is that you can feed it classified documents and have it churn out a cryptic song/script/article
Also, I've come to learn (most of) the symbols that are used to represent coded information in the media
...I'll use the 'Qanon Shaman' as an example to demonstrate how this works, seeing as this is the most recent event where it's been made visible (see here)
Everything about him has a meaning, but I'll focus on these aspects in particular
His (real?) tattoo of Thor's hammer on his abdomen symbolizes the God of thunder - this is directly linked to the main symbol used in the media to convey what I've come to know as 'light communication'
Ʊ - a symbol for electric conductance, otherwise known as Siemens
Siemens also doubles as a surname:
Recorded in over one hundred surname spellings throughout Europe, this interesting surname is of pre- written historical origins. It ultimately derives from the Hebrew personal name "Shimeon", meaning "one who harkens" (harkens = listens). The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of John Simond, which was dated 1273, in the "Hundred Rolls of Oxfordshire", during the reign of King Edward 1, known as "The Hammer of the Scots"
The hammer tattoo and calling himself the 'QAnon Shamon' was no coincidence
Other symbols/numbers to look for:
c - a symbol for the speed of light - or 'V' (5 in Roman numals) I've found is commonly displayed using the palm of your hand or anything drawing attention to the number 5 - I've found that V references tend to point to China/Russia (⭐5 point star)
Valknut on his chest - traingles = 3 points 3
3 = G(God/respective to light) "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. This application of "light compared with darkness" also appears in 1 John 1:5 which applies it to God and states: "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all"
"Light" has also been hinted at in politics (here's an example from the debate on none other than the 29th September - note "1929"/"down here" aka the rabbit hole)
33 = 33rd degree Freemason (Scottish Rite/Grand lodge) - this links back to Ʊ and is represented by black/white/chess boards - the QAnon Shamon was a "33 year old failed actor"
**"**Edward succeeded his father Henry III of England (r. 1216-1272 CE) and was known as 'Longshanks' for his impressive height and as 'the Hammer of the Scots' for his repeated attacks on Scotland"
"Grand Hyatt New York - Trump, however, did not have the $250,000 necessary to secure the option. Nevertheless, Trump's father, Fred Trump, had a long time political connection through ...Opening: January 28, 1919 original, September ...Floor count: 26" / Trump's random golf course in Scotland
Example status here (check the timestamps) - a reference to Club 33/Disney's "Imagineers" "one who listens
11 = The caduceus (traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is often used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius, especially in the United States)
7 = Freedom from God (represented by the color violet - if you ever see the number 7 paired with violet, this is derived from 'The Seven Rays of Light')
.@ = mouse - a game of cat and mouse (similar to "follow the white rabbit")

Light symbolism (Ʊ/c/V(5)/3) is what's used to communicate coded messages in the media:
If you're not entirely convinced, go and look through a playlist and try and find album art that doesn't contain a reference to Ʊ, c, V (5), or 3 (sometimes it's hard to find, but it'll always be there - it can be included in the song titles as well) ...I'll add a document of numerous examples for a point of reference
There's no easy way to say it, but album art, lyrics and the names of the artists themselves (not their real names) are used to convey coded messages;for example, "Drake" = a male duck - Donald Duck/Donald Trump - follow the lyrics
Frank Ocean - Blond:
What Causes Blonde Hair to Turn Green? Copper is the culprit. This metal is found in most pools, and when it is oxidized by chlorine, it binds to the proteins in your hair strands, turning it green
Make educated inferences based on research:
The Chalcolithic period, or Copper Age, was an era of transition between the stone tool-using farmers of the Neolithic and the metal-obsessed civilizations of the Bronze Age.
Frank Ocean = The three gifts had a spiritual meaning: gold as a symbol of kingship on earth, frankincense (an incense) as a symbol of deity, and myrrh (an embalming oil) as a symbol of death
Ocean = Ace/1
Metal producers = China = no.1 ("kingship on Earth")
In 2019, total world crude steel production was 1869.9 million tonnes (Mt). The biggest steel producing country is currently China, which accounted for 53.3% of world steel production in 2019.
Frankincense = incense/airbourne (Covid/China)
When you consider the fact that Trump denies climate change to support the production of oil/fossil fuel to maintain ties with Russia and Biden advocates for green energy (beneficial to China), this kind of analogy makes a lot of sense, and this relationship is conveyed in a lot of shows/movies - E.G. Harley Quinn (Harley = MotoOil / Green Ivy=Green energy)
The featheblack and white beads:
You might remember back in September there was a video of Biden saying that he'd been in office for 180 years
While it was mostly seen as another one of Biden's "gaffes", the reality of the situation is that it was a reference to the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC); a group that operates in 180 year cycles
AMORC's teachings cover what may be termed the "Sacred Sciences"
From my current understanding, black and white is supposed to symbolize the and the feud between oil/gas/nuclear energy (Trump) and green energy (Biden)
The black represents oil/coal and the white represents calcium chloride (commonly used in the production of cocaine and is used as a deicer - in code terms, cc = climate change - there's a reason they focused on Biden's son and his cocaine addiction in the debates and why Glaceau Smartwater was founded by Coca-Cola)
The use of black and white also relates to Freemasonry, which is often referred to in the media by using the number 33 (33rd Degree Freemason) or references to chess
There's plenty of songs about it for a reason and they convey the ongoing conflict between oil/green energy (the same is applicable to "Black and Yellow" - think white supremacy in terms of "science")
Black & White - Juice Wrld
I'm in my black Benz
Doin' cocaine with my black friends
Uh, we'll be high as hell before the night ends,
Oh, we'll be high before the night ends
Niall Horan - Black and White
Fumbling for your keys, then I kissed you
Then you took my hand, and I followed you
A lot of what I've found relates to oil/fossil fuel/nuclear energy vs climate change/green energy/the Paris agreement; for example:
Status: In "code" terms, wearing a bear represents the death of a bear market (stocks) - in this case relating to electric energy (Siemens)
And this... Well... This is the indicator of a bull market (stocks) for green energy now that Biden has won the election ("burning man" = oil advocate aka Trump)
And while you could argue that it represents the death of a bull market seeing as he's wearing it the same as Taylor, the timestamp says otherwise (6:49 takes you to lottery results)
While we're on the topic of "Burning" Man, I might as well throw in the fact that the names used in the media are fake as well (for a recent point of reference, see Bill "Burns" as Biden's new lead of the CIA). Another one of my favorite examples of how names are fake is represented in Star Wars (which in itself represents everything that's going on - let's just say there's a reason that Star Wars was banned in China)
Mark Hamill = Reference to the bay of pigs invasion
Harrison Ford = Sun (China), Ford (flood) (relate to rising sea levels/climate change) - there's a reason he's called Han Solo (Wuhan/Solo#1)
Carrie Fisher = Nuclear fission
...And Chewbacca = chewing tobacco/tobacco/smoke
It's no coincidence that Elon became the richest person in the World after Biden was elected seeing as Biden is such a big advocate for Green energy (beneficial to China) whereas Trump tried to deny climate change to give power to the oil trade/maintain a healthy relationship with Russia (severs ties with China)
I mean, does any of this look real to you?
Another thing worth mentioning is that he/him she/her accounts, accounts with an obscene amount of emojis (e.g ⚡️✨🌸🐇) or accounts in foreign languages that seem to spam retweets/statuses that make no sense are just bots that are used to convey these messages (they offer context to the bigger picture when looking into the timestamps
(referring to this status and the bot account it's replying to - 11:09 takes you to 9/11)
"Hi sisters!!"/twin towers/ I(SIS) - side note: James' paperclip earring points to operation paperclip, for additional context / 11 = The caduceus (WHO) - 'Snakes on a Plane' ???
Timestamp inferences from both posts:
Sun Race / Space Race
The Space Race was an informal 20th-century competition between two Cold War rivals, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US), to achieve firsts in spaceflight capability. It had its origins in the ballistic missile-based nuclear arms race between the two nations following World War II.
With a war on green energy/oil/gas/nuclear energy established and the fact that the media conceals what's really happening, you can go on to make more inferences from the past! And seeing as the post was addressing 9/11, let's go there:
"The September 11 attacks, often referred to as 9/11, were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Wahhabi terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.Injured: 25,000Date: September 11, 2001; 19 years ago; 8:46 – ...Deaths: 2,996"
Wahhabi = Wuhan
Al = AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Qaeda = A&E / Quarantine (911 in itself = emergency phone number)
ISIS = The caduceus (11)
"The Falling Man" = The Fall of Man (relate to China (AI) vs nuclear energy (Russia))
2:22 (plot):
Two planes almost collide after a blinding flash of light paralyzes air traffic controller Dylan Branson for a few seconds. Suspended from his job, Dylan starts to notice a repetition of sounds and events in his life at exactly the same time every day. An underlying pattern soon builds
Initial release: 29 June 2017 (Russia)
"Air France Flight 447 (AF447 or AFR447) was a scheduled international passenger flight from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France. On 1 June 2009, the Airbus A330 serving the flight stalled and did not recover, eventually crashing into the Atlantic Ocean at 02:14 UTC, killing all 228 passengers and crew."
(Relate this to The Paris Agreement)
"With the world's second-largest economy and the highest mobile payment penetration on earth, China has transformed into a global technology leader (#1), and many multinational companies are assessing the country's current and future market outlook.30 Oct 2019"
Totally normal...
Relating the notion that China is going to become #1 with AI/technology back to the note in Rey's case, there was a mention of the 'Da Vinci Surgical Robot' which was in the financial interests of the Oxford Club back in 2004 (you can read an article about it here if you're interested - its implications are pretty disturbing retrospectively)
I thought this might've been connected to the Da Vinci Code which was included in the list of movies - especially considering the movie was released one day after Rey went missing
Taking the plot of the Da Vinci Code and relating it to the Da Vinci surgical robot in this context, you can infer that:
  1. This was definitely linked to "light" (as all media is) - Paris = "City of Light" (UV rays/global warming)
  2. When connecting the Da Vinci Code to the Da Vinci Surgical Robot, the Louvre Museum in Paris not only represents the foreshadowing of the Paris agreement but it also points to China ("love" is commonly used to refer to China, from my experience of analyzing a lot of song lyrics (V(5)⭐️) - they don't call it "love is in the air" for nothing)
"The Da Vinci Code follows "symbologist" Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a murder in the Louvre Museum in Paris causes them to become involved in a battle between the Priory of Sion (sun/China) and Opus Dei (opium/smoke) over the possibility of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene having had a child together."
Keeping in mind that Rey's case dates back to 2006, it's safe to say that Covid-19 has probably been in the works for a long time, and this is just the tip of the iceberg
From my understanding of analysing timestamps so far, what better way to forgive America's debt than for China to create a peace weapon that doubles as genocide in the form of an intermittent disease to ensure that we have to depend on technology/AI in the foreseeable future (overthrowing the oil industry/Russia's nuclear energy in the process)... Perfect for a hedge fund
And seeing as China is the world's top metal producer they'll have an excess of hazardous waste... It would be a shame if it was dumped into the ocean/sewers/vaccines
So, taking into account how scripted everything is, do you believe this?
I'll leave it up to you
submitted by quartzlizard to conspiracytheories [link] [comments]

I’d rather lose it all than give them what they need to destroy me ... I’ll burn it all down just to spite them. The Saga of Game Stop Day Traders.

WASHINGTON (AP) — They’ve endured a financial crisis. Two deep recessions. Mounds of student debt. Stagnant pay. Costly health care. Dim job prospects.
They’ve seen the uber-rich grow richer while a pandemic threw tens of millions of people out of work and left many more isolated and vulnerable at home.
Now, they feel, it’s payback time.
Nearly a decade after the Occupy protest movement left Wall Street more or less unscathed, the citadel of financial might faces a new assault.
Day traders, mobilized on a Reddit chatroom, have poured about all the money they can find into the stocks of a struggling video game retailer called GameStop and a few other beaten-down companies. Their buying has swollen those companies’ share prices beyond anyone’s imagination — and, not coincidentally, inflicted huge losses on the hedge funds of the super-rich, who had placed bets that the stocks would drop.
Their strategy, of course, is freighted with risk. The prices of the stocks they’ve bought are now multiples above any level justified by revenue, earnings or future prospects. The danger is that at any time, the stocks could collapse.
Maybe so. But as one Reddit user wrote Friday, asserting that hedge fund financiers would drink Champagne as they looked down upon Occupy Wall Street protesters in 2011:
“I’d rather lose it all than give them what they need to destroy me ... I’ll burn it all down just to spite them.”
Their rage and hell-bent drive to pick on powerful Wall Street financiers have sent shivers through ordinary investors and heightened fears about the fragility of the markets in general after a prolonged period of stock gains fueled by ultra-low interest rates. Those fears just caused the S&P 500 index to suffer its worst week of losses since October.
GameStop shares? They rocketed nearly 70% on Friday. Over the past three weeks, they’ve delivered a stupefying 1,600% gain.
“They figured out how to play the way Wall Street has been playing for a long time,” said Robert Thompson, who has long tracked cultural trends as director of Syracuse University’s Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture. “I’m amazed it didn’t happen earlier.’’
Feeding the frenzy have been young traders like 27-year-old Zach Weir, who this week bought five shares of GameStop.
“I’m a college student, so that’s basically a month’s rent for me,” said Weir, who is pursuing a master’s degree in marketing.
He did it, he said, because he believes in the cause: Protecting a cherished game store, where he would hang out as a teenager on Friday nights, from financial tycoons who want the company to fail.
And if he loses his investment?
“If my account goes to zero, it goes to zero,” Weir said. “At this point, it’s not about the money. I think this is bigger than the money now”
Frustration and rage over widening financial inequities in the American economy have been mounting for years. The richest 1% of Americans collected about 19% of pre-tax income in 2019, up from less than 11% four decades earlier, according to the World Inequality Database, run by Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, economists at the University of California, Berkeley, along with other researchers.
New York University economist Edward Wolff has found that the richest 10% of Americans own roughly 85% of stock wealth, a share that has grown steadily over time.
The financial crisis that ignited the Great Recession of 2007-2009 intensified resentment toward the bankers who had financed the dodgy loans behind the catastrophe and had ignored the obvious risks, only to receive bailouts from taxpayers and largely escape accountability. Rising outrage fueled the Occupy movement, in which protesters took over New York’s Zuccotti Park and other public spaces and demanded far-reaching financial reforms that mainly didn’t happen.
The coronavirus inflicted further pain, flattening the economy and causing more than 20 million Americans to lose jobs. This week, a report from the anti-poverty group Oxfam found that the world’s 10 richest men have swollen their collective wealth by $500 billion since the pandemic erupted in March. In the meantime, nearly 10 million people who lost jobs to the pandemic remain unemployed.
The stock market, the chosen target of the Reddit day traders, has long stood as America’s premier symbol of entrenched wealth. But technology, including forums like Reddit, has made it ever easier, faster and simpler for the aggrieved to mobilize, swap information and collectively plot strategy. And e-trading apps, notably Robinhood, allow amateur traders to buy commission-free stocks with one click.
They spotted a vulnerability in the market: The so-called short squeeze.
When hedge funds and other investors want to bet that a stock price will fall, they arrange a short sale: They borrow shares of, say, GameStop. Then they sell those borrowed shares, planning to buy back the stock later at a lower price and pocket the gain.
But shorting can backfire disastrously if the stock surges instead of falling. Then the short sellers can be forced to bail out of their bets by buying the target stock. Their buying, in turn, can send the stock price ever higher and makes things even worse for the short sellers in an intensifying feedback loop.
GameStop, its future imperiled by e-commerce and a pandemic that has kept customers away, is among the most heavily shorted stocks. Some of the Reddit rebels are gamers who want to protect the retailer from the predations of Wall Street. Or just deliver a righteous blow to hedge funds and financiers who have lived large as others have suffered hardships.
Not all the day traders are inflamed by anger. They just see an opportunity to make money and pay bills.
“A lot of people are having trouble paying rent,” said Alexis Goldstein, a veteran of the Occupy movement. “A lot of people are at risk of eviction. A lot of people are very desperate, quite frankly, for new ways to make money.”
Yet Goldstein worries that the revolt will ultimately fail.
For one thing, some of the Wall Street firms that are targets of the Redditers actually profit from the very volatility that the Redditers’ assault has whipped up.
And the most sophisticated professional traders are no doubt calculating how to capitalize on the chaos. Normally, they have to work hard and invest heavily to determine what their competitors are doing and to profit from that information. By contrast, the Reddit day traders are announcing their intentions, brazenly and publicly.
“I suspect it’s not Robinhood investors and Redditers who are making money,” Goldstein said.
She would like to see a different slate of reforms — reforms to rein in Wall Street’s excesses while helping those who’ve been left behind.
“Hopefully, we can ask fundamental questions about whether we want our markets to be speculation-driven or do we want them to create innovation and jobs,” she said. “Stop hustling so hard for a buck and instead rebuild the social safety net.”
Tom Osran, a 59-year-old Chicago lawyer, has been reading the WallStreetBets forum on Reddit for years. But it was only last week that he decided to act for the first time, buying into GameStop. His investment, he said, is up 1,000% from last week, though he declined to reveal the dollar amount.
Osran said he figures that its astronomical stock rise can save GameStop from hedge funds that are betting that a company with 40,000 employees will fail.
“It’s fun being part of a movement,” Osran said.
He knows he could lose everything he put into GameStop shares. Yet he’s philosophical.
“We’re all adults, we all know stocks can go up and down,” Osran said. “It’s been insanely lucrative so far, but it could be all gone tomorrow.”

submitted by DippyHippy420 to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

Rebook Summerslam 2019 - Part 1: Build & First Half Of The Show

In it's 32 year rich history up to this point, Summerslam has given us some of the most memorable moments in the WWE, and it will look to do so once again. With 11 matches on this year's card, with memorizing championship matches, dream matches, and a highly terrifying debut, this look's to be a promising night overall. Not just that though, the way we have got to this night is quite important aswell, which is what we will be taking a look at before each match commences.
Match 1: (Pre-Show) Drew Gulak (c) v. Oney Lorcan - WWE Cruiserweight Championship
After dethroning Buddy Murphy on the 'Greatest Stage Of Them All', WrestleMania 35, Tony Nese would run rough shot over the 205 Live brand as a whole. Defeating the likes of Buddy Murphy, Akira Tozawa, Kalisto, & Noam Dar during this time, but this came to an abrupt ending once he reached the Extreme Rules PPV. Walking into said event, Nese would look to defend his WWE Cruiserweight Championship against Drew Gulak, who was able to earn this opportunity by winning a highly competitive fatal four way match. Nonetheless, these two would put on a clinic, while Tony wanted to retain what he worked so incredibly hard to gain in the first place, while Gulak has been trying to reach this very place in his career for over two years.
After quite the encounter, Drew Gulak would pull out the victory after a 'Gu-Lock' would lead to Nese passing out. Causing the technical submission, as he has finally fulfilled his destiny, something he has been working for since his loss to Cedric Alexander at SummerSlam 2018. Raising up his newly-won title, 'Combative' would ring over the PA System, and throughout the arena. Oney Lorcan would emerge from the backstage area, as he would point to Gulak, as a shocked expression would emerge upon the face of the champion. His intentions made clear in the Wells Fargo Center, beginning the road to SummerSlam
On the first 205 Live, post-SummerSlam, Oney Lorcan would take to the ring. Exclaiming that he is indeed coming for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. That he has been waiting for the perfect moment to make his intentions clearly known, and while Drew Gulak may have just fulfilled his 11 month long dream, so is he. Shouting at the top of his lungs, that this is soon to be his brand! In addition to, the next week, Oney Lorcan would go head-to-head against Tony Nese in a #1 Contender's match, in which the former was all too eager to showcase his skills and prowess in this one. In which, he would earn himself a championship shot against Drew Gulak at Summerslam.
Before we can reach the main show portion of tonight's event, the SummerSlam Kick-Off show will showcase some of 205 Live's finest battling over their richest prize. The challenger would make their entrance first in the form of Oney Lorcan, a confident strut in his step, as he lifts two fingers proudly up in the air. Next up would be the current WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Drew Gulak. His title draped over his shoulder, confident as well he would enter the ring. Both men now in their individual corners, staring eachother down, the opening bell would sound as it would signal the official start of this contest.
The match would begin with a collar-and-elbow tie-up, as these two would engage in a battle of strength, which went to Oney Lorcan by having five pounds on his opposition. Pushing Drew into the corner, he rushes to the said corner, landing a swift uppercut to the bridge of the champion's nose. Falling to his knees, Gulak would sense some urgency on his opponent's part, which guided him to reversing yet another running attack. Lorcan keen for attacking the nose, it made him susceptible to the misfortune of missing the attempted maneuver. Following this, Gulak began to go on the offense, digging his knees into the challenger's left hip. Over-and-over again, this was the repeated attack for several moments, the pain being clearly shown as Oney screamed in agony.
After digging his knee into the hip one last time, Gulak would lift up his opponent, looking to lock him in an octopus stretch. Which instead of leading to a possible submission victory, Lorcan got out of this one with a quick hip toss. Following this, he would run to the ropes, leaping off and attacking Gulak's right arm. Beginning to wrench it, twisting it in a very awkward direction, as he locks in a crucial cross-arm breaker. With it now being locked in, the ball was now in the champion's court, as he crawled towards the ropes. With a sure sign of pure agony presented upon his face, the hold still not fully locked in. Which is how he would end up getting out of it, LIFTING HIS OPPONENT UP, NOW AT A VERTICAL BASE AS HE SENDS THE CHAMPION BACK DOWN TO THE CANVAS!
Both of these talented competitors now grounded, as it is now a game of who can make it to their feet first. Which was Drew Gulak, as he gestures for his opposition to do the same. In which he would oblige, Oney getting back up to a vertical base, they would both seek for any clear advantage they could find. Lorcan initially went for an uppercut, but his opponent would reverse it, sending the challenger down to the center of the canvas. Looking to lock in 'Gu-Lock', but instead would find himself rolled-up... 1...2.. KICKOUT! Drew thankfully kicking out just in time, would roll out of this and LOCK IN THE GU-LOCK! HIS ARMS FLAILING IN THE AIR AS HE CRAWLED TO THE ROPES.. ABOUT TO MAKE IT.. WAIT NO HE TAPS OUT!
Drew Gulak (c) def. Oney Lorcan to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (9:00)
With only a few more minutes left until SummerSlam 2019 is set to officially begin, Drew Gulak & Oney Lorcan certainly went to war, but there was only one winner of this battle. With that being the former, while the latter put on one hell of a performance, the champion was able to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. After the result was made official, Gulak was given his title, as he would relish in his well-earned victory.
Match 2: Becky Lynch (c) v. Kairi Sane - SmackDown Women's Championship
After teaming up with the Universal Champion Seth Rollins to defeat both King Corbin & Lacey Evans to retain their respective titles at Extreme Rules, Becky Lynch would take to the ring the following night. Grabbing the mic, she would exclaim that since winning both the RAW & SmackDown Women’s Championships back at WrestleMania 35, she has toppled some of the finest in the women’s division. Including the likes of Bayley, Charlotte Flair, & Lacey Evans. But that she wants some fresh competition, a new talent to get a shot at her RAW Women's Championship, calling out anyone that wants a fair shot.
With that being said, 'The Voyage' would echo throughout the entirety of the arena. Singling the entrance of Kairi Sane, Asuka alongside her as always. They both would enter the ring, staring down Lynch, hoping to possibly intimate her. Kairi would circle the ring, glancing at the title that Lynch had draped over her shoulder so proudly, even just pointing at it. While she didn't exactly say it, she expressed quite heavily her want for Lynch's women's title. Becky would nod in approval before offering a respectful handshake, in which while there was hesitation, Sane would oblige.
During the next few weeks both would showcase their undeniable skills in their respective matches. Which would all lead up to a contract signing on the SummerSlam go-home show, Lynch would proclaim that she respects Kairi, and it's truly undeniable how gifted she is, and that she looks forward to sharing a ring with her this Sunday. But instead of sharing those sentiments, Kairi would just laugh, obnoxiously at that. The confusion would shine through upon Becky's face, which would go from a pale color to complete green. When a particular green mist would be spat in the direction of the champion, from undeniably Asuka, as a beatdown would commence. It seems that this upcoming matchup is much more personal than it first was let on to be.
In what first seemed like a harmless battle, one that was built off of respect & fortitude, has become quite personal in the last week or so. The culprit of last week's actions would make her entrance first in the form of Kairi Sane, the challenger for the RAW Women's Championship. Of-course, 'The Empress of Tomorrow' Asuka would be alongside her, as they prance down to the ring. Before the champion’s theme would play over the PA System, Kairi gestures a title belt around her waist. Lynch would follow, making an elaborate entrance on her way down to the ring.
'The Man' raises her gold high above in the air, as she keeps her eyes on her challenger's, as they both back up into their respective corners. The bell would sound just several moments later, rushing towards eachother to begin this matchup. A dropkick would be placed upon the tip of Sane's chin, but Kairi would hold onto the rope, which would formulate a response from the champion, repeating with another dropkick. This time falling down because of it, a leg-drop would soon follow, as a great start from Lynch was clearly shown. Going for a quick cover... 1... KICKOUT! The Irish-grown talent will have to do much more than that to get the job done, knowing that she would continue the attack.
Placing a rough-looking grip upon Kairi's neck, she would wrench it over-and-over again. Now while the grip was extremely tight, Sane would be able to fight out of it, firstly making it to her knees and then jamming her right elbow into Becky's gut several times. A look of concern would come across the face of the champion, as her grip would become less-and-less tight, she would have no choice but to let go of it. Firing back on all cylinders, Kairi would strike back, with multiple chops to the chest of her opposition. The pain that Lynch was currently feeling was shown quite clearly, as a powerful forearm would bring her down to the canvas, as she lands directly on her back.
Taking a moment's breather, Sane would be right back on the attack, she charges at Becky once again. Looking for a shining wizard once Lynch got back up to her knees, but Becky would roll through, as both women scramble back up, Kairi throws another leg kick, followed by a big slap. Lynch lept over the strike, crashing down on the ribs of her opposition, a big counter before she could complete her combo. The formerly known, "Pirate Princess" seen hurting, but with the obvious motion from the champion surrounding her, she would kip up into a hurricanrana. The ovation from the crowd would echo throughout the arena, as she was certainly feeling it. Looking to head to the top rope, possibly to crown a new RAW Women's Champion!
A chorus of boos would be heard from the fans in attendance, as Kairi Sane would SOAR THROUGH THE AIR, LANDING A PICTURE PERFECT INSANE ELBOW! The diving elbow drop connects, and she would go for the cover immediately... 1...2... KICKOUT! So close for the 32 year old, but for the 34 year old champion, the focus in her eyes drained as she blows against the mat, trying to recover. Kairi Sane lifts herself to her rear-end, eyes glued on the camera, stating the words 'ITS OVER!'. Heading back up to the top rope, for one last leap of faith, an attempted 'Insane Elbow WOULD MISS! As Becky WOULD TRANSITION INTO AN EFFECTIVE 'DIS-ARM-HER! Kari would try desperately to hang on, but unfortunately would have little-to-no choice but to give up.
Becky Lynch (c) def. Kairi Sane (14:00)
Becky Lynch's arm is raised in victory, before scaling the turnbuckles and hoisting her championship high up in the air. Stepping down from the turnbuckle, she would drape the title on her shoulder once more. But there was no time to mourn for Kairi Sane here, as she rolls out of the ring with Asuka giving a helping hand up the ramp. However now back in the ring, "The Man" is indeed victorious, as SummerSlam starts off with a bang.
Match 3 : Dolph Ziggler v. Goldberg - Special Singles Match
After being left off of the Money In The Bank 2019, Dolph Ziggler would be seen storming into RAW General Manager, Kurt Angle's office. Understandably frustrated about his misuse, he would demand to be heard, to be appreciated, to be thanked. Exclaiming that he has worked over a decade to earn the respect of his peers, but instead their shoulders shrug. He has worked incredibly hard to earn championship opportunities, but instead they are given to lesser athletes compared to himself. Hoping to just be in the spotlight like he deserves, but that same beam of light is given to old, rusty legends who don't deserve to even be in the same room as him. Nonetheless, he is sick of it, and will no longer stand for such disrespect.
After storming off, the following weeks he would share this same frustration to the world. Spouting out that he should be the one everyone is talking about, the center of attention at all times. However, that is given to the likes of Shawn Micheals, The Undertaker, and even Goldberg. Who haven't been able to compete inside the squared circle properly in years, so why should he be grateful, or even respectful towards them? He believes that they have taken opportunities from him countless times, and it's time for someone to finally step up, and put them in their place once-and-for-all.
On the SummerSlam go-home show, Dolph Ziggler would begin the program, bringing a chair to the ring. Proclaiming that he wouldn't be leaving the ring until he was assigned a SummerSlam match, since he is sick of not having a proper PPV match consistently, like he truly deserves. After a few moments would pass, 'Invasion' would begin to play over the PA System, signaling the arrival of Goldberg. Who would rush to the ring, but luckily enough for Ziggler, he would leave the ring and jump the barricade before he could reach him. Goldberg would gesture for Dolph to bring it on, as it seems his SummerSlam opponent is Goldberg!
A look of concern would emerge upon Dolph Ziggler's face, once he made his way out from the back, his weeks of whining to officials and most importantly the WWE Universe, has seemingly caught up to him. He wanted a SummerSlam opponent, well he sure got one in the form of Goldberg, possibly not what he wanted however. As he would make it inside the ring, the sense of worry was clear, with no confident strut per-usual. But we can see the exact opposite from his opposition, who makes his way down to the ring, staring a deep hole into the eyes of Ziggler. Once entering the ring, the bell would sound, signaling the start of this encounter.
Looking to prove Dolph Ziggler's numerous points from the past weeks false, he would rush at Dolph Ziggler WITH A SPEAR! Connecting with his signature maneuver already, but certainly isn't done. Picking up his opposition, possibly looking for a 'Jackhammer', but instead would be struck a THUNDEROUS SUPERKICK! Ziggler would head for the cover immediately... 1... KICKOUT! Not even a two count, but Dolph would head to the corner, gesturing for yet another one, but once he went for it, HE WOULD BE CAUGHT BY THE LEG, GOLDBERG WOULD TRANSITION IT INTO A MASSIVE JACKHAMMER! Heading to the cover quite emphatically... 1...2...3...!
Goldberg def. Dolph Ziggler (1:20)
After a quite one-sided affair, Goldberg would come out victorious. Dedicating this match to each-and-every legend, shutting up the man who has been disrespecting them, including himself over the past few weeks. Following this, he would raise his hand in victory, as Dolph Ziggler could only look on, grounded near the corner. The first special singles match concluding, with many more still to come later in the evening, one can hope the rest can put on more of a clinic than Ziggler did.
Match 4: AJ Styles (c) v. Cesaro - United States Championship
The month prior to SummerSlam, Aleister Black was able to topple "The King Of Swing" Cesaro, in order to earn a future Intercontinental Championship match. In addition to that, due to the loss at Extreme Rules, Cesaro would be forced to leave the blue brand. However, the next night he would make his presence known on Monday Night RAW, teaming with the former United States Champion Ricochet to take on Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows. In which they claimed a decisive victory, but after the match AJ Styles made his intentions clear, targeting the newest member of the roster, ambushing him from behind after a well-earned victory.
Following this, the next week the current United States Champion, AJ Styles would take to the ring with Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows alongside him. He states that he doesn't know who Cesaro thinks he is, waltzing onto his brand because he lost his place of work. So he made sure that a lesson would be learned on his first night back on the Red brand. However, Styles would be interrupted by Cesaro himself, relishing in the fact that The Club lost last week, and he was there to partake in it. Not just that, but exclaims that when returning to his home, there was one title he wanted to win back, that being the United States Championship. Unluckily for Styles, he was in possession of it.
For the next couple of weeks, the two would trade shots at eachother, explaining why they will walk out of Sunday's event as the United States Champion. But on the SummerSlam go-home show, the two would have a face-to-face confrontation over video. Styles would partake in it first, stating that Cesaro doesn't deserve this opportunity, but that he is a giving champion. And this Sunday he is going to give Cesaro the beatdown of his life, one that he won't be able to walk away from, much like he walked away from his previous brand. Cesaro's turn would be up, declaring that he will indeed walk out as a champion, one that the WWE Universe can finally respect. Being forced off of the brand that he once loved surely sucked, but he will make up for it at SummerSlam.
"Return Of The Fire" blares through the arena speakers, the crowd immediately coming back to life, as Cesaro gets set to make his entrance. All attention immediately snatched and directed to the top of the stage, where the challenger Cesaro emerges, making his descent down the ramp, the crowd still rocking as he does so. Following him would be the current United States Champion, AJ Styles swaggering down the ramp, played in by the boos of a now clued-in crowd. Styles finally enters the ring after a long and steady walk down the ramp. The men exchange a stare, locking eyes as the appointed official of this championship contest steps between the pair, the men maintaining their staring contest as they retreat to their corners.
AJ Styles comes out of the corner, raising his title belt as he spreads his hands wide, not hesitating in handing the title belt to the referee once the time had come. Both men begin circling the ring, again locking eyes as they do so. After what seemed an eon of stalking, the two came together, Styles shooting for a headlock. He locked in the hold, AJ however quickly forced him down to a knee, using his leverage to bring his opposition fully down to the canvas. Now on his back, the grip of the headlock would become even stronger. As shown upon the challenger's face, as it became bright red in a matter of seconds. However, Cesaro quickly found the wrist of Styles, locking in a hammerlock on the latter, placing his knee on the veteran’s ribs. Now transitioning into an elevated boston crab.
Cesaro cranks both of the champion's legs, looking for a possibly early submission finish to this one. But not looking to lose his title so easily, Styles would begin his attempt to crawl to the ropes, with his arms flailing in the process. But eventually he would get there, as Cesaro let go of the hold at the count of four. Ultimately both men scramble back up to their feet, the two approach the center of the square, both hesitantly offering out a hand. Maneuvering for a better position before eventually intertwining hands, a test of strength if you will. But in doing so, Styles would stop on his opposition's left foot, taking out the leg in the process with a running attack to it.
Now with Cesaro down, holding onto his possibly injured leg. Styles would continue his attack, driving his knee into the affected leg, possibly softening him up for the eventual 'Calf Crusher'. Several moments later, he would make the attempt, but would be pushed back to the corner, by the hurt leg. Not doing anyone any favors, but AJ looking to head back to the leg, Cesaro would land a massive boot to the tip of the champion's forehead. Finally sending him down to the canvas, he would make his way to his feet, or atleast one foot. Practically hopping to the corner, he would gesture for AJ to make his way towards him. He would kindly oblige, attempting a running forearm, but CESARO WOULD MOVE OUT OF THE WAY JUST IN TIME!
That proved to be a crucial mistake by Styles, since this gave Cesaro time to recuperate. He fires up, bringing Styles to his feet, setting up for the definitive 'Neutralizer'. Flailing his legs, AJ would cause Cesaro to stumble backward until he lost his footing in the process. He turns, Hans snatching his wrist, Styles yanks Cesaro back around towards him, ultimately connecting with a — UNDERHOOK BRAINBUSTAHHH! From there, he has Cesaro exactly where he wants him, lifting him up FOR A DEAFENING STYLES CLASH! Immediately going for the cover... 1...2...3...!
AJ Styles (c) def. Cesaro to retain the United States Championship (19:23)
This was indeed a classic bout, that saw the very best from two of Monday Night RAW's finest talents. While Cesaro unluckily came out on the losing end of this battle, he ended up looking like a star. He would exit the ring by the middle rope, as the roar of the crowd would all be for the fighting spirit that lives inside "The King Of Swing", Cesaro. Nonetheless, back in the ring, AJ Styles would raise his United States title proudly high in the air, as he lives to fight another day as champion.
Match 5: Kevin Owens v. Shane McMahon - Special Singles Match | If Owens' wins, he will be reinstated
Ever since being pronounced "Best In The World" in early November of 2018, Shane McMahon hasn't let a soul forget it. Making sure that noone would forget about this simple fact, but for months it was tolerated. Since it was their boss, they felt as it was out of their control. But for one man he just wouldn't tolerate it, not finding it acceptable. On one of his usual tangents, Shane would be interrupted quite abruptly, as the camera's view would focus on the titantron. Appearing on it would be Kevin Owens, quickly stating that Shane just needs to shut up, for all of our sakes, and while noone may stand up for themselves, he will do it for himself and the rest of the SmackDown roster.
The next couple of weeks would showcase the tension between both Kevin Owens & Shane McMahon. While the latter doesn't appreciate Owens disobeying his authority, he won't allow it either. Even going as far as banning the former from the arena. With only a few weeks until SummerSlam, Kevin would return to the arena, demanding to know where Shane was. When he found him inside his private office, he would knock down the door by his left foot, rushing into attack his boss and because it was an ambush, it was an obliteration. However, following the attack, Kevin Owens would undoubtedly be suspended from the WWE until further notice due to his illogical actions.
While Kevin wasn't able to show up for the next couple of weeks, eventually on the SummerSlam go-home show, Owens would be called via a satellite while Shane McMahon was already in the ring. The latter would grab a mic, stating that while Kevin may not appreciate what he has done for this roster over the past couple of years, he is still a giving man. A thoughtful man at that too, in which he would give Owens a proposition. While this was his choice, he can show up if he would like, if he wants his job back he will have to earn it. At SummerSlam, if Kevin can beat him then he may come back to work, but if he loses, and he will, he will be banished from this company for good.
The music of “The Best In The World” begins to play as the boos ring in the Scotiabank Arena . Shane McMahon steps out from behind the curtain with his well-known trophy by his side.He he hears the fans but simply points to his ear before heading down to the ring, methodically looking directly at the ring. The music of the suspended Kevin Owens hits as the fans erupt with cheers. "The Prizefighter" steps out and he stands atop the ramp and begins to walk down to the ring, staring down McMahon from outside the ring. Owens gets into the ring, before he can even go to his corner he is met by Shane as the two men stare down in the center of the ring.
The referee attempts to separate the two men but gets pushed aside by Shane McMahon and is told to call for the bell by Kevin Owens. . The referee relents and he calls for the bell and immediately Kevin and Shane begin trading elbows. Kevin comes ahead managing to back Shane into the ropes, he runs ahead and attempts to go for a clothesline to send his opposition out of the ring, but the attempted running attack was an unfortunate miss. Which would result in him going through the middle rope, and Shane following in suit. In which the aforementioned competitor would throw Owens back into the ring, not looking to stay on the outside for too long.
Kevin grabs to his back upon impact after a bodyslam. Motionless as Kevin sits up, looking at his fallen body. He then stands up and yells at the crowd, saying that Owens can't compete with him in the ring and never will be able to. He wisely turns back as Kevin is crawling toward the ropes, delivering a deadlift german suplex to stunt his movement once more. Kevin now gets her back to his feet, delivering a chop to his chest that rings throughout the arena. He firms the attack, delivering a slap across the face. This enrages his opposition, and he swings at Shane wildly with a clothesline, connecting with nothing but air as she ducks underneath.
Kevin spins back to eat an enzuigiri off one leg from Shane which causes him to fall to one knee. Struggling to keep his balance, he would focus on solely that. Now having his balance in check, he would get up to his feet, now landing that slick clothesline. Kevin now in control, gestures the end of it all. As Shane gets to his feet, he begins swinging wildly, before connecting on a right hand. Following it up, Owens would look for a "Pop-Up Powerbomb", BUT SHANE WOULD REVERSE IT INTO A DDT! Shane now slides down into the cover... 1...2... KICKOUT! Owens still kicking in this one, Shane would look to pick him up once more, attempting a tornado DDT, but instead OWENS WOULD CATCH HIM IN MID-AIR, HITTING A MODIFIED POP-UP POWERBOMB! Now once again sliding down in the cover... 1...2...3...!
After a brutal war between these two have come to a stunning conclusion. Due to Shane McMahon's loss here tonight, Kevin is now reinstated to the SmackDown brand. Just a few moments after the closing bell would sound, as it echoed throughout the arena, Kevin Owens would relish in the hard-fought victory. As Shane rolls out of the ring, he pushes away a member of medical staff, grabbing the ice pack from him and holds it to his shoulder, walking backstage in frustration. On another day, it might have ended differently, but tonight, Owens emerges victorious.
Match 6: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) v. Aleister Black - Intercontinental Championship
Shortly after the intense encounter between both Aleister Black & Cesaro, the former was named the #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship. Currently held by one Shinsuke Nakamaura, on the first SmackDown after Extreme Rules, the two would have a face-to-face confrontation. In which Black would make it abundantly clear that the only way SummerSlam is ending is with the title Shinsuke proudly wears around his waist, no longer in his possession. But rather draped around his shoulder, wear it truly belongs. In response, Shinsuke would nod kindly, turning his head in confusion, before walking out of the ring without a true response of any kind.
The following week, the camera's view would show the inside of Aleister Black's locker-room. While it may be dark & gloomy, with no sense of light whatsoever, a knock would suddenly be heard. Over the past month or so, this is the certain knock that was heard to identify Black's upcoming opponent. In which it turned out to be Cesaro, this time, Black would open the door to the surprise of noone. While he figured noone was there, he looked to close the door. However, he would be attacked by one Shinsuke Nakamura, who was hiding a little bit to the right of the door. He was silent last week, now his actions are certainly speaking volumes.
On the SummerSlam go-home show, these two would take part in an official contract signing. Aleister Black would kick it off, but before signing the contract, he would speak with a mic already in-hand. He would state that going silent two weeks was fine, that he himself is a man of few words at most times. But when Shinsuke attacked him cowardlessely, they began to have a problem. When he knocked on the door, and didn't show his face, there was no honor or sense of integrity, and that isn't what the Intercontinental Championship should stand for, and it no longer will come this Sunday. Once again Shinsuke would just simply nod, looking to leave the ring once more, but instead Black would grab him, turn him around, shouting at him to "DO SOMETHING". However, the two would just stare into eachother eyes until the segment would come to a close.
The entrance theme of "The Anti-Hero, Aleister Black, hits as he makes his way down to the ring. Receiving a rumbling reaction from the WWE faithful, who have rallied behind the Netherlands superstar in his fight into the title contention. The music dies down as the theme of the 172nd Intercontinental Champion fills the arena in Toronto. As the guitar strings begin to sound throughout the BPZ arena, suddenly the beat drops as the lights go pitch-black, as smoke emerges on the stage. The Intercontinental Champion now steps out, sporting his old red attire, as he heads into the ring with a specific swagger to his entrance.
But what's this? Shinsuke runs towards Aleister Black, both men colliding in a big shoulder check, throwing hands as the bell rings. The referee hastily hands the Intercotinental Championship to the timekeeper as the match begins. It looks like neither man is content with a feeling out period tonight, going right into trying to win as quickly as possible! Shinsuke lays in some forearm smashes to the collar of the Anti-Hero, but the stocky challenger starts to shrug off the strikes, glaring the champion in the eyes before sending his opponent a few steps back following a knife edge chop.
The challenger responds with a huge double hand chop to the chest of the champion. Blackhopes to return fire as he steps back to rebound off the ropes, but gets dropped with a huge arching suplex to the canvas. The crowd gasp at the sheer height that Nakamura got from that toss as he crashes down to the mat. Aleister stumbles forward as the match shows no sign of stopping. He pulls the champion into a gutwrench, looking to hit a knee strike into the gut, but his opposition is able to escape and throw the challenger into the corner with an arm drag. Seeing his opportunity to even the odds against such an explosive challenger, Shinsuke connects with a stunning knee strike.
The champion scrambles to maintain this opening in the match, one wrong move, and it could call come crashing down. He starts laying consecutive knee drops to the body of the challenger before running back and landing a running knee to add on to the agony that the challenger must be feeling by now, landing it perfectly. Nakamura continues by lifting up the challenger, the crowd cheering this lighting fast match. The champion tries to hit yet another suplex, this time from behind, but the challenger would be able to duck under, hitting a german suplex of his own. The two competitors now grounded, it would be a game of who would make it to their feet first?
Black grabs the ropes to get to his feet. He gestures to the crowd, calling for the "Black Mass" possibly. He gets into position, bringing up the champ from the mat solely by his foot, but Nakamura powers his opposition up into a back body drop, squashing the Black Mass attempt. Now being shaky on his feet, Black pushes him to the ropes, but Shinsuke reacts looking for an attempted "Kinshasa", but the challenger turns and captures Yelich with a BLACK MASS! Falling directly into the pinfall, there would be no time to be wasted here... 1...2...3...!
Aleister Black def. Shinsuke Nakamura (c) to win the Intercontinental Championship (20:59)
In a stacked showcase of SmackDown's finest, both men having forged their path to this moment, but only one may stand tall in the end. And after that crazy sprint of a match, Aleister Black is victorious. The former champion, Shinsuke Nakamra is currently being escorted to the back by the ring crew. However, in the celebration, Aleister Black is handed the Intercontinental Championship from the appointed official of this matchup. Lifting up his newly one title, with a huge grin upon his face, as he has won his first singles title here on the main roster.
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Amidst the Kenosha Riots

READ THIS POST. Especially if you support, or question what actually goes on, inside a BLM movement. Now, this IS a long story, but everything is crucial, and there’s a lot of meat to this story. It might also open eyes and change perspectives, so, here we go.
All videos and pictures are linked at the end and follow through the story in order.
A little backstory first: I live in Pennsylvania, and I made a bunch of friends through Xbox around the 2018 holiday season. Me, a guy we can call, “Fred,” and some Canadiens, grew closer as friends as we Snapchatted, FaceTimed, and video gamed a whole year away. In 2019, I saved enough money to book a round trip ticket to Kenosha. After giving my mom a panic attack at take off, (sorry Mom) we spent that week solidifying our friendship in stone. It was the best week of my life. I might’ve gotten sick the first night from over-exhaustion and my first dab hits, but hey, best week of my life. During this week, I met plenty of Fred’s friends who live in Kenosha as well. Two friends significant to this story, we can call the “Chris” and “Mike.”
Kenosha isn’t the richest city in the area, but it’s also not the upmost ghetto either. It definitely has a hood vibe to it, but it doesn’t feel as dangerous as walking through South Side Chicago, which is just over an hour away. However, the people of Kenosha are certainly not to be fucked with. You don’t step on toes, or else you end up on someone’s radar. My friends are the same way. They love to fight. They brag about all their victories and describe the nastiest, bloodiest battles they’ve been in like Vikings trying to prove whose manlier. It’s pretty funny, and really entertaining, but also quite comforting, knowing how, if anything were to go down, I have a group of guys willing to knock some heads together with me. Little did I know, I would get to experience one of these stories first hand. There’s more on that soon. After this week, 6 months go by and Mike is trying to sell his car. He didn’t lie to me, it’s not by any means the best car, but it works and it only had 140,000 miles on it, which is really good for an old car. I was in desperate need of any motor vehicle, so I saved every penny I could to match his price. My cousin was kind enough to buy my ticket, and I had enough money for gas to drive back to PA. So, I scheduled a flight to go hangout with them for a week. Fred even wanted to drive back with me to stay at my place for a week. After I offered to pay for the ticket, Mom said yes, so the plan was a go.
So, I took off from Pennsylvania and landed at Milwaukee on August 22nd, 2020. Fred and Mike picked me up in my soon-to-be car They let me drive it around and all we really amounted to doing that day was drive around Lake Michigan shouting random things at random people. Some of the shit they said was hilarious. The FIRST people we saw was a couple. We saw them kiss and watched as the guy smacked her ass. We were all FLOORED and, as we pull up to the couple, Mike shouts “You get dat ass, boi. Mmhm.” I drove off with Fred and I dying as Mike just smiled and nodded at the guy. It was actually really fun, and we went back to Fred’s house to play Xbox until aNOTHER Xbox friend of Fred’s, we’ll call him “Guy”, teased that we should pick him up and spend a couple of hours with him. It was already midnight but my mental clock was saying 1AM. I’ve pulled all nighters before and plus, this kid lived in the not-so-shady part of South Side, and I had never been to Chicago, so I was down. Me, Fred, and Mike, went and picked him up around 1AM, where we toured through Chicago until 7AM.
First of all, I want to mention that there are cops sitting in the middle of just about every intersection. I feel like this should have made me feel safer, but it actually just made me feel more uneasy. Besides that, we had a blast. We saw the Bean! If you are u familiar with said Bean, it’s a big mirror in the shape of a kidney bean. It was after hours, so we didn’t get any pictures with it because park security was there to quickly turn us around. We rode around on a Lyft bike for a while after that. While doing so, we decided we wanted to walk on O-Block. This is a rapper-gang domain on 64th street. We get there and saw a nice ass foreign chillin in the driveway of a half run-down lookin building that’s surrounded by slums. Fred and Mike immediately got out of the car and started recording.
“We on O-Block, already know we out here,” Mike said trying to hype up is Snapchat story. After 50 seconds of pointless hooting, he turned to me and Guy and called us bitches for not getting out of the car. I immediately open my door, because I ain’t no bitch. After seeing me step out, Guy opened his door. The very second that Guy stood up from getting out of his seat, Mike runs back into that car yelling “We leavin’ Guy’s ass here.” We didn’t, but who’s the real bitch after hyping it up and then only wanting to stay for one Snap video? Anyways, after that, we spent at least 45 looking for the Juice WRLD memorial. After finding it, everyone was knocking out in the car, including guy who had been sleeping for the past hour already. So, we took him home, and me, Mike, and Fred went back to Fred’s place, where I was staying, to spend the rest of the day playing Xbox. We had left for one reason or another and came back to Fred’s Brother-in-Law, who we’ll call “Aidan”, sitting on the front steps having a smoke. He noticed us and started shouting about how a man was shot maybe 3-4 blocks over. That’s when Kenosha turned into a war zone.
If you know everything already you can skip this paragraph. If you don’t know, the man who was shot was Jacob Blake. This is how I heard the story so I apologize if it’s not 100% correct. If you want, you can go look it up somewhere, but I’m writing this to share my viewpoint, not to copy and paste a news article. Anyways, onto the story: Jacob Blake was a Chicago man visiting Kenosha for a nephew’s birthday party. He was involved in an altercation trying to break it up, and the police that responded were treating him as though he was the threat. Having none of it, the man walked around the front of his car, from the passenger door to the driver, and opened the door. At this moment, two officers stood behind him to block him from leaving. One with a taser drawn, the other, his pistol. As Blake reaches for his son who is sitting in the driver seat, one officer unloads 7 bullets into his back. A few barely missing his spinal column, by the grace of God, but one managed to hit the son’s leg. This caused a county-wide Black Lives Matter movement, which wasn’t the first to happen in Kenosha. It’s actually the third I believe, but this one WAS the worst of all of them.
The rallies started that night, and hearing about garbage trucks being lit on fire, was news to all of my friends. This hadn’t happened in the prior rallies and riots, so they wanted to go check out the scene. I can’t remember the exact time, but it was pretty dark. Maybe 8 or 9PM. Me, Fred, Mike, and Chris this time, all pull up to a parking lot a block over from the courthouse, where most of the action happened. This also happened to be about 10 blocks from Fred’s house. As we pull up, we notice an orange glow from behind a building and a really nasty smell. It was almost the worst combination of sour and spicy you can think of. I’m not really sure how to put it into words, but it was almost like a bowl of straight cinnamon was being held under my nose, and getting stronger. Sick of the smell, we stepped out of the car to get wafted by the same smell, only the bowl was much bigger, and deep in your sinuses. On top of that was our eyes burning into their sockets. We drove right into fucking tear gas. As we’re all choking and gauging our eyes out, we hear two more loud ass pops come from the courthouse. More teargas. We manage to compose ourselves and get a bit of tolerance to the gas. We immediately head towards the shouting and explosions. As we come around the back of the building, and the front of the courthouse comes into view, we see a garbage truck parked on the opposite side of the road, completely engulfed. You didn’t have to be anywhere near it to feel the heat, but it also hadn’t exploded yet. The gas tanks were still intact AND full, yet there was a dangerous amount of people around it. Some of them being my friends, as hey went closer to go check out the truck. Me, not wanting to die so far from home, stayed back at the corner of the courthouse just watching. I had lost track of my friends for about 5 minutes, when I saw two guys book it across the big ass intersection. Oh, and what do ya know, my three friends are tailing them. Behind my friends? A mass swarm of people all hauling ass with half of them shouting “What did he did do?” The other half shouting “Get em.”
Now, let me explain why all of that was happening. They were just standing there minding their business in the grassy median. Fred was a little farther from the other two, and he wasn’t saying much. He was taking in the scene and also watching for any fights to take off. He said he noticed a face, I don’t remember the guy’s name, but him and Fred don’t exactly have the best standing. He walked over and talked to a couple guys for a minute or two, but Fred didn’t pay any attention. Suddenly, the two guys he was talking to, walked up accusing Fred of busting car windows. Obviously they’re trying to start something. They succeed as Fred immediately gets pissed and starts shouting that we’ve only been here five minutes, and that we didn’t do anything but look. This next part all happens within a few seconds. As Fred takes a step forward to charge them, Mike grabs the back of his shirt and pulls back, using Fred almost like a slingshot to get a head start and also ripping his shirt. As Mike pulls back however, one of those fat ass Gatorade bottles filled with water cracked Fred in the face. He even admitted it hit him pretty hard. Right after, Mike then pushes Fred, lunging him at the two, and yelling at him to “Go get em.”
This is where I see everyone hauling ass and screaming. On my side of the street, I saw Chris recording, as he does most times if he can’t be involved, and Mike gaining on one of the guys they were chasing. As soon as he gets a hand on him, Mike locks both of the guys arms behind his back and leans back a little, so the guy has a hard time getting away. As Mike is shouting “Get him,” I start to run up to lay into the guy until I saw a badass looking white guy with a bandana mask and no shirt on. He definitely looked like he could do more damage then me, so I stopped to watch and let him do the damage. He sure as hell did a lot more than I would’ve. After about 2 straight minutes of just laying into the guy, he stepped back and Mike gave him one quick jab to the side before letting him go, which knocked him to his knees. Mike then kicked the same spot of the jab and sent him flying about two feet to the curb. The impact knocked out one of his gauges and clearly disoriented him. He picked up his gauge and tried to run, but only managed 3 steps before collapsing. Mike started shouting, “We not done boy!” and started chasing him again as he finally found his footing.
Cut back to the chase, but on the other side of the street, where Fred is trailing the other guy through a parking lot. As they’re passing through a set of cars, Fred said this big ass black dude just came out of nowhere and decked the kid once, laying him out. Fred and the man shared a look that told Fred “he’s all yours,” and Fred immediately hopped on the guys chest and started pummeling his face. He felt it when it happened, but through all the adrenaline and commotion, he kept bashing this guys face in after breaking his pinky in two spots. He eventually got off of him, and the dude missed a few swings before catching two hits from Fred and booking it. Everyone met up in a parking lot (minus me for I had lost them AGAIN) and they’re all talking shit, as you do after you kick someone’s ass. The guys are still trying to act tough but eventually they try to run a third time, and my friends let them go. Fred did get one last crack in the back of the ones head though.
At this point, I’m watching two guys driving, what I later found out to be, a stolen car from a sales lot. This same car lot has a Molotov cocktail thrown in the center of it. They’re doing all these drifts and turns because no one is really using the road. It’s dark with a horde of people and there’s a ticking time bomb 30 yards away. On their last stretch, they go backwards down the road at at least 35MPH. They go to do a 180 degree drift and face the proper direction, but they notice a car in the lane next to them. They over-correct and that rams them into the curb and blows out a tire. Turns out my friends knew the guy.
We left shortly after for the night, and we returned the next day, maybe around noon or a little after. Three garbage trucks are sitting at this intersection, idle and deSTROYED. All black and brown with ash and burns. Mike wanted a good album cover, so he climbed on the truck and I snapped some photos. Then a guy about 20-30 ft away yells at us to get down “or else” or something along those lines. He obviously wanted trouble, but I still don’t get why he cared? Anyways, we finished up what we were doing and hopped off. As were standing around, I look towards the direction of the guy who yelled, and he was walking towards us with another male, and a female. I didn’t say anything to my group, I just kept my eye on him. Evidently, I was the only one who saw him walk right past us without even saying a word. I guess he didn’t care? Maybe he realized there’s four of us? I don’t know.
Anyways, nothing much happened that day in terms of my experience. My friends went back out to the riots. I was exhausted as all hell, so I stayed back. When they come back, they’re telling me how they hit a Boost Mobile after they noticed the door was already busted in. They didn’t get much, a few shitty cases, all the phones and good cases were gone They did, however, figure out what they were doing. So the night after, me and some guys are driving to get food and noticed a liquor store with the glass door broken. There was no one there. We figured there was an alarm or SOMEthing, so we just kept driving to our McDonalds order. On the way back, passing the same store, there’ was still NO ONE. THERE. Needless to say, we turned into the lot and one of us walked up to the door. It’s not completely shattered, so we needed gloves in order to avoid cutting ourselves. As we’re trying to get the door open, an all black car whipped into the parking lot, making us think it’s the cops. Four guys rolled down their windows asking if we were there for the same reason. We were. They get out the car and helped get the door open. As we were waiting for our friend to get back, we’re keeping a close eye out for anything suspicious. Next thing you know, he’s barreling out of the store with 8 bottles in his arms and three Marlboro cartons. All the good stuff was gone, so we got 4 bottles of some shitty liquor I can’t remember, and 4 of Bacardi. Immediately, we had to flaunt our spoils, so we go to someone else’s house that’s loaded with 5 guys. We all didn’t end up going, but most of us did, because they were tripping acid and REALLY wanted to have some fun.
At first, we just busted some windows at small car lots. Then we found a hefty ass brick and decided we needed a hefty ass window. We noticed a BP gas station with its door not boarded up. We concluded that it was the perfect target. The guy took his time throwing it, but he did get it through the door, it just didn’t do as much as we wanted. As they turned around with only slight disappointment, the door completely shattered and collapsed in a sparkly snowstorm. With a quick look at one another, it was decided we would wrap the block and see if we spotted any flashing lights. So, we lapped the block, and no cops. Perfect. Two went in, one stayed at the door, and the rest were in the car. They were in there for, maybe two minutes, when the three heard the silent alarm become not-so-silent. They only spent maybe three extra minutes in there, until one is barreling out with two tall stacks of glass, and the other has a shorter one in his hands. As the first guy got in, we saw he made it out with 2 almost $400 bongs. One octopus-looking 8 perc, and one with four arms and two spirals. The tragic thing is, as he got into the car, he clacked them together and broke one of the 8 percs off, and cracked a spiral on the other. But the mood was uplifted when the other guy got in the car, because he had a fat ass jar of ones and change, like they had finished counting the register. There was a total of $200 in ones, $50 in change, and about a quarter of some GAS. Not the kind that should be at a gas station. He gave us some, because we got him out there, and we had a nice session with surprisingly well functioning, brand new, broken bongs.
The next day, as Mike, Fred, and I, were driving around, we saw a shit ton of people just walk away from the courthouse and start walking down the road. So, we decided to join. At first, we were behind them, and then we had help from a really friendly guy with a really big gun to get to the front of the people. This is where our job was to block intersections, preventing people from getting hit by other cars. Communication isn’t so great when you’re in a march, though, especially if you’re not WALKING in the front. So, they hit us with a surprise turn and we slowly got flooded to back. After maybe 30 minutes of us being there, we noticed numerous loud bangs but could not see the source. It was either fireworks or someone was shooting one bullet at a time at random, and the latter was unlikely. No one was screaming or running so we thought someone’s trying to get more attention.
After hearing these noises, we notice a big guy carrying a big gun walking in pace with us a few yards away. He was at least 6ft tall, 250lbs of muscle, wearing sunglasses and a bandana around his face, staring dead ahead, like a soldier walking in line. He slowly inches our direction, still keeping pace, until he’s about 6 feet away from Fred. “Ay bro,” Fred called to the guy, and he acknowledged us by looking at Fred “How you doin’?” The guy nodded. “Ay, uh, if you don’t mind me askin’, what kind of gun is that?” The guy resumed his straight ahead gaze without a word. “Alright, you have a good day sir,” Fred said, almost with a tone hinting that he didn’t wanna find out. We both returned to our separate and connected worlds, until we lost sight of the guy.
As time goes on, we notice a red truck slowly creeping up behind us, and we also discover that they are the source of the fireworks. As I said, they we’re slowly creeping up. It took them around 45 minutes just to get next to us. These were some pretty decent fireworks, and if they didn’t go so high, I wouldn’t think it’d be safe to have around a mass swarm of people walking through a residential area. It’s not safe to begin with, but they were fucking cool. They pushed forward just enough to allow us to see inside the cab, and, holy shit, did they have a lot of those things. I mean crates of them. As more cars gathered behind us, they made their way in front of us. Fred sticks his head out the window as he yells, “Ay bro, can get we get one?” “40 bucks” a guy yells back. “Come on bro” Fred tried, but to no avail. Fred pulled his head back in the window and we all cursed at the guy amongst ourselves. What kind of twisted fuckhead comes to a Black Lives Matter march to make a quick profit? We didn’t buy one, but we did realize that he had duct tape over his license plate. The only writing you could see was “Illinois.”
After further investigation, we found out Kenosha Police and Feds had the main entrance from Illinois into Kenosha blocked off, but there’s ways around that. People found those ways. It only took 2 hours (roughly the travel time to Illinois) after it hit media for it gain a LOT more attraction. As mentioned, we were in the first row of cars behind the people. We hit a bridge and come to a stop. Some discussion about Blue Lives Matter and KKK being posted up nearby buzzed through the crowd. We took the opportunity to look behind us at the 4 lanes of cars that stretch farther than we can see. Every other car we looked at had duct tape covering their plates. If you’re there to spread an innocent message of love, then why feel the need to literally cover your ass? Not everyone was trying to sell something, which leads me to believe they were there for other kinds of mayhem. Eventually, the truck pulls over so they can service the massive rows of cars as they pass by. We stayed in this march from start to finish. And believe me, we would’ve walked if we weren’t 1) already in the car and 2) trying to serve a purpose of protecting the people.
The march ended at the courthouse, and Jacob Blake’s family came to Kenosha to tell us Chicago was gonna come the next day to fuck shit up. We stayed at the rally afterwards, and it was getting pretty dark. Well, as dark as it could be with 4 military trucks armed up the ass with weaponry just sitting around. Anyways, the rally stayed peaceful until there was a single guy walking around asking anyone he could for some glass or bottles or anything. He wanted to throw shit at the line of police. That’s when another guy comes up 5 minutes later and sets ten glass bottles on the fountain, and the previous guy found them. I watched him as he found his weapon, ran to the side of the crowd, remaining unseen, and throwing everything he can get his hands on at the line. And that’s when shit turned crazy.
Behind the line of shields, another officer sat fully kitted in protective gear with a 50mm barrel just sitting on his left shoulder. Waiting. Waiting for this guy to throw something. The second the bottle struck, the officer loaded a canister and fired it into the crowd, where the guy was hiding in plain sight. Everyone scattered because they were unaware of what it was. We were thinking tear gas, but after about 30 seconds of sitting, it exploded. It felt like a firework went off right next to me, but I wasn’t even near the crowd it was fired at. More importantly it only gave a small pout of smoke. A dud. Which gave the okay for anyone else wanting to join on the “fun” because no one was getting hurt, right?
There was a 17yr old there who was kitted for a zombie apocalypse/nuclear fallout. He went about halfway into the street, which the officers said to not walk on the street at all. However, many people were, and they proved to not cause any issues so the officers let them be. Whether it’s directly tied to the same truck from earlier or not, people flanked around the side of the line on this same street. They stood about 30 yards away and aimed primed fireworks at the officers. This triggered even more retaliation. When another canister was fired for the rioters to stop their nonsense, it landed on the poor 17 year old kid’s head. It knocked him out cold. What made it worse was smoke started pouring out the canister that landed next to his unconscious body. 4 guys immediately hauled ass and pulled him out of the smoke. It turned out to not be tear gas, just regular gas, but even then it took the kid 5 minutes to come-to. It , After all that, the throwing and chaos proved to only escalate. Fred wanted to leave, and I was the driver here. Mike however, threw a hissy fit and essentially told us to fuck off if we were gonna be pussies. We did wait for him, for about 15 minutes, but he stayed the whole rest of the night so we left without him. Turns out he had some conversations with the policemen as he stood beside the line and they pulled their big ass equipment out of the trucks.
During this night, I had mentioned Blue Live Matter and KKK earlier. Well, that was no joke. They were mainly stationed around government buildings and places of federal interest, such as the school the president utilized while he was staying. Apart of this Blue Lives Matter group is a kid named Kyle Rittenhouse. If you know this story as well you skip the rest of this paragraph. For those who don’t know of the 7 felonies this 17 year old committed, he’s an Illinois resident, who transported an AR-15, I believe, into Kenosha and posted up outside a gas station. A man had approached him and threw a “Molotov Cocktail” at rittenhouse who, in retaliation, shot the guy point blank in the fucking head. And he walked away with no remorse after shooting a guy who actually only threw a plastic shopping bag at him. He stupidly returns some short time later (or maybe he never left the scene but I was told he did) and immediately gets jumped after some guys realize who he is. In the midst of getting absolutely fucking STOMPED, he let off another round that pierced a man through the center of his chest. As everyone else scattered, this guy only got to turn around and take 3 staggered steps before he dropped. And as if killing two people wasn’t enough, the shooter stands up and starts firing down the street, taking out a massive chunk of one guys arm. The most fucked part about this story though, is when he immediately tried to turn himself in, and the cops in the car simply thanked him and drove off. The kid went back home with mommy where he stayed up all night until he could safely turn himself in the next day.
Onto this next day, Chicago. That day turned out to be not only Chicago, but also Milwaukee (I’ve heard to be the wannabe Chicago), and two other close counties. There were already some small fires being set to businesses, but when we took a drive around the city, it was heartbreaking. So many boarded up windows, busted in glass, buildings on fire, and piles of ash inside the framework of used-to-be buildings. You could feel the heat from inside the car, about 20-30 ft away. On top of that, there were residential B&Es happening a mere 5 streets over from us.
Also on this day, Rittenhouse’s ex girlfriend makes a post about him with pictures saying all this nasty shit about him, which, let’s be honest, we all would’ve assumed to be true. Anyways, Fred saw the post and immediately got frustrated. “Bro I know this kid, I just can’t remember the fuck where from.” “Shitty” I said, and no body thought anything of it until the next day. Fred suddenly screamed his fucking head off scrolling on his phone. As I began to ask him what the fuck he had to blow out my ear drums for, he shoved his phone in my face. Suddenly, I’m watching a recording on his camera roll.
The Video: it’s in front of Lake Michigan where Fred, Chris, and another friend of theirs, “Jayden,” are all in Jaydens car, just driving around aimlessly. They saw a group of girls all huddled together looking hype as fuck. They were clearly going to fight. One of the boys immediately wanted to pull over, so it can get recorded. So, Chris got to taping, and, at the very start of the video, you see this kid with some weird ass blue-ish shorts, a grey sweatshirt, and American flag crocs step into frame and knocks a girl on the back of the head. That was the exact same outfit as one of pictures the ex girlfriend posted of Rittenhouse, because that picture was taken moments before my friends pulled up to the lake. Immediately you see Fred open the car door, and, he’s so pissed already, he slams it on Chris. Fred grabs the kid by the hood. He starts asking for someone to verify he’s got the right women-puncher. Within the short time of standing around, Jayden had gotten out of the car as well, but he wasn’t wasting time. With Fred still holding the kid’s jacket, Jayden cleans his left cheek and Rittenhouse drops straight to his knees and it’s Game. Fucking. On. Fred and Jayden don’t even hesitate, hopping on the kid’s ass giving him every knee, knuckle, and kick they can give. Eventually, he drops completely prone and tries to army crawl away while still taking boots. The only reason my boys let up, was because Fred hopped on top of him and started wailing on him, but he cocked his arm back a little too far one time and hit a girl in the leg. Now he’s shook that they might get turned on for that, so they immediately up and leave the scene. I think it’s safe to say the bastard got what he deserved before anyone knew he deserved it.
Well, that’s the story. If you take anything away from this, however, take this: the issue is communication. No, not all cops are bastards, and no, not all protesters are peaceful, but when the cops open fire on ALL the protesters, and the protesters are seeing “ALL” the cops shooting at them, it paints a bad picture for both sides. Cops who commit a felony, should be charged with their felonies, and the peaceful protesters should be recognized as that. Peaceful. Attack the problematic ones. Hell, throw them under the fucking bus. You just saw someone throw a brick at the police line? Have 4 people carry that motherfucker to the line where he can get thrown into a truck with a canister of tear gas to keep him company. You just saw your partner or heard of someone you work with shooting someone who meant no harm? PERSONALLY ARREST THEM. Identify the problems and solve the problems, not the group they’re “affiliated” with. Love your brothers, and your brothers will love you back.
Plane Ticket
Truck on Fire
Truck Aftermath (No Sound) When looking at the pictures, the first one is when the guy yells at us, the second is us disappointed, and the third is when they hop off
Start of the March
Leading the March
Bridge Where We Stopped
Both Sides of the Street
Rittenhouse Post Notice the Crocs in the top left picture, (and the gun) and the clothes in the top right (moments before the video)
Rittenhouse Getting STOMPED If you catch the first frame of the last “Truck Aftermath” video, you can see he wears the same pants in this video.
submitted by Orchid_Lopsided to stories [link] [comments]

Investment Thesis: Why investing in POW.TO (Power Corporation of Canada) now is an investment in a future high market cap Wealthsimple IPO

I have seen some posts here wondering about the wisdom of investing in Wealthsimple's parent company, Power Corporation of Canada (POW.TO). I decided to look more into this, decided to post my investment thesis and research on why I, long-term, I have a very bullish view on Wealthsimple (and by extension POW.TO), and why I think this is equal to being an early stage investor in a Wealthsimple IPO.


Current Products

Investment Rounds

WS has had many successful rounds of funding and a vote of confidence from both its parent POW.TO and other multinationals investing in fintech.


WS has been extremely aggressive in targeting growth areas. Wealthsimple’s CEO Mike Katchen has said he wants to position the company as a “full-stack” financial services company. Here are some of their current expansion areas:


WS is run by young guys who have big ambitions and plans for the company. Sometimes there are CEOs with the intangibles that can really drive a company's growth, and from what I can glean, I think the company has a lot of potential here in terms of vision by its leaders. You can read more about the founders here
Quote sfrom CEO: Michael Katchen
On being laughed out of the boardroom when he proposed his idea for Wealthsimple:
Within the last month, Wealthsimple has also opened an office in London. Katchen said a push into the European market is “possible” as its “ambitions are global,” but right now the Canadian and U.S. markets are “a lot to chew.” It is a far cry from the company’s early days: Katchen said he was “laughed out of the boardroom” for laying out a global vision for Wealthsimple at a time when they had just $1.9-million in funding and 20 users***.***“It’s a very personal mission of mine since I moved back from California, to inspire more Canadian companies to think big and to think internationally about the businesses that they’re building,” he said. (reference)
On Wealthsimple's growth in the next 10-15 years:
Wealthsimple has more than $5 billion in assets under management and 175,000 customers in Canada, the U.S. and U.K. He sees that reaching $1 trillion 15 years. “We’re just getting started,” he said. “Our plans are to get to millions of clients in the next five years.” (reference)

Brand Value and Design

Out of all the financial services company in Canada, WS probably has the most cohesive and smart design concept across its platforms and products. I see the value in Wealthsimple in not just the assets they have under management, but also the value of the brand itself. I mean, what kind of financial services company makes a blog post about their branding colour scheme and font choices? Also see: Wealthsimple’s advertisement earlier this year capturing 4 million views on Youtube.
There also seems to be very strong brand awareness and brand loyalty amongst its users. I think a lot of users find WS refreshing as a financial services company because they cut through the "bullshit" and legalese, and try to simply things for the consumer. They also have their own in house team of designers and creative directors to do branding, design, and advertising, and this kind of vertical integration is generally unheard of in the financial services industry (reference).

Potential IPO?

Interestingly, the CEO’s ultimate goal is to take the company public. Therefore, I see an investment in POW.TO as being an early stage pre-IPO investor in WS (reference).
The goal is to get Wealthsimple to the size and scale to go public, something that Katchen said he’s “obsessed with.” While admitting that an IPO was still a few years down the road, Katchen already has a target of $20 billion in assets under administration (AUA) as the tipping point (the company recently announced $4.3 billion in AUA as of Q1 2019) (reference)

Future Potential

Ultimately, my sense is that a spun-out Wealthsimple IPO eventually be worth a lot, perhaps even more than POW.TO at some point. Obviously the company is losing money right now, and no where even close to an IPO, and there are still many chances that this company could flop. The best analogy that I can think of is when Yahoo bought an early stake in Alibaba (BABA) back in the early 2000s, and there came a point where their stake in BABA was worth more than Yahoo’s core business. I think an investment in POW.TO now is an early investment in WS before it goes public. (reference)


The X Factor

What I find particularly compelling about WS is they have aggressively positioned themselves to be a disruptor in the Canadian financial services industry. This is an area that has traditionally been thought to be a firewall for the Big Five Banks. There is also a generational gap in investing approaches, knowledge, and strategy, and I think WS has positioned itself nicely with first-time investors. My sense is that COVID-19 has also captured a huge amount of young adults with its trading app in the last few months, who will continue to use Wealthsimple products in the future. The average age of its user is around 34. As younger individuals are more comfortable with moving away traditional banking products, I think Wealthsimple’s product offering offers significant advantages over its competitors.

Power Corp is a Good Home

Currently POW.TO is trading at $26.30, down from its 52-week high of $35.15. I see an investment in POW.TO now as fairly low risk, and while WS grows, and there is also the added benefit of a high dividend stock. One of the most confusing things I found about Power Corp was its confusing corporate structure where there were two stocks, Power Financial Corp, and Power Corp of Canada. Fortunately, in Dec 2019, they simplified and consolidated the stocks, which also simplifies the holding structure of WS. I currently see POW.TO has a good stock to hold as well if you're a dividend holder, with a dividend of 6.86%.
Also, POW.TO is patient enough to bide its time and let its investment in WS grow, unlike a VC that might want to sell it quick. For example, the reason why WS went with POW.TO instead of the traditional VC route is explained here:
Katchen has directly addressed the question of why he did not go the traditional VC route recently, saying: If you are a business that requires perhaps decades to achieve the vision you have, well, if you’re not going to be able to generate the kind of returns that venture needs is they will force you to sell yourself, they will force you to go public before you’re ready, or they will just forget about you because you’re going to be a write off. And so Katchen essentially flipped Wealthsimple to Power Financial. Power is well known as a conservative, patient, long-term investor. (
My belief is there is a huge unrecognized potential in POW.TO's massive ownership stake in WS that will be realized maybe 5-10 years down the road. I didn't really dive into the financials of POW.TO in relation to WS's performance, because the earnings reports do no actually say much about WS. I'm aware of the main criticisms that POW.TO is a mature company and dividend stock that has been trading sideways for many years, and the fact that WS is currently not a profitable company. I am not a professional investor, and this is just my amateur research, so I certainly welcome any comments/criticism of this thesis that people on this subreddit might have! (Please be gentle on me!).

Other Readings


Edit: Thanks to all for the thoughtful comments about POW's size and other holdings relative to WS, and that WS is basically a tiny, tiny portion of POW.TO. Again, I am just an amateur investor, appreciate we can discuss these points on this forum! And fair point is taken that WS's margins are also razor thin right now. I guess I am buying more into the CEO's vision of growth (see this video about his confidence about getting to $1 trillion AUM (!) in the next 8 years), rather than the current financial status or size of the company. Call me delusional if you will :P.
In any case, glad that I was able to flush out these thoughts with the CanadianInvestor community! I do wonder if WS's expansion into a broad-based financial services company (into mortgages, credit lines, and life insurance) might increase their profitability and size over time.
submitted by soggybread to CanadianInvestor [link] [comments]

A not-so-brief rundown of letters G-I in Jeffrey Epstein's 'Black Book'

Below is a rundown of letters G-I of Epstein's contacts. Last year, I wrote about letters A-C. You can check that out here (
I also wrote about letters D-F on July 5, 2020. You can check that out here ( There are some misspelled names. Epstein entered their names like this.
I have bolded some of the more interesting connections and information, but there could be much more that I overlooked. I hope something here strikes an interest in someone and maybe we can get more investigations out of this. Please, if you know anything more about any of these people than what is presented here, post below. I am working off of the unredacted black book found here:
Gaetani, Gelasio: Count Gelasio Gaetani comes from one of the oldest families in Rome. The Gaetani (also known as Caetani) family has produced 3 popes, including Pope Boniface VIII. Gelasio is a wine specialist and vineyard owner who helps celebrities buy the most unique bottles of wine throughout the world.
Gaetani, Rufreido: Roffredo Gaetani was an Italian count, prince, and duke who died in a car crash in 2005. Roffredo came to the public’s attention when he dated Ivana Trump in the 1990s. Brother of Gelasio.
Gallman, Kuki: Kuki Gallmann is a best-selling author (5 of her books were global best sellers), poet, environmental activist, and conservationist. Owns a 98,000 acre cattle ranch in Kenya with her husband, which she turned into a conservation park.
Ganero, Mario Jr.: Where do we even begin? Mario Garnero is a Brazilian banker and entrepreneur who has been deemed the “father of the ethanol car” and is the chairman of the board and primary shareholder of Brasilinvest Group, a banking firm worth $700 million. Garnero’s connections run extremely deep. He is/has been personal friends with Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Helmut Schmidt, and many others. The following website makes some startling connections between Garnero, Epstein, and others (source: Quick summary: Record producer Damon Dash (former co-founder of Roc-A-Fella Records with Jay-Z) allegedly raped a supermodel who worked for Naomi Campbell at a party thrown by Garnero (source:
Garnero has been referred to as a “Rothschild pawn” who tried to help Aecio Neves rise to power. Garnero also appointed “George Soros frontman, Arminio Fraga, who worked in Soros’ Quantum Fund, as Minister of the Economy.”
Ganoza, Esteban Juan: A Peruvian businessman who said he met Maxwell in the 1980s when he lived in New York, but denied any ties to pedophilia when his contact information was revealed to be in Epstein’s ‘Black Book.’
Garcia, Ludmila: No info found.
Gardner. Adam: No info found.
Garland, Michael: Likely the Chairman of investment firm C5 Capital, located in London.
Garson, Jeremy: Likely refers to the lawyer who is a partner at Herbert Smith Freehills who specializes in large-scale international commercial disputes. Not completely positive, though.
Gaspar, Nacho: Not sure. Could be a number of Ignazio Gaspars, all of whom are businessmen.
Gaul, Harriett: Harriett Jagger is a fashion stylist and former fashion director of Tatler, a fashion magazine owned by Conde Nast (parent company of Vogue, GQ, etc.), which has come up several times during my investigations, and Harpers. She had a daughter with property dealer Simon Gaul, the Godson of Prince Rainier of Monaco.
Geary, Tim: Served in public relations and was Director of Membership at Soho House, a restaurant and private members club. Billionaire Ron Burkle owns 60% of Soho House. Burkle, along with Bill Clinton, Chris Tucker, Kevin Spacey, travelled to Africa for an anti-poverty, anti-AIDs tour on Epstein’s Lolita Express. Nothing fishy there.
Gelardin, Jack: No info found. The address listed is located in Chelsea, London, and sold for over 5 million pounds in 2013.
German-Ribon, Catriona: Catriona Blampied (nee German-Ribon) is the Managing Partner, Founder, and Owner of talent agency Procure Worldwide & Procure Digital since 2016. Worked as Managing Director at Platinum Rye Entertainment, another talent agency, before that.
Gertler, Eric: A venture capitalist who served as Chairman of U.S. News & World Report, a media company most known for publishing news, consumer advice, and rankings ranging from education (top universities, high schools, etc.) to job professions, healthcare, and too many others to mention. In 2019, Governor Andrew Cuomo nominated Gertler to serve as President and CEO of Empire State Development, New York’s chief economic agency. In Epstein’s ‘Black Book,’ Privista is listed under Gertler’s name. Privista is a company that protects against identity theft. Gertler was President and CEO.
Getty, Mark: Co-founder and Chairman of Getty Images, a photographic conglomerate. If you have ever surfed the Internet, you have seen several pictures/images belonging to Getty Images. From 2008-2016, Getty was the Chairman of the Trustees of the National Gallery in London. Grandson of Jean Paul Getty Sr., founder of Getty Oil Company, and one of the richest men in the world during his time. The Getty Family has a net worth north of $5 billion as of 2015.
Getty, Pia and Chris: Pia Getty is the daughter of billionaire Robert Warren Miller, an American-born British businessman and founder of Duty Free Shops. Pia’s sisters are Princess Alexandra von Furstenberg of designer fame and Maria-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece, Princess of Denmark. Her ex-husband (1992-2005), Christopher, is Mark Getty’s first cousin. Christopher is also the grandson of Jean Paul Getty Sr. When they were married, Pia and Mark would hold A-list parties on the rooftop of their Manhattan townhouse. Their townhouse was located half a mile from Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion. Many people think that the Getty Museum in Los Angeles houses an underground base and city for the elites.
Gibbs, Emma: Former girlfriend of Prince Andrew. Gibbs was introduced to Prince Andrew by her good friend, Ghislaine Maxwell. Gibbs worked as a PR consultant.
Gibson, Caroline: Likely to be the award-winning freelance copywriter and content writer who has worked on a number of high-profile advertisements.
Gilifilan, Andrew: Managing Director of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for Cambridge University Press. Retired in 2012.
Gillford, Lord & Lady: Lord Gillford is Patrick Meade, the 8th Earl of Clanwilliam. He is a businessman who is on the board of Soma Oil & Gas Holdings and Eurasia Drilling Company, where he served as Chairman. Eurasia Drilling Company is owned by Russian billionaire oligarch, Alexander Dzhaparidze and billionaire Alexander Putilov.
Gilmour, Andrew & Emma: Gilmour is a diplomat for the UN who has spoken out strongly against Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. Gilmour’s father, Sir Ian Gilmour, served as a minister in Margaret Thatcher’s first cabinet. Emma Gilmour (nee Williams) is a physician and author.
Ginsberg, Gary: Former Executive VP of Global Marketing and Corporate Affairs at Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, the fourth-largest media group in the world prior to splitting in 2013. Ginsberg was a close confidant of Rupert Murdoch and Peter Chernin while at News Corp. Ginsberg also served in the Clinton Administration at the White House Counsel’s Office and Department of Justice. Ginsberg has brokered meetings between Rupert Murdoch and the Clintons, as well as Obama. Ginsberg is currently on the Board of Directors of New Visions for Public Schools, which designs course curricula for students in NYC. New Visions supports many schools, impacting 230,000 students (source: Their Networks for School Improvement Initiative is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. New Visions also has ties to the Carnegie Foundation, which donates millions of dollars in grants (source:!/grants/grants-database/grant/312395808.0/). Ginsberg is also a friend of and speechwriter for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Gittis, Howard: Gittis (1934-2007) was an attorney and adviser to billionaire businessman Ron Perelman. He worked at MacAndrews & Forbes, an investment firm owned by Perelman. In 1995, Perelman hosted a dinner with Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton college friend Arnold Paul Prosperi, Don Johnson, Jimmy Buffett, and Don Fowler, who was the co-chairman of the DNC. More on Perelman later.
Giussani, Luca: President, CEO of Dorial Telecom, Inc., a telecommunications company.
Glanville, Mary: A philanthropy consultant who spent years in TV, Glanville also worked as a PR contact for the Bonita Trust which donated £100,000 to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) back in 2009 to “update its ChildLine technical infrastructure and purchase essential equipment so that more children can get help from its ChildLine service” (source: Glanville was the author of that PR statement.
Glass, Charlie: Could possibly be Charles Glass, author, publisher, and journalist that specializes in the Middle East, but I cannot confirm.
Glentworth, Edmund & Emily: Edmund Pery is the 7th Earl of Limerick and was formerly known as Viscount Glentworth. He worked in British government until becoming director of Deutsche Bank. Emily is Edmund’s wife.
Goess, Pilar: A countess and Austrian-American model who posed for Playboy. Goess died in 1999 from a brain tumor.
Goldberg, Ellen: President of Santa Fe Institute, an organization in New Mexico that hosts faculty consisting of Nobel Laureates, members of the National Academy of Sciences, and MacArthur fellows. Goldberg is also a research professor in the Department of Biology at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Goldberg is a member of the Biology Advisory Committee of the National Science Foundation, and of the National Advisory Allergy and Infectious Diseases Council at the National Institutes of Health. Goldberg has a Ph.D. in genetics from Cornell University Medical College.
Goldsmith, Isabel: An art collector and owner of Hotel Las Alamandas in Mexico. Goldsmith is the daughter of Sir James Goldsmith, a French-British financier, tycoon, and member of the European Parliament.
Golinkin, Sandy: Former Vice President and Publisher of Lucky, a fashion and lifestyle magazine owned by Conde Nast. Has frequently been photographed with celebrities and elite at various parties.
Gomez, Thomas: Thomas Gommes is a former international corporate lawyer.
Gomme, William & Emma: William Gomme is a former director of several furniture manufacturing companies in London. Emma is his wife.
Gordon, Jacobo: Spanish businessman who co-founded several real estate and gaming companies with Alejandro Agag. Agag is a former politician in Spain. He became Secretary General of the European People’s Party (EPP), a tremendous political faction in Europe. Agag played a huge role in getting former Italy PM Silvio Berlusconi’s party into the EPP. Berlusconi has been charged for underage prostitution in the past. Agag quit politics to pursue financial and sporting interests. He is married to the daughter of Jose Maria Aznar, the former PM of Spain and Ana Botella Serrano, the first female mayor of Madrid. Guests at Agag’s wedding included kings and queens. Berlusconi and Tony Blair served as witnesses.
Gore, Juliet: The only Juliet Gore I found is the co-director of Neuro Orthopaedic Institute out of Australia. Doesn’t feel right.
Gottlieb, Steve: A music executive who discovered Nine Inch Nails, Pitbull, Sevendust, and Ja Rule. He has served on the boards of Napster and Musicmatch. He is currently CEO of Shindig, a Zoom-like platform for people to meet each other online.
Goulandris, Dimitri: Founder of The Cycladic Group, which invests and creates businesses. Spent 8 years at Morgan Stanley in its private equity group. Goulandris is the Executive Director and a Board Member for Knightsbridge Schools, which has 3 schools (KSI Montenegro [a boarding school], KSI Bogota, and KSI Panama), all of which are primary/secondary schools for students aged 2-18.
Grabau, Lorenzo: Spent seventeen years at Goldman Sachs before becoming CEO of Investment AB Kinnevik, a Swedish investment firm. He was fired less than 3 years after taking the position.
Graff, Francois: CEO of family-owned Graff, one of the world’s most notable jewellery houses. The company is worth several billion dollars. Graff has been photographed with the likes of Wilbur Ross. In 2001, there was a party celebrating the opening of a new Graff’s store. Attendees included Ghislaine Maxwell, Ivana Trump, Joan Collins, and Denise Rich (source:
Granby, David: David Charles Robert Manners is the 11th Duke of Rutland. He also goes by the Marquess of Granby. Granby is a high-profile supporter of the UK Independence Party and has hosted fundraising events at his ancestral home, Belvoir Castle. Employed Harvey Proctor, the former Conservative Parliament member who had to resign because he had sexual relations with underage male prostitutes, as his personal secretary.
Grange, Jacques: A French interior designer for the rich. Clients include Princess Caroline of Monaco, Francis Ford Coppola, Alain Ducasse, and several billionaires, to name a few.
Grant Jamie: Likely James Grant, owner of No2 Pound Street, an award-winning wine shop that specializes in British Cheese and cured meats. He and his wife previously worked at some leading hotels and restaurants.
Greece Princess Olga: Princess Olga, Duchess of Apulia (nee Princess Olga Isabelle of Greece) married her second cousin, Prince Aimone of Savoy, Duke of Apulia, in 2008. Olga’s father is first cousins with Prince Phillip (Queen Elizabeth’s wife).
Greece, MC & Pavlos: Pavlos is the eldest son of Constantine II, the last King of Greece, before the monarchy was abolished in 1973. Worked in New York as an investment portfolio manager. MC is his wife, Marie-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece. Her father is the billionaire founder of Duty Free Shops. Her sisters, Alexandra and Pia, married into the von Furstenberg and Getty families, respectively. A dinner party was thrown for them at the Standard Hotel in 2009. There were about 12 guests there. One of those exclusive guests was Ghislaine Maxwell (source:
Green, Deborah: No info found.
Green, Jeremy: Likely the former Chief Executive of Quba Property Holdings in South Africa.
Green, Judy: A New York socialite who hobnobbed with an elite crowd. She was considered Andy Warhol’s first muse. He did her photo portrait and she starred in his first movie, The Kiss. She was reportedly close with Frank Sinatra. Edgar M. Bromfman served as Best Man at her wedding to William John Green in 1964. Bromfman is the owner of Seagram, the beverage company. His daughters, Clare and Sara, were members of NXIVM, a cult that recruited women and forced them into sexual slavery.
Gregg Geordie & Katherine: Geordie Grieg is an English journalist and editor of The Daily Mail. Grieg is good friends and has been photographed partying with Ghislaine Maxwell. He is the former editor of Tatler, a Conde Nast-owned British magazine that is targeted towards the upper class and those interested in high society events. Tatler connections come up constantly in the ‘Black Book.’
Grenfell, Natasha: Daughter of Lord St Just, heir to a banking fortune and Wilbury Park mansion. Her mother was actress and one-time Tennessee Williams love interest, Maria Britneva. Natasha is a socialite who has is friends with royalty, actors, and musicians
Griffen, Ted: This is most likely screenwriter, producer, and director Ted Griffin. He has worked on The Wolf of Wall Street, Ocean’s Eleven, and Tower Heist.
Griscom, Nina: A model, socialite, TV personality, and entrepreneur who died earlier this year. Her first husband was a modeling booker for Ford Models, which I wrote about in the D-F section of Epstein’s ‘Black Book’ (link: She went on to cheat on her next husband with sugar billionaire Pepe Fanjul, who is also mentioned in the D-F link above. Was a close friend of Blaine Trump, ex-wife of Robert Trump, Donald’s younger brother.
Gross, Pamela & Jimmy Finkelstein: James Finkelstein is the owner of The Hill, an American news website often cited here in /conspiracy. He is close with Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani. Pamela Gross is his wife. She worked at CNN until 2017 and is close friends with Melania Trump.
Grossman Lloyd: Loyd Grossman is an British author and broadcaster best known for hosting Masterchef from 1990-2000, before it was reformatted. Also co-created Through the Keyhole, a British game show, with David Frost, who is also in Epstein’s ‘Black Book.’
Gubelmann, Marjorie: A socialite who is best known for hosting and performing as a DJ at high society parties. She has deejayed events for Bulgari, Versace, and others. She is currently the in-studio DJ for the Today with Hoda & Jenny show on NBC. Her ex-husband, Reza Raein works in oil. Guests at their wedding included Ivanka Trump, Tamara Mellon, Michael Kors, and Tory Burch.
Guccioni, Tony: Son of Penthouse creator Bob Guccione.
Gudefin, Christian: A financial advisor at Deutsche Bank, which as of Tuesday, July 7th, 2020, agreed to pay $150 million in fines because they ignored suspicious transactions made by Jeffrey Epstein (source: Gudefin is also a financial advisor at Fdx Capital LLC and Managing Partner at Confidas Capital.
Guedroltz, Solina & Nicolas: Solina is a photographer. Her father is a viscount. Nicolas is an antique Russian furniture dealer. He is a Russian prince and is of Belgian nobility through his mother’s side.
Guerini Maraldi, Alessandro: Chairman of Willis Towers Watson, a British insurance company. Guerrini-Maraldi’s name appears in the Panama Papers, which revealed the identities of many rich and powerful people who have avoided paying taxes through offshore accounts.
Guerrand-Hermes, Valesca: Socialite and ex-wife of French fashion house heir, Mathias Guerrand. Guerrand-Hermes is on the Board of Directors of the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NYSPCC) (source: NYSPCC is a child protection agency. Photographed with Ghislaine Maxwell at the 2005 Wall Street Concert Series Benefitting Wall Street Rising at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. You can’t make this stuff up.
Guest, Cornelia: Named Debutante of the Decade of the 1980s, Cornelia is a well-known New York socialite who comes from money. Her family made money in iron and steel and have served in British politics. In December 2015, Ghislaine Maxwell attended Cornelia’s holiday party.
Guggenheim, Barbara & Bert Flelds: Guggenheim (not part of the Guggenheim museum family) is a partner at the well-known art advisory firm, Guggenheim, Asher Associates, Inc. They have built collections for Coca Cola and Sony, as well as Tom Cruise and alleged pedophile Steven Spielberg. Epstein victim Maria Farmer once worked for Barbara at her home before meeting Epstein. Farmer got the job through Barbara’s sister, Eileen, who has been accused of being an Epstein enabler. A petition ( to have her removed as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the New York Academy of Art as a result of Maria Farmer’s allegations has over 10,000 signatures. Farmer says that Eileen Guggenheim forced her to sell a painting replicating Degas’s “The Rape” to Epstein. Two weeks after meeting Epstein and Maxwell, Guggenheim took Farmer and other art students to Epstein’s Zorro Ranch in New Mexico (source: Barbara’s husband, Bert Fields, is an entertainment lawyer who has represented the likes of Steven Spielberg, Bob and Harvey Weinstein, George Lucas, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, etc.
Guiness, Sabrina: Guinness comes from a long line of wealthy bankers. She had a relationship with Prince Charles in 1979. Cousin of Edward Guinness, 4th Earl of Iveagh, heir to the Guinness fortune. Edward Guinness’s wife, Lady Clare Iveagh (nee Hazell) plays a HUGE role in Epstein’s pedophilia ring. More on her later (she is listed under I for Iveagh). Her sister, Anita Guinness, was married to Amschel Rothschild until his suicide in 1996.
Guinness, Mr Hugo: An artist from the same banking family as sister Sabrina (above). Guinness has collaborated with director Wes Anderson on a number of films. Cousin of Edward Guinness, 4th Earl of Iveagh, heir to the Guinness fortune. Edward Guinness’s wife, Lady Clare Iveagh (nee Hazell) plays a HUGE role in Epstein’s pedophilia ring. More on her later (she is listed under I for Iveagh).
Guissaini, Luca: Listed above under Giussani, Luca. CEO of Dorial Telecom.
Gumberg, Ira: Chairman and CEO of JJ Gumberg Co., a high-end real estate development firm based out of Pittsburgh. Gumberg served on the Board of Mellon Financial Corporation from 1989-2007.
Guttfreund, Susan & John: Susan is a former beauty queen and notorious party thrower. Her husband, John, was CEO of Salomon Brothers, the large investment bank. He was dubbed the “King of Wall Street” by Business Week in 1985. He died in 2016.
Hahn, Dr & Mrs: Likely Carl Hahn, former head of Volkswagen.
Hall, Pippa: There are two Pippa Halls that this could possibly be. One is a movie casting director who was in charge of casting children for movies (source: The other Pippa Hall is Director of Innovation and Chief Economist at the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO). There is not enough info to determine which one is in the ‘Black Book.’
Halpern Jen: A British philanthropist, PR guru, and businesswoman. Her father was knighted by Margaret Thatcher.
Hambro, Clementine: Great-granddaughter of Winston Churchill who also served as a bridesmaid at the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana when she was just five-years-old. Her father, Richard, was a British heir and investment banker. K
Hamilton, George: Famous actor who took Ghislaine Maxwell to the Epsom Derby (horse race) in 1991. Epstein has a significant amount of phone numbers listed for Hamilton.
Hammond, Dana: Socialite and heiress to the Annenberg Publishing fortune. Hammond is friends with Ghislaine Maxwell. They have been photographed together at various parties.
Handler, Sharon: International attorney who is friends with Camilla Parker-Bowles and Prince Charles. Married to John Langeloth Loeb Jr., former United States Ambassador to Denmark under Reagan.
Hanover, Ernst & chantal: Prince Ernst Hanover is the head of the royal House of Hanover. The House of Hanover has produced six British monarchs, including King George III and Queen Victoria. The current British monarchy, the Windsors, are actually of German and British descent, which is why these family trees intersect. Most notably, the House of Hanover is perhaps the most important of the Black Nobility families. There have been some fantastic threads on Reddit about the Black Nobility.
Hanson, Brook: Adopted son of British industrialist, Lord Hanson, Brook died in 2014 at the age of 50.
Hanson, Lord & Lady: British industrialist who made a fortune in the ‘80s as a Trade and Industry Secretary in close friend Margaret Thatcher’s administration. His wife, Geraldine, was a former model. They are both dead.
Hanson, The Hon Robert: British financier and eldest son of Lord Hanson. Chairman of Hanson Family Holdings, a private investment firm. In the 1980s, Robert worked as a banker at NM Rothschild & Sons before returning to his father’s company. Before getting married, Hanson dated socialite Anouska de Georgiou, who became the first British woman to accuse Jeffrey Epstein of raping her as a teenager (source: Odd that Robert Hanson, his brother Brook, and his parents would have wanted anything to do with Epstein.
Hapsburg, Marie: Royalty. Her father was Archduke Joseph Arpad of Austria and her mother, Archduchess Maria of Austria, was a Princess of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg and a member of the House of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg by birth. The Hapsburg (also called Habsburg) family is one of the most powerful and wealthiest families in Europe. The Hapsburgs are another Black Nobility family of very high prestige. I couldn’t find anything out about her husband, Raymond van der Meide. They have 7 children together.
Harvey Victoria: Ex-girlfriend of Prince Andrew, Hervey is an English model and socialite. Although her relationship with Andrew didn’t work out, she remained in his inner circle. In 2000, she attended a dinner with Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Jeffrey Epstein (source: Hervey is also a friend of Ghislaine Maxwell, who introduced her to Epstein and “set her up in one of Epstein’s apartments in New York.” Hervey is the daughter of Victor Hervey, 6th Marquess of Bristol, businessman and member of the House of Lords.
Harvey-Watt, Isabelle: Director of PR for Giorgio Armani before moving on to Versace and other well-known fashion corporations.
Haslam, Nick: English interior designer and socialite. His mother was the Goddaughter of Queen Victoria. Haslam claims to have had an affair with Lord Snowdon one year before he married Princess Margaret (Queen Elizabeth’s sister), further fueling rumors of Lord Snowdon’s alleged bisexuality.
Hatkoff, Craig & Jane: Hatkoff is a real estate investor, who, along with his ex-wife, Jane Rosenthal, and Robert De Niro, founded the Tribeca Film Festival and the Tribeca Film Institute. Hatkoff has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
Hauteville, Marc de: Manages Soc Civile du Frayssinet, a real estate company based out of France. There is very little information other than this. Both of his parents appear to be members of noble families - the Hautevilles and the Cazenoves - who have historical ties to the Du Ponts.
Hay, Henry & Patricia: Henry Hay is CEO and co-founder of Centaur Properties, a large real estate firm based out of New York. Centaur’s holdings are concentrated in the most expensive neighborhoods in Manhattan.
Hayworth Reggie: Heyworth runs the 160 acre Cotswold Wildlife Park, which attracts more than 400,000 people a year. He lives in the middle of the park at the Bradwell Grove estate. .
Hazell-Iveagh, Clare: This amazing thread made by clemanueverers contains all the info you need: Quick summary: Hazell-Iveagh helped Maxwell and Epstein procure children using her position as President of West Suffolk National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). Click on the link. Clemanueverers did a wonderful job.
Hearn, Barry & Susan: Barry is a hugely popular English sports promoter, as is his son, Eddie, who represents some of the biggest boxers in the world. Former boxer and popular Youtuber Tyan Booth was supposedly banned immediately after posting a video connecting Epstein to Hearn. I have tried to find the video or at least a summary of what he said, but have been unsuccessful. If anyone has any info on this, please post below.
Hefner III, Bob: Founder and CEO of GHK Companies, which specializes in oil and natural gas. Founded the Robert and MeiLi Hefner Foundation which sponsors educational trips to China for outstanding high school students. His grandfather, Robert Hefner Sr., served as Mayor of Oklahoma City, was a Supreme Court Justice of Oklahoma, was a member of the executive council of the Boy Scouts of America, and was a thirty-second degree Freemason. Although I try not to engage in speculation, this article makes a connection between Jeffrey Epstein, Bob Hefner III, and a winning Powerball lottery ticket that was purchased in Oklahoma in 2008 (source: It’s too long to summarize. Read it and check it out.
Heiden, Lisa: Worked in Manhattan and London as an executive for ABC. Close friend of Ghislaine Maxwell. According to the fantastic research done by this person (, two of Lisa Heiden’s properties are listed as an address for Ellmax, a company set up by Ghislaine.
Heineken, Mr. Fredie: A Dutch businessman for the Heineken brewing company. Was chairman and CEO from 1971-1989.
Helen and Tim Shifter: Helen is a former Vogue Magazine staffer. Tim is former CEO of LeSportsac and serves as Senior Advisor at Blackstone Group, a private equity firm. The Schifters are personal friends of Ghislaine Maxwell.
Helvin, Marie: Former fashion model and former girlfriend of Imran Khan, the current Prime Minister of Pakistan. According to her memoir, she knows pretty much any popular celebrity from the ‘70s and ‘80s.
Herbert, Jason: Likely a financial adviser based in London.
Hermes, Olga & Olaf: Olaf is a handbag heir. Olga is his ex-wife.
Herrero, Juan & Helen: Juan is like the managing director of an investment bank in Spain.
Hersov, Robert & Kim: Robert is a South African entrepreneur and mining heir who has worked for Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and News Corp. (owned by Murdoch).. Ex-wife Kim is a London-based fashion editor and designer.
Heseltine, Mr & Mrs: Baron Michael Heseltine is a British businessman and politician who served in various roles in government for British PMs Margaret Thatcher and John Major. Heseltine was a friend of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine’s father. Heseltine invested in Conservative Parliament member Harvey Proctor’s business after Proctor was forced to resign after it was revealed he had sexual relationships with and took nude pictures of male prostitutes aged 17-21 at his home (source: At the time, it was illegal to have same-sex relations with prostiutes under the age of 21.
Heseltine, Mr & Mrs: Same as above.
Heseltine, Ms. Annabel: Journalist, columnist, and TV and radio broadcaster. At the age of 22, she became the Assistant-editor for Hong Kong Tatler (there’s that publication again). Daughter of Baron Michael Heseltine.
Heseltine, Rupert: Businessman and heir to Haymarket Media Group. Son of Baron Michael Heseltine.
Hicks, India: A fashion model in the ‘80s and ‘90s, India Hicks is a good friend of Ghislaine Maxwell. Descendant of the Mountbatten family, a British dynasty (although much of their background is German). Granddaughter of the much-decorated war hero, Lord Mountbatten (Prince Charles’s mentor), who, according to FBI files, was “a homosexual with a perversion for young boys” (source: Prince Charles is her second cousin and Godfather.
Hill, Anthony: Son of Robin Hall, 8th Marquess of Downshire and Juliet Weld-Forester, daughter of 7th Baron Forester. Couldn’t find any more info.
Himmelstein, Howard: Co-owner of clothing brand Camp Beverly Hill and a producescreenwriter.
Hirsch, Jeff: Owner of Foto Care, a shop that sells professional camera equipment. Claims he is only in the ‘Black Book’ because he sold an expensive camera to Ghislaine many years ago and had to go to her house to show her how to use it (source: This, however, doesn’t explain why there are two numbers listed under Hirsch’s name that are attributed to Scott Geffert, the General Manager for Advanced Imaging at the MET museum. This could all be innocent or these two could have assisted in Epstein’s hidden camera setup and helped Epstein get high quality pictures of his victims. We can’t be sure.
Hissom, Robert & Andrea: Robert is the founder of Aspen Capital Partners, a large property management firm. He is a friend of Prince Charles. His ex-wife, Andrea, famously got remarried to Steve Wynn, billionaire Las Vegas hotel tycoon. Prince Harry was a guest of Wynn’s at his Encore resort. Andrea and Wynn are close friends of Donald and Melania Trump (source:
Hoffman, Dustin: Famous Hollywood actor. Hoffman has been accused of sexual assault on multiple occasions, including exposing himself to a minor (source:
Hoffman, Hetty: Married to Robin Dundas, Earl of Ronaldshay. Lady Ronaldshay is a patron and ambassador for Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice, a UK-based charity that provides care for terminally ill babies and children up to five years old. A good friend of Ben Holland-Martin (listed just below).
Hoffman, Jessica: Sister of Hetty Hoffman (above), Jessica is an artist and former model who married investment banker Leopoldo Zambeletti. She is a good friend of India Hicks (mentioned above), the granddaughter of Lord Mountbatten (Prince Charles’s mentor), who, according to FBI files, was “a homosexual with a perversion for young boys.”
Holland-Martin, Ben: Works for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). His mother, Rosamund, was chairman of the NSPCC for 20 years while Princess Margaret was President and was involved with the NSPCC for more than 50 years (source: Both Ben and his mother are/were friends of Princess Margaret. Rosamund Holland-Martin (nee Hornby) was related to Charles Hornby, a British socialite and close friend of Prince Charles, who was sentenced to 2 ½ years for luring young runaway boys into prostitution, indecent assault, importuning, and living off the earnings of prostitution (source:,2085303). Ben is also good friends with Hetty Hoffman (mentioned above), who is an ambassador for Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice.
Hollond Mr & Mrs James: James is a partner at EFP Capital, an investment and advisory firm. James’s mother married Baron Robert Rothschild after her and James’s father divorced. His now ex-wife, Beatrice, is on many investing firm boards, but most notably, she is a trustee on the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, a charity that specializes in helping disadvantaged children (source: If anyone has more info on these two, please post. Epstein has 10 pieces of contact information under their name.
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what is the richest video game company 2019 video

Most Sold Video Games of All Time 1989 - 2019 - YouTube KEEP THEM POOR  This Is What The Richest Don't Want You ... World's Best Selling Games (1993-2019) Top 10 Richest People In The World (1995-2019) - YouTube CEOs of Top Companies of the World Richest Video Game Companies  3D Comparison - YouTube Top 10 Richest Game companies in the World 2019 new ... Top 10 Most Valuable Brands of 2018 What Really Makes The Rich Get Richer And The Poor Get ... Top 15 Richest People In The World (1997-2019) - YouTube

Take a look at the top 10 richest video game companies that you can thank for giving you some of the best games of all time. 10. Capcom – $952 Million. Having some of the greatest hits under its flagship, like Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and Mega Man, Capcom is one of the oldest video game developers, with a revenue of $952 million. Having been in the video game industry since the Super Nintendo days, the company has truly paid its dues on its road to the success it enjoys today. 8 Square Enix - Revenue: $1.45 Billion Square Enix is one of the most successful game companies of all time, its Final Fantasy series regularly hailed as one of the best gaming products in the world. The company published the first online game ever in 1994 (Baram e Nara, or The Kingdom of the Wind) and has remained at the forefront of online games in Asia. Read more about Kim Jung-Ju here. 6. Sony remains the biggest video game company in the world 2020. The Japanese tech giant still makes most of its gaming revenue, which totaled $20.3 billion last year, with the PlayStation 4 which came out in late 2013 and continues to be the world’s most popular video game console. However, Sony also produces many original video games for its console. Ubisoft is known for being the company that gave interesting concepts to gamers from all around the globe and reaping the rewards through regular releases in its many series of games. 6. SEGA- REVENUE -$3.33 BILLION. Japanese people seem to be the masters of video games consoles and Sega is another example of how great they are. Nintendo is a Japanese video game developer and consumer company who has their headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. They are famously known for creating the best handheld gaming devices and changing the industry. They are the creators of world-renowned games like Mario, Pokémon and Legend of Zelda. Nintendo is one of the richest gaming companies in the world. It has total assets of $17.5 billion. Most of its revenues come from engaging in the development, manufacture, and sale of entertainment products. The company has many console game machines and software available on all gaming platforms. Since then, SCE has become the largest video game company in the world based on annual revenue. SCE oversees the production of the hardware and peripherals for Playstation games. It is also the parent company of Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide (SIE), the company that oversees the production of Sony games. Top 10 richest video game developers in the world in 2019. 10. Square Enix. Value: $1.26 billion. Headquartered in Tokyo, this company is known not only for videogame production but also for anime comics (manga), books, and motion pictures. The company’s founder, Yasuhiro Fukushima, is the largest shareholder.

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Most Sold Video Games of All Time 1989 - 2019 - YouTube

"Don't tell people what you know. KEEP THEM POOR!" This is what rich people say to Robert Kiyosaki. This video was uploaded with the permission of the owner.... Forbes list of the richest billionaires in the world indicates that there are today 2,153 billionaires. In this video, we will see how this list will change ... These companies! For this list, we’re looking taking a look at Forbes’ 2018 ranking of the world’s most powerful companies and valuable brands based on the numbers. WatchMojo counts down the ... In this video you will see 3D comparison of Richest Video Game Companies.Music by: ... In this video you will see 3D comparison of Richest Video Game Companies.Music by: ... This video ranks the top 10 richest people in the world from 1995 to 2019 based off of net worth. The total net worth of each individual is based on their do... Like and subscribe for more videos Timeline history of the best selling video games from 1989 to 2019. Measured by cumulative units sold worldwide. Includes game copies sold on PC and gaming c... This video shares principles for saving and investing money, from the book the Richest man in Babylon. If you have never read the book, you will be blown awa... Brands With Best-Selling Video Game Consoles 1972 - 2019 - Duration: ... Top 15 Biggest Companies by Market Capitalization 1993 ... Richest People in the World (1990-2019) Forbes - Duration: ... CEOs of Top Companies of the World. Top Brands and their CEOs. This video includes Top Companies CEO list - Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon,IBM, Coke Cola, Oracle and others. Update your General ...

what is the richest video game company 2019

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