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Brainstorming the EVE Revolution


When I have asked people to describe the current EVE meta, the responses have overwhelmingly included the word “stale,” with numerous complaints centered around botting, risk aversion, the condensation and supremacy (both in the game and in game updates) of null mega-blocs (which everyone knows are inferior to LEGOs), and the general lack of content variety that once was the hallmark of EVE. EVE Online is very much an economic sandbox, and any economist with more than three brain cells to rub together could tell you that in entirely unregulated systems, the largest and most established corporations will subsume the others around it, quickly gobbling up any newcomers to the market to eliminate competition (See: AOL-Time Warner-Pepsico-Viacom-Halliburton-Skynet-Toyota-Taco Bell-Trader Joe's), and what we see in EVE is no different: groups that are already large and powerful have the means to gain money, power, and influence at a rate much larger than that of smaller groups (rorqual moon mining, super ratting, jump bridges, etc.).
This set-up creates what is essentially a regressive tax on smaller entities: they have no way to compete with already-established entities, now or in the future, because they will always be at a disadvantage compared to the mega-bloc (barring some massive influx of external capital; see: Casino Wars). What this means is that the EVE player base is basically like the Catholic Church: the general population is the old guard, established folks who control the doctrine (see what I did there?), with relatively few newcomers attracted or able to establish themselves. As people leave to pursue activities in meatspace or burn out, there is little new blood to replace them, and CCP’s recent strategy of making up for this lack of new players with having the old folks get multiple subscriptions (because you need to have a tackle alt, a cyno alt, a super alt, and a FAX alt, right?) makes decent economic sense for the company (in the short run), but definitely condemns the game to a slow death.
So, what I present here are a series of what I will call “revolutionary” ideas; ideas that range from freshening the meta to make it more viable for new players to gain a foothold in this crazy game universe to collapsing core game mechanics in ways that would likely result in a huge uproar from EVE’s player base. I do not necessarily claim that any of these are good ideas, but they are definitely interesting ideas to consider and discuss and are based off personal pet peeves I have had while playing EVE over the past few months.
Wow that was a long fucking intro. Jesus, let’s get to it.

I. Fix Low Sec and Faction Warfare

New players start off in high sec with very limited resources, and the game implies that low security space is a way for players to dip their toes into PVP, piracy, and other game mechanics that are excluded from hisec. Especially prominent to new players is the Factional Warfare mechanic, which provides new players with a ready-made group of allies, chances for PVP, and roleplaying opportunities. Theoretically, low sec and faction warfare mechanics should reward these players for their gumption… in reality, that’s not what happens.
Low security (especially the FW Warzone) space is plagued by numerous issues, and I am going to attempt to address some of them here with some indecent proposals:
  1. Ban supers and titans in lowsec: from a logical standpoint, this makes sense. No caps in hisec; regular caps allowed in low; supers allowed in null. It also makes sense from a lore standpoint as empires may not want capsuleer titans wandering around their space willy-nilly. On top of that, it makes it much harder for null-based entities to deploy a massive super fleet to sweep every smaller group out of low sec so they can essentially use it as an auxiliary to its own space (looking at you, Snuff). Supers and titans are huge, expensive, and only available to the truly wealthy. They should not be in low sec if low sec is meant to be viable for new players as an induction into PVP. On a personal note, if I have one more assault frigate killed by a cloaked supercarrier outside a plex, I may explode.
  2. Ban cloaking devices inside and outside faction warfare plexes: Tell me, what is the point of going to a novice complex (only T1 frigates allowed in) if a cloaky insta-lock Loki can just sit outside the acceleration gate and blap anything that tries to come in? Or how about the aforementioned scenario of a cloaked supercarrier sitting near the gate just waiting for their tackle alt to grab someone before they can slide in. Alternatively, there could be damage clouds outside plexes that punish people more frequently the longer they sit out there (after 1 minute sitting there you take 1000 omni damage, after 2 minutes, you take 10k omni damage, after 5 minutes you take 100k omni damage, etc.). This second method has all sorts of problems with it, but damn would it be interesting.
  3. Make the insta-slide a thing again!: Up until a few months ago, if you landed on the acceleration gate, and hit the gate as soon as you landed, you would always warp into the FW complex. You could not be pointed or scrammed outside, so long as you took the gate immediately. This mechanic was critical to ensuring that if you showed up to a small plex, you would fight frigates and destroyers, not T3Cs and supers. A super-easy fix to a really discouraging problem for new players.
  4. Dramatically increase victory points per complex run: As it stands now, a faction must run 150 complexes to completion (plus additional complexes for each complex the enemy faction has run) in order to bash the infrastructure hub. Each complex takes between 10 and 20 minutes to run. Why in hell is the grind so pointless and vicious?! In Fozziesov (which is basically FW on crack), each node captured stabilizes or destabilizes the structure by 6-7% (albeit on a timer). In FW, each complex stabilizes or destabilizes the system by 0.6%! Yes, you read that right: a fraction of one percent. You can circle the beacons for days and never get anywhere close to making the system vulnerable (especially since all those deplexing bots get to the system while you sleep). Reducing the number of necessary plexes to 25 or even 50 could make FW seem less like pounding your head against a brick wall and makes FW viable and engaging gameplay for small- and mid-sized groups.
  5. Severe warzone structure restrictions: Arguably the biggest problem facing FW today is that control of the warzone is pointless. If the enemy faction captures your staging system, it used to be a critical blow, as now all your stuff was locked inside a station you could not access. With the introduction of citadels, that situation has changed drastically and was never addressed or altered in any meaningful way. If my faction loses control of a system, my Fortizar works just fine. In fact, my industrial facilities can benefit from system FW bonuses even if it is not my faction that owns the system. I could be looking at 50% reduced industry costs while sitting deep in enemy territory. How does that make sense? Thus, my insane proposal for this is to drastically reduce citadel function in lowsec systems in the FW warzones by (forgive the shitty indents, reddit):
a. Preventing anchoring of structures in space controlled by the enemy faction. Any structures in enemy space (after a system flip) automatically enter low-power mode and do not have any services, including docking and tethering. To prevent "enemy holding corporations," there would additionally need to be an "ACL Override" that would prevent enemy milita from docking/tethering in these structures in the warzone, regardless of the standings/ACLs of the corporation that owns them (e.g. I could not just make a one-man Calmil corporation just to anchor an astrahus that Galmil can dock in in Caldari space).
b. Removing neutral structures: Structures belonging to groups that are not engaged in factional warfare cannot be anchored in the FW warzone, and any structure in the warzone transferred to a neutral entity automatically enter low-power mode and disallow all docking and tethering. Neutral toons can still dock at NPC stations, but cannot dock or tether at citadels owned by either faction. This method is extreme, but necessary to avoid FW groups just using holding corporations to place structures in enemy space.
Implementing these proposals means that system sieges could actually mean something. Imagine if all your citadels could be shut down because the enemy controls your space! Wouldn’t that be some high-stakes excitement, compared to the boring “who gives a crap if we lose space” attitude prominent in FW groups nowadays?
It is also worth noting that not ALL of lowsec is in the FW warzone, so there are plenty of places for industry groups, pirates, etc. to go other than the warzone. If FW is made more dynamic with VP changes, the warzone could also conceivably be reduced in size (with more becoming a specific empire’s space permanently) to allow for non-FW content to thrive in those areas as well.

II. Make stationary mega-blocs less viable in the long-term, especially those utilizing botting.

The idea of a Delve-hour is a cancerous lesion upon the entire EVE community: one group (admittedly through its own trials and tribulations) has a near-impenetrable region of space that produces massive amounts of resources, industrial products, and NPC bounties in quantities that rival or even dwarf trade hubs on a monthly basis. And the real kicker is: the more they harvest, the more they farm, the more they grind, the more resources, rats, and grindrs are available to them. Thus, their wealth creates a positive feedback loop that ensures that no one will ever truly be able to compete with them. This situation is certainly not unique to Goonswarm Federation (and I do not bear them, nor Snuff, nor any other group ill will for exploiting the game mechanic in their favor) but it is not long-term sustainable if CCP wishes to attract new players. Additionally, trillions upon trillions of ISK every month are generated through botting (or just plain AFKing) with VNI ratting in near-untouchable space with vast intel networks (galaxy-wide, obviously not just in Delve). Thus, I propose two changes, one relatively minor that may (or may not) help with dealing with the VNI’s bullshit, and one that would fundamentally alter (read: break) the structure of the game forever.
  1. Make VNI ratting take literally any conscious effort: I know, this is a pretty low bar to set, but even some really stupidly simple changes like increased drone aggro against drone boats by rats and removing the drone “aggressive” auto-attack means that people (or bots, let’s be real) would actually have to put SOME effort into ratting. In any ship other than a drone boat, a player has to make a conscious choice to engage each enemy, depleting ammunition, reloading, maintaining appropriate range. In VNIs, all of that is done for you automatically: no ammo is depleted, you never have to reload, you just need to orbit a rock prop-on and go cook dinner while the money pours in. Now, in fairness, these changes could discourage real players from ratting while not really addressing the core issue of botters, but people just printing money with 0 actual game inputs seems incredibly brokento me.
  2. Resource Depletion and Scarcity: This is arguably the worst, best, least viable, and most interesting suggestion I have for this post. It was spurred by two stimuli: Firstly, a discussion I had with a friend about how good of an economic simulator EVE is. For those who have never taken economics, the entire field is more or less predicated on two assumptions: that people will generally act in a way that serves their self-interest and that resources are scarce. The first assumption holds up pretty well in EVE, but the second fails massively because asteroid belts respawn every day after downtime in the same place with the same amounts of minerals; the more ore you mine in null sec, the MORE ore anomalies spawn; the more NPC pirate rats you kill for their bounties, the more show up in your system. That doesn’t seem… quite right. (Yes, I know it is ostensibly to "reward" groups for being active in their space, but should there be no limit to that?) The second factor that pushed me to make this suggestion was actual flavor text from the game itself, specifically the one for “Small Asteroid Cluster” anomalies: “In the past, scientists shared their concerns about an overall reduction in the supply of raw resources, but in recent times, the discovery of additional ore in unknown sectors of space has alleviated this anxiety.” CCP literally has written into the game that scarcity could become a real thing! What if rorqual mining a system for months at a time actually depleted its resources? What if money moons gradually became less money (while other moons gradually improved if not drilled regularly)? What if killing off thousands upon thousands of pirates actually weakened their cartel in that sector of space? What if PI depleted planetary resources not just in one area of a planet, but across the entire planet for an extended period of time? Well, if that happened, groups that consume massive amounts of resources would need to move, conquering space from other groups. All of a sudden, groups would not just be able to sit under their cyno jammers and super umbrellas making massive piles of cash, reacting enormous stockpiles of moon goo, and killing infinite numbers of rats: they would have to scout and seize the more desirable space from their enemies. In one fell swoop, we could have a more realistic EVE economy, discourage turtling, and encourage actual engagements (as opposed to the “war” Legacy/Fraternity have had going for a couple months, where no meaningful structures were destroyed or space changed hands because everyone is too risk-averse to commit). Because the defenders have a tactical advantage against invaders, introducing scarcity would also give smaller groups at least somewhat of a boost in the face of groups slightly larger than they. On top of all that, the EVE economy would more accurately reflect the reality of meatspace economies and resource-gathering. Could new gameplay opportunities or strategies be opened up by the depletion of Delve money moons or PI planets, just as depletion of petroleum oil supplies has (somewhat) allowed for the expansion of solar, wind, geothermal, and other power sources in meatspace? Maybe! Who knows what strategies we could see EVE players develop in the face of this new challenge (which is, in reality, the oldest challenge humanity has faced for tens of thousands of years).
NOW, there are several big problems with this change, most notably that someone who is super rich could just stockpile massive amounts of resources, then use the skyrocketing prices to make mad bank, but honestly, I think that it would be a fascinating development, if not necessarily one that would make a lot of players happy.

III. Random Bullshit/Quality of Life Improvements

Gonna keep this short because my other sections are WAY too long.
  1. Fix Corp/Alliance/ACL Titles, roles, and general management: Dear gods, what a fustercluck these are. I know, I know, someone is going to scream “Legacy code!!!” at me, as if TAPI had teamed up with James 315, but after 16 years, that excuse starts to sound a bit old. Setting corp and alliance permissions in these is a confounding nightmare.
  2. Event and Giveaway buttons on sidebar: Jesus Christ, can we get rid of these, or at least make them removable? There are already massive ads/popups for them on the launcher and login screen! Stop pushing my Fitting Management button off my neocom, you shits!
  3. Insurance adjustments: This is the most minor of pet peeves, but every single month, an economic report comes out that shows that there is at least two times as much ISK paid out in insurance money as is paid into the insurance system. As someone who has known actuaries and insurance professionals all my life, this annoys the hell out of me. Honestly, Pend Insurance should just stop insuring capsuleers; they’d save so much money! I think it would be really interesting if CCP implemented some sort of monthly check: if insurance payouts exceed insurance contributions for that month, then future insurance payouts are cumulatively reduced by 10% across the board (maybe weighted so that insurance for larger ships is reduced by a greater amount and insurance for smaller ships reduced less to make it more friendly for new players who can’t afford to lose as much). CCP can then continue to do this every month that insurance payouts continue to be too damn high, until the relative amounts are more reasonable. Payouts can also be adjusted UP if contributions are substantially higher than payouts. *GASP* an actual economic equilibrium? Who woulda thunk? Having insurance act as a net ISK faucet is both dumb from an economic standpoint and silly from a game-design standpoint.


Anyway, those are some of my extremely terrible, horrible, no good, very bad ideas for the future of EVE that could make the game more compelling for new players, which I mainly bring up as points of discussion for my fellow players, rather than as serious proposals. I fully expect that a whopping zero of them will ever be implemented because many would frustrate the existing paying player base or just be too much effort to address something that CCP doesn’t really care about addressing since they are focused on other matters. I don’t mean to shit on CCP for having such a focus: the Triglavian stuff is pretty cool, and I like that there’s more lore things happening lately… but it’s a shame that the number of viable play-styles in EVE has been reduced so drastically because of lack of attention on their part.
submitted by alquimistablanco to Eve [link] [comments]

(Unofficial) Update Log 1.6.0

Hi guys,
I want to try something new here. As we never get a complete update log with everything changed, we sometimes miss a few details here and there. Did you know 1.5.6 added a new ad reward? 2x gold, which was actually in the game before? No? That's why I want to try this here. :-)
And if you find anything I overlooked or forgot to mention, just leave a comment and I'll add it to the list. :-)
New Stuff
Changed Stuff
The next sections will be work in progress for a while, as it takes some time to complete the new quests, unlock new regions and build the different stations.
Africa Cargo
Africa station building
Building material required seems to have changed a bit from South America, so here is the new level ramp. Stations that need to be build are written in italic in the next sections.
No lvl 4 and 5 stations need to be build.
Africa West stations (78 total)
Africa East stations (73 total)
Africa Center stations (58 total)
Africa South stations (81 total)
submitted by Eff_X to TinyRails [link] [comments]

[USA] [H]Ni No Kuni, WKC 2, Skyrim (PS3) Theatrhythm, EO2, Fire Emblems (3/DS) AC3:L, Gravity Rush (Vita) AC Bro, Rev, 3 (360) Tales, Twilight Princess (GCN) HUGE list || [W] MH3U (3DS) Dark Souls (360) List inside! Will Trade Vita for WiiU

I'm willing to trade a PS Vita w/ Persona skin, 8GB memory card, CIB for a WiiU system.
Asterisk guide:
1= No hesitation. This game is absolutely up for trade. 2= I like it, but I'm most probably done with it. Still absolutely up for trade. 3= I'm just as willing to keep it as I am willing to trade it. 4= Most likely still being played in my house or just a game that I enjoy owning. 5= Probably in my backlog and not necessarily looking to trade, but if you have something specifically on my [W] list, we can chat.
Game Completeness Availability Notes
360 Updated 4/9
Assassins Creed Brotherhood CIB ***
Assassins Creed Revelations CIB *** Signature Edition
Assassins Creed 3 CIB *** Steelbook case and regular case
Big Bumpin' CIB *
Borderlands GOTY CIB *** 2-disc version
Brink CIB **
Bulletstorm CIB **
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Disc only ***
Dance Central 1 CIB * import code used
Dance Central 2 CIB * import code used
Dance Central 3 CIB * code still good
Dance, Dance Revolution Universe CIB * also have the dance mat
Dead Rising no manual **
Dead Rising 2 CIB *** Zombrex Edition w/ all goodies
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record CIB ***
Dishonored CIB ***
Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga CIB ***
Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition CIB *** new, sealed
Fighters Uncaged CIB **
Final Fantasy XIII CIB ***
Forza Horizon CIB ***
Game of Thrones CIB ** new, sealed
Guitar Hero Aerosmith CIB *
Guitar Hero III CIB *
Infinite Undiscovery CIB *** new, sealed
Infinite Undiscovery Strategy Guide ***
Kameo CIB **
Kinectimals CIB ***
Kingdoms of Amalur CIB ****
Madden 08 CIB *
Magna Carta 2 CIB ***
Mass Effect 1 disc only *
Mass Effect 2 CIB **
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection CIB PENDING OUT
Moto GP 06 CIB *
NASCAR 08 disc + case * case has a small crack near the top back.
NCAA March Madness 08 CIB *
Nier CIB ***
Perfect Dark Zero CE CIB * Metal CE case/cover
Project Gotham Racing 3 CIB *
Record of Agarest War Zero, Limited Edition CIB **** New, Sealed
Resonance of Fate CIB ***
Risen CIB ***
Risen 2: Special Edition CIB *** new, sealed
Rock Band Keytar controller *** has shoulder strap
Sonic Free Riders CIB **
Spiderman: Friend or Foe CIB ***
Tales of Vesperia CIB ****
The Last Remnant CIB *
Tiger Woods 2010 CIB *
Too Human CIB * 3 copies
Two Worlds 2 CIB ** New, Sealed
DS/3DS Updated 4/9
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors (999) cart only ***
Atelier Annie cart only ***
Battle of Giants: Dinosaurs CIB **
Dokapon Journey CIB ***
Etrian Odyssey 2 CIB ***
Etrian Odyssey 3 no manual ***** includes character strategy booklet
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 cart only **
Final Fantasy III no manual *** cart + case
Final Fantasy Theatrhythm CIB ***
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon cart only **
Knights in the Knightmare CIB *****
Knights in the Knightmare cart only **
Mario & Sonic - Olympic Games CIB ***
Monster Rancher DS CIB ****
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon cart only **
Spectrobes CIB **
Spiderman 3 CIB **
Spiderman: Friend or Foe CIB **
Spongebob: Atlantis Squarepantis CIB **
Star Wars: Clone Wars CIB **
Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll cart only **
VITA Updated 4/9
Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation bundle packaging **
Gravity Rush CIB *
Hot Shots Golf CIB ***
PS3 Updated 4/9
Atelier Meruru CIB ***** w/ mini art book
Borderlands GOTY CIB PENDING OUT new,sealed
Call of Duty: Black Ops CIB **
Eye of Judgment SEE NOTES ** starter deck of cards, playmat, camera stand, game is cib
Folklore CIB ***
God of War Saga CIB ***
Hyperdimension Neptunia CIB ****
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk. 2 CIB ****
Mod Nation Racers CIB **
Ni No Kuni CIB ***
Silent Hill HD Collection CIB PENDING IN
Skyrim CIB ** w/ premium map
Tales of Graces f CIB ****
Trinity Universe CIB ****
UFC 2010 CIB **
White Knight Chronicles II CIB ***
WII Updated 4/9
AMF Bowling: World Lanes CIB *
Biggest Loser CIB **
Boom Blox CIB **
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon CIB **
Fortune Street CIB *** New, Sealed
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody CIB ** New, Sealed
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword CIB ***** w/ Symphony CD
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga CIB ***
Madden 07 CIB *
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games CIB ***
Mario Kart Wii CIB ****
Mario Party 8 CIB ***
Marvel Ultimate Alliance CIB ***
My Sims Kingdom CIB **
Nerf N-Strike CIB ** With gun
Spiderman 3 CIB **
Super Mario Galaxy CIB **
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World CIB ****
The Last Story Collector's Edition w/ sealed sountrack CIB **** new, sealed
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam CIB **
Wii Fit CIB ***
Wii Fit Plus CIB ***
GAMECUBE Updated 4/9
PURPLE GAMECUBE CONSOLE see notes ** fully functional - reset button is stiff to push (who cares, it's a reset button!) A/V cable, power cable, memory card, 2 controllers, one is missing the rubber covering on the stick
Finding Nemo CIB *
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess CIB ***** Black Label
Legends of Wrestling CIB * needs buffed
Mario Kart Double Dash!! CIB **
Simpsons Hit and Run CIB *
Super Mario Sunshine CIB *** Black Label
Super Mario Sunshine CIB * Player's Choice - Needs Buffed
Tales of Symphonia CIB **** Black Label
XBOX Updated 4/9
XBOX CONSOLE see notes ** fully functional, A/V cable, power cable, 1 controller
Burnout Revenge CIB *
High Rollers Casino CIB *
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings CIB *
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers CIB *
Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds CIB *
Pirates of the Caribbean CIB *
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time CIB * Platinum Hits
Spy vs. Spy CIB ***
Star Wars: Clone Wars // Tetris World CIB * Includes both games
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic CIB *** Platinum Hits
Street Racing Syndicate CIB *
The Godfather CIB *
The Hobbit CIB *
Unreal Tournament CIB *
PS2 Updated 4/9
.hack//Infection CIB **** w/ DVD
.hack//Mutation CIB ***** w/ DVD
.hack//Outbreak CIB ***** w/ DVD
.hack//G.U. Vol 2 Reminisce CIB *****
4-Way Adapter adapter only * MadCatz
4-Way Adapter adapter only ** Sony official
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia CIB ***
Arc the Lad: End of Darkness CIB **
ATV: Quad Power Racing 2 CIB *
Beyond Good & Evil CIB *
Blitz the League CIB **
Bully: Scholarship Edition CIB * Greatest Hits
Call of Duty 3 CIB **
Call of Duty Finest Hour CIB **
Cars CIB *
College Hoops 2k6 CIB *
Disgaea CIB * New, Sealed, Red label
Dr. Muto disc+case * no manual
Dragon Quest VIII CIB ** no FFXII demo disc
Family Guy the Game CIB *
Final Fantasy XII CIB *
Ford Mustang Racing CIB *
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec CIB ** Greatest Hits
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City CIB *
Guitar Hero 2 CIB **
Gun Club disc + case * no manual
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets CIB **
Hot Wheels Stunt Track Challenge CIB **
Hunter the Reckoning: Wayward CIB *
ICO no manual ** disc + case
Jak II disc only * generic case
Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy disc + case *
Kingdom Hearts 2 CIB ***
Madden 08 CIB *
Malice CIB *
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects CIB **
Micro Machines CIB ***
MLB 07 the Show CIB *
MLB Slugfest 2006 CIB *
Mojo CIB *
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance CIB ** Greatest Hits
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance Strategy Guide **
Mortal Kombat Deception CIB ***
NBA Ballers CIB *
NBA Street CIB *
Need for Speed Underground CIB *** Greatest Hits
NFL 2k3 CIB *
Pac-Man World Rally CIB **
Phantom Brave CIB **
Pinball Hall of Fame CIB *
Power Rangers Super Legends: 15th Anniversary CIB ***
Prince of Persia the Two Thrones CIB **
Shadow of the Colossus CIB ** Greatest Hits
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga CIB ****
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 CIB **** w/ CD
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling CIB *
Shrek 2 CIB * Greatest Hits
Simpsons Road Rage CIB ** Greatest Hits
Sims Bustin' Out CIB **
Sly Cooper & the Thievius Racoonus CIB ** Greatest Hits
Sly Cooper & the Thievius Racoonus CIB *** Black Label
SOCOM Combined Assault CIB *
Sonic Mega Collection Plus CIB **
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity CIB *
Spiderman 2 CIB *
Splinter Cell Double Agent CIB ***
Star Ocean: Til the End of Time no manual ** discs + case
Star Wars: Starfighter CIB ** Greatest Hits
Starsky & Hutch CIB *
The Cat in the Hat CIB *
The Simpsons Game CIB **
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 CIB *
Tomb Raider the Angel of Darkness CIB **
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 CIB **
Tony Hawk Underground 2 CIB **
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland CIB ** Greatest Hits
Top Gun CIB *
Transworld Surf disc+case *
Turok: Evolution CIB **
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria CIB ***
World Championship Poker CIB * Greatest Hits
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 CIB * Greatest Hits
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 CIB *
Xenosaga 1 CIB ***
Xenosaga 2 CIB ***
STEAM Updated 4/9
Binding of Isaac complete giftable **
Legend of Grimrock giftable ***
Plants vs. Zombies GotY giftable *
Railworks 3 w/ multiple add-ons giftable *
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale giftable **
Zombie Driver giftable *
PS1 Updated 4/9
Activision Classic Games (Atari 2600) disc+manual *
Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley disc+manual *
Bedrock Bowling disc + manual *
Bob the Builder disc+manual *
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling disc+manual *
Caesar's Palace disc only *
Caesar's Palace II disc only *
Cybertiger disc+manual *
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX disc + manual *
Driver CIB *
Duke Nukem Time to Kill disc+manual *
Family Feud disc only *
Gameshark unit only *
Golden Nugget disc+manual *
Gran Turismo 2 CIB * Greatest Hits
Memory Cards *** have 2, one blue, one grey, both working
Mortal Kombat Trilogy Strategy Guide **
Syphon Filter disc+manual *
Tenchu Stealth Assassins disc+manual *
Tonka Space Station disc+manual *
Twisted Metal 4 disc+manual *
Wheel of Fortune disc+manual *
WWF Attitude disc+manual *
PSP Updated 4/9
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core CIB ***
Legend of Heroes:Trails in the Sky CIB ***
N64 Updated 4/9
1080 Snowboarding cart only * label good, sticker residue on cart
Flying Dragon cart + manual * generic case
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask cart only *** Gold Holo cart
Star Wars Racer CIB *
SNES Updated 4/9
Jurassic Park cart only *
NCAA Football cart only *
NES Updated 4/9 have some dust covers
Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge cart only *
Deja Vu cart only **
Gauntlet 2 cart only *
Image Fight cart only *
Pinball cart only *
Pro Wrestling cart only *
Rampage cart only *
Sesame Street 1 2 3 cart only *
Super Mario Brothers cart only *
Superspike Volleyball cart only *
Swords and Serpents cart only *
Target: Renegade cart only *
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cart only *
Tetris cart only * 2 copies
The Black Bass cart only *
Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage cart only *
Vegas Dream cart only *
Wheel of Fortune cart only *
Win, Lose or Draw cart only *
Wrestlemania cart only *
14-day Xbox Live Gold Code *
Atari Flashback System no box ** 2 controller, A/V cables, power cable
FFXI Account login info ** First 2 or 3 expansions, never been attached to a Square Enix account so you can attach it to your own.
Game Boy Advance SP system system only ** solid blue, works perfectly, cosmetic scratches
Skylanders Figures *** Tons of series 1 extras
WANT - Updated 4/9
NI NO KUNI WIZARDS COMPANION - The book that comes with the Wizard Edition
PS VITA * Dungeon Hunter Alliance * Little Big Planet * Persona 4 Golden * Virtue's Last Reward
360 WANTS * Bioshock Infinite * Dark Souls * Witcher 2 EE
SKYLANDERS FIGURES * Any special variants
PS3 * Atelier Rorona * Atelier Totori * Atelier Ayesha * Cross Edge * Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory * Mugen Souls * Valkyria Chronicles
PS2 * .hack//Quarantine * .hack//G.U. Vol. 1 * .hack//G.U. Vol. 3 * Atelier Iris 1 * Atelier Iris 2 * Atelier Iris 3 * Shim Megami Tensei games (except P4 and DDS 1) * Tales of the Abyss * Xenosaga Ep. 3
WII * Pandora's Tower * Xenoblade Chronicles
3DS/DS * Atelier Annie: Alchemists of Sera Island (NEED CASE/MANUAL ONLY) * Etrian Odyssey 1 * Etrian Odyssey 3 manual * Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time * Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate * Shin Megami Tensei games * Tales of the Abyss
Offers for any systems that I own, particularly RPG's
submitted by ishkabibbel2000 to gameswap [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Sealed LoZ CE, Twilight Princess, Symphonia(GCN) Forza Horizon, Dishonored, Divinity 2: DKS, DR 2: Zombrex(360) AC3:L, Gravity Rush(Vita) Skyward Sword(Wii) .hack 1-4, GU 2(PS2) BIG LIST(ALL) || [W] Wii-U Deluxe, Monster Hunter 3(3DS) Hot Shots Golf, P4G(Vita), Dark Souls(360) Offers

Asterisk guide:
1= No hesitation. This game is absolutely up for trade. 2= I like it, but I'm most probably done with it. Still absolutely up for trade. 3= I'm just as willing to keep it as I am willing to trade it. 4= Most likely still being played in my house or just a game that I enjoy owning. 5= Probably in my backlog and not necessarily looking to trade, but if you have something specifically on my [W] list, we can chat.
If you're interested in something but we're unable to agree on a trade, feel free to visit my /Gamesell thread and we can chat there if you're interested in buying.
Game Completeness Availability Notes
360 Updated 4/2
Assassins Creed Brotherhood CIB ***
Assassins Creed Revelations CIB *** Signature Edition
Assassins Creed 3 CIB *** Steelbook case and regular case
Big Bumpin' CIB *
Borderlands GOTY CIB *** 2-disc version
Brink CIB **
Bulletstorm CIB **
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Disc only ***
Dance Central 1 CIB * import code used
Dance Central 2 CIB * import code used
Dance Central 3 CIB * code still good
Dance, Dance Revolution Universe CIB * also have the dance mat
Dark Souls CIB PENDING IN New, Sealed
Dead Rising no manual **
Dead Rising 2 CIB *** Zombrex Edition w/ all goodies
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record CIB ***
Dishonored CIB ***
Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga CIB ***
Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition CIB *** new, sealed
Fighters Uncaged CIB **
Final Fantasy XIII CIB ***
Forza Horizon CIB ***
Game of Thrones CIB ** new, sealed
Guitar Hero Aerosmith CIB *
Guitar Hero III CIB *
Infinite Undiscovery CIB *** new, sealed
Infinite Undiscovery Strategy Guide ***
Kameo CIB **
Kinectimals CIB ***
Kingdoms of Amalur CIB ****
Madden 08 CIB *
Magna Carta 2 CIB ***
Mass Effect 1 disc only *
Mass Effect 2 CIB **
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection CIB PENDING OUT
Moto GP 06 CIB *
NASCAR 08 disc + case * case has a small crack near the top back.
NCAA March Madness 08 CIB *
Nier CIB ***
Perfect Dark Zero CE CIB * Metal CE case/cover
Project Gotham Racing 3 CIB *
Record of Agarest War Zero, Limited Edition CIB **** New, Sealed
Resonance of Fate CIB ***
Risen CIB ***
Risen 2: Special Edition CIB *** new, sealed
Rock Band Keytar controller *** has shoulder strap
Sonic Free Riders CIB **
Spiderman: Friend or Foe CIB ***
Tales of Vesperia CIB ****
The Last Remnant CIB *
Tiger Woods 2010 CIB *
Too Human CIB * 3 copies
Two Worlds 2 CIB ** New, Sealed
DS/3DS Updated 4/2
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors (999) cart only PENDING OUT
Atelier Annie cart only ***
Battle of Giants: Dinosaurs CIB **
Dokapon Journey CIB ***
Etrian Odyssey 2 CIB ***
Etrian Odyssey 3 no manual ***** includes character strategy booklet
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 cart only **
Final Fantasy III no manual *** cart + case
Final Fantasy Theatrhythm CIB ***
Fire Emblem: Awakening CIB ***** New/Sealed
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon cart only **
Knights in the Knightmare CIB ON HOLD
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks CIB PENDING IN
Mario & Sonic - Olympic Games CIB ***
Monster Rancher DS CIB PENDING OUT
Pokemon Diamond CIB PENDING OUT
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon cart only **
Spectrobes CIB **
Spiderman 3 CIB **
Spiderman: Friend or Foe CIB **
Spongebob: Atlantis Squarepantis CIB **
Star Wars: Clone Wars CIB **
Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll cart only **
VITA Updated 4/2
Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation bundle packaging **
Gravity Rush CIB *
PS3 Updated 4/2
Atelier Meruru CIB ***** w/ mini art book
Borderlands GOTY CIB ON HOLD new,sealed
Call of Duty: Black Ops CIB **
Demon's Souls CIB PENDING IN Black Label
Eye of Judgment SEE NOTES ** starter deck of cards, playmat, camera stand, game is cib
Folklore CIB ***
Hyperdimension Neptunia CIB ****
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk. 2 CIB ****
Mod Nation Racers CIB **
Skyrim CIB ** w/ premium map
Tales of Graces f CIB ****
Trinity Universe CIB ****
UFC 2010 CIB **
White Knight Chronicles II CIB ***
WII Updated 4/2
AMF Bowling: World Lanes CIB *
Biggest Loser CIB **
Boom Blox CIB **
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon CIB **
Fortune Street CIB *** New, Sealed
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody CIB ** New, Sealed
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword CIB ***** w/ Symphony CD
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga CIB ***
Madden 07 CIB *
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games CIB ***
Mario Kart Wii CIB ****
Mario Party 8 CIB ***
Marvel Ultimate Alliance CIB ***
My Sims Kingdom CIB **
Nerf N-Strike CIB ** With gun
Spiderman 3 CIB **
Super Mario Galaxy CIB **
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World CIB ****
The Last Story Collector's Edition w/ sealed sountrack CIB **** new, sealed
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam CIB **
Wii Fit CIB ***
Wii Fit Plus CIB ***
GAMECUBE Updated 4/2
PURPLE GAMECUBE CONSOLE see notes ** fully functional - reset button is stiff to push (who cares, it's a reset button!) A/V cable, power cable, memory card, 2 controllers, one is missing the rubber covering on the stick
Finding Nemo CIB *
Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition CIB ***** New, Sealed
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess CIB ***** Black Label
Legends of Wrestling CIB * working, needs buffed
Mario Kart Double Dash!! CIB **
Simpsons Hit and Run CIB *
Super Mario Sunshine CIB *** Player's Choice
Tales of Symphonia CIB **** Black Label
XBOX Updated 4/2
XBOX CONSOLE see notes ** fully functional, A/V cable, power cable, 1 controller
Burnout Revenge CIB *
High Rollers Casino CIB *
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings CIB *
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers CIB *
Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds CIB *
Pirates of the Caribbean CIB *
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time CIB * Platinum Hits
Spy vs. Spy CIB ***
Star Wars: Clone Wars // Tetris World CIB * Includes both games
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic CIB *** Platinum Hits
Street Racing Syndicate CIB *
The Godfather CIB *
The Hobbit CIB *
Unreal Tournament CIB *
PS2 Updated 4/2
.hack//Infection CIB **** w/ DVD
.hack//Mutation CIB ***** w/ DVD
.hack//Outbreak CIB ***** w/ DVD
.hack//G.U. Vol 2 Reminisce CIB *****
4-Way Adapter adapter only * MadCatz
4-Way Adapter adapter only ** Sony official
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia CIB ***
Arc the Lad: End of Darkness CIB **
ATV: Quad Power Racing 2 CIB *
Beyond Good & Evil CIB *
Blitz the League CIB **
Bully: Scholarship Edition CIB * Greatest Hits
Call of Duty 3 CIB **
Call of Duty Finest Hour CIB **
Cars CIB *
College Hoops 2k6 CIB *
Disgaea CIB * New, Sealed, Red label
Dr. Muto disc+case * no manual
Dragon Quest VIII CIB ** no FFXII demo disc
Family Guy the Game CIB *
Final Fantasy XII CIB *
Ford Mustang Racing CIB *
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec CIB ** Greatest Hits
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City CIB *
Guitar Hero 2 CIB **
Gun Club disc + case * no manual
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets CIB **
Hot Wheels Stunt Track Challenge CIB **
Hunter the Reckoning: Wayward CIB *
ICO no manual ** disc + case
Jak II disc only * generic case
Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy disc + case *
Kingdom Hearts 2 CIB ***
Madden 08 CIB *
Malice CIB *
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects CIB **
Micro Machines CIB ***
MLB 07 the Show CIB *
MLB Slugfest 2006 CIB *
Mojo CIB *
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance CIB ** Greatest Hits
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance Strategy Guide **
Mortal Kombat Deception CIB ***
NBA Ballers CIB *
NBA Street CIB *
Need for Speed Underground CIB *** Greatest Hits
NFL 2k3 CIB *
Pac-Man World Rally CIB **
Phantom Brave CIB **
Pinball Hall of Fame CIB *
Power Rangers Super Legends: 15th Anniversary CIB ***
Prince of Persia the Two Thrones CIB **
Shadow of the Colossus CIB ** Greatest Hits
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga CIB ***
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 CIB *** w/ CD
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling CIB *
Shrek 2 CIB * Greatest Hits
Simpsons Road Rage CIB ** Greatest Hits
Sims Bustin' Out CIB **
Sly Cooper & the Thievius Racoonus CIB ** Greatest Hits
Sly Cooper & the Thievius Racoonus CIB *** Black Label
SOCOM Combined Assault CIB *
Sonic Mega Collection Plus CIB **
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity CIB *
Spiderman 2 CIB *
Splinter Cell Double Agent CIB ***
Star Ocean: Til the End of Time no manual ** discs + case
Star Wars: Starfighter CIB ** Greatest Hits
Starsky & Hutch CIB *
The Cat in the Hat CIB *
The Simpsons Game CIB **
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 CIB *
Tomb Raider the Angel of Darkness CIB **
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 CIB **
Tony Hawk Underground 2 CIB **
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland CIB ** Greatest Hits
Top Gun CIB *
Transworld Surf disc+case *
Turok: Evolution CIB **
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria CIB ***
World Championship Poker CIB * Greatest Hits
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 CIB * Greatest Hits
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 CIB *
Xenosaga 1 CIB ***
Xenosaga 2 CIB ***
STEAM Updated 4/2
Binding of Isaac complete giftable **
Legend of Grimrock giftable **
Plants vs. Zombies GotY giftable *
Railworks 3 w/ multiple add-ons giftable *
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale giftable **
Zombie Driver giftable *
PS1 Updated 4/2
Activision Classic Games (Atari 2600) disc+manual *
Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley disc+manual *
Bedrock Bowling disc + manual *
Bob the Builder disc+manual *
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling disc+manual *
Caesar's Palace disc only *
Caesar's Palace II disc only *
Cybertiger disc+manual *
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX disc + manual *
Driver CIB *
Duke Nukem Time to Kill disc+manual *
Family Feud disc only *
Gameshark unit only *
Golden Nugget disc+manual *
Gran Turismo 2 CIB * Greatest Hits
Memory Cards *** have 2, one blue, one grey, both working
Mortal Kombat Trilogy Strategy Guide **
Syphon Filter disc+manual *
Tenchu Stealth Assassins disc+manual *
Tonka Space Station disc+manual *
Twisted Metal 4 disc+manual *
Wheel of Fortune disc+manual *
WWF Attitude disc+manual *
PSP Updated 4/2
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core CIB ***
Legend of Heroes:Trails in the Sky CIB ***
N64 Updated 4/2
1080 Snowboarding cart only * label good, sticker residue on cart
Flying Dragon cart + manual * generic case
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask cart only *** Gold Holo cart
Star Wars Racer CIB *
SNES Updated 4/2
Jurassic Park cart only *
NCAA Football cart only *
NES Updated 4/2 have some dust covers
Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge cart only *
Deja Vu cart only **
Gauntlet 2 cart only *
Image Fight cart only *
NES Max Turbo controller controller PENDING OUT working
Pinball cart only *
Pro Wrestling cart only *
Rampage cart only *
Sesame Street 1 2 3 cart only *
Super Mario Brothers cart only *
Superspike Volleyball cart only *
Swords and Serpents cart only *
Target: Renegade cart only *
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cart only *
Tetris cart only * 2 copies
The Black Bass cart only *
Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage cart only *
Vegas Dream cart only *
Wheel of Fortune cart only *
Win, Lose or Draw cart only *
Wrestlemania cart only *
14-day Xbox Live Gold Code *
Atari Flashback System no box ** 2 controller, A/V cables, power cable
FFXI Account login info ** First 2 or 3 expansions, never been attached to a Square Enix account so you can attach it to your own.
Game Boy Advance SP system system only ** solid blue, works perfectly, cosmetic scratches
Skylanders Figures *** Tons of series 1 extras
WANT - Updated 3/28
NI NO KUNI WIZARDS COMPANION - The book that comes with the Wizard Edition
PS VITA * Dungeon Hunter Alliance * Hot Shots Golf (PENDING IN) * Little Big Planet * Persona 4 Golden * Virtue's Last Reward
360 WANTS * Dark Souls * Witcher 2 EE
SKYLANDERS FIGURES * Any special variants
PS3 * Atelier Ayesha * Cross Edge * Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory * Mugen Souls
PS2 * .hack//Quarantine * .hack//G.U. Vol. 1 * .hack//G.U. Vol. 3 * Atelier Iris 1 * Atelier Iris 2 * Atelier Iris 3 * Shim Megami Tensei games (except P4 and DDS 1) * Tales of the Abyss * Xenosaga Ep. 3
WII * Pandora's Tower * Xenoblade Chronicles
3DS/DS * Atelier Annie: Alchemists of Sera Island (NEED CASE/MANUAL ONLY) * Etrian Odyssey 1 * Etrian Odyssey 3 manual * Final Fantasy Theatrhythm 3DS (PENDING IN) * Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time * Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate * Shin Megami Tensei games * Tales of the Abyss
Offers for VITA/DS/3DS/PS3/PSP/360
submitted by ishkabibbel2000 to gameswap [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Devil May Cry, (DmC) Tales of Vesperia, Sleeping Dogs (360) Virtue's Last Reward (VITA) Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Rune Factory, Pokemons, Harvest Moon 3D (DS) || [W] Radiant Historia (DS) Tales of Symphonia: DotNW (WII) Hyperdimension Neptunia 1/2, Atelier Meruru (PS3), JRPGs

I got an addiction and the only cure is MOAR JRPGS!
I only have a few specifics that I'm looking for, so I'm really looking to check out lists. I'm constantly shifting my attention to other games (damn gamer ADD) so you never know what will really catch my eye!
Everything on this list is potentially up for trade. If I own it, and there is absolutely no way I'm trading it, it isn't listed here. Pretty straight forward on availability. The more asterisks, the harder it is for me to let go of that game. I'm always willing to trade, so here is a guide to what the asterisks mean to me:
1= No hesitation. This game is absolutely up for trade. 2= I like it, but I'm most probably done with it. Still absolutely up for trade. 3= I'm just as willing to keep it as I am willing to trade it. 4= Most likely still being played in my house or just a game that I LOVE owning. 5= Probably in my backlog and not necessarily looking to trade, but if you have something specifically on my [W] list, we can chat.
NOTE: The number of asterisks I assign to a game by no means denotes the monetary value that I place on a game. Only my willingness to trade said game. I don't expect to rip anyone off just because I have 5 asterisks next to a game, nor do I plan on just giving away any 1 asterisk games. I try to be fair and expect the same.
FYI - I LOVE RPG's, especially JRPG's. They're by far, my favorite genre. If you have ANY RPG not listed here, I very well may be interested in it. Shoot me an offer and let's see what we can do! So, without further adieu, here's the goods!:
Game Completeness Availability Notes
XBOX 360 Updated 2/14
Assassins Creed CIB ***
Assassins Creed 2 CIB ***
Assassins Creed Brotherhood CIB ***
Assassins Creed Revelations CIB *** Signature Edition
Assassins Creed 3 CIB *** Steelbook case and regular case
Big Bumpin' CIB *
Blue Dragon CIB ***
Borderlands GOTY CIB *** 2-disc version
Brink CIB **
Call of Duty: Black Ops CIB ****
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Disc only ****
Dance Central 1 CIB **
Dance Central 2 CIB **
Dance Central 3 CIB **
Dance, Dance Revolution Universe CIB * also have the dance mat
Dead Rising no manual **
Dead Rising 2 CIB *** Zombrex Edition
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record CIB ***
Dishonored CIB *** new,sealed
Dragon Age Origins CIB *** new, sealed - Ultimate Edition
Dragon Age II CIB *** new, sealed
Dragons Dogma CIB ***
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition CIB ***
Fighters Uncaged CIB *
Final Fantasy XIII CIB ***
Game of Thrones CIB ** new, sealed
Guitar Hero Aerosmith CIB *
Guitar Hero III CIB *
Infinite Undiscovery CIB *** new, sealed
Infinite Undiscovery Strategy Guide ***
Kameo CIB **
Kinectimals CIB ***
Kingdoms of Amalur CIB ****
Madden 08 CIB *
Mass Effect 1 disc only **
Mass Effect 2 CIB **
Moto GP 06 CIB *
NASCAR 08 disc + case * case has a small crack near the top back.
NCAA March Madness 08 CIB *
Nier CIB ***
Oblivion GotY CIB **
Perfect Dark Zero CE CIB * Metal CE case/cover
Project Gotham Racing 3 CIB *
Record of Agarest War Zero, Limited Edition CIB *** New, Sealed
Resonance of Fate CIB ***
Risen CIB ***
Rock Band Keytar controller *** has shoulder strap
Skyrim CIB **** physical copy
Sleeping Dogs CIB ***
Sonic Free Riders CIB **
Spiderman: Friend or Foe CIB ***
Tales of Vesperia CIB ***
The Last Remnant CIB **
Tiger Woods 2010 CIB *
Too Human CIB ** 3 copies
Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition CIB ** all discs, quest book, outer sleeve
Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition CIB ***** new, sealed
PS VITA Updated 2/14
Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward CIB *
3DS//DS Updated 2/14
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors (999) cart only ****
Battle of Giants: Dinosaurs CIB **
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard CIB ****
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City no manual ****
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 cart only ***
Final Fantasy III no manual *** cart + case
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon cart only ***
Knights in the Knightmare CIB ****
Mario & Sonic - Olympic Games CIB ***
Monster Rancher DS CIB ***
Phoenix Wright:Ace Attorney CIB ***
Pokemon Black cart only ***
Pokemon Diamond CIB ***
Pokemon Soul Silver cart only **
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon cart only **
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon CIB ***
Scribblenauts Unlimited 3DS CIB **
Shin Megami Tensei:Strange Journey CIB ***
Spectrobes CIB **
Spiderman 3 CIB **
Spiderman: Friend or Foe CIB **
Spongebob: Atlantis Squarepantis CIB **
Star Wars: Clone Wars CIB **
Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll cart only **
The World Ends with You CIB ***** Actively Playing
PS3 Updated 2/14
Borderlands GOTY CIB *** new,sealed
Call of Duty: Black Ops CIB ***
Eye of Judgment w/ Starter Deck & Playmat CIB ** starter deck of cards, playmat, camera stand
Folklore CIB ***
God of War Saga CIB *** codes unused
Mod Nation Racers CIB **
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition CIB *** New, Sealed
PS Move Bundle see notes ** 2 guns/2 navi/1 wand/PS Eye
Rage CIB **
Skyrim CIB **
Sports Champions CIB ** PS Move
UFC 2010 CIB **
Uncharted 2: Game of the Year CIB ** New, Sealed, Red label
White Knight Chronicles II CIB ***
WII Updated 2/14
AMF Bowling: World Lanes CIB *
Biggest Loser CIB **
Boom Blox CIB **
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon CIB **
Fortune Street CIB *** New, Sealed
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody CIB ** New, Sealed
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga CIB ***
Madden 07 CIB *
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games CIB ***
Mario Kart Wii CIB ****
Mario Party 8 CIB ***
Marvel Ultimate Alliance CIB ***
Metroid Prime 3 no manual ** case + game
Monster Hunter Tri CIB ***
My Sims Kingdom CIB **
Nerf N-Strike CIB ** With gun
Spiderman 3 CIB **
Super Mario Galaxy CIB **
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam CIB **
Wii Fit CIB ***
Wii Fit Plus CIB ***
GAMECUBE Updated 2/14
PURPLE GAMECUBE CONSOLE see notes ** fully functional - reset button is stiff to push (who cares, it's a reset button!) A/V cable, power cable, memory card, 2 controllers, one is missing the rubber covering on the stick
Finding Nemo CIB *
Legends of Wrestling CIB * working, needs buffed
Mario Kart Double Dash!! CIB **
Simpsons Hit and Run CIB *
Super Mario Sunshine CIB ***
XBOX Updated 2/14
XBOX CONSOLE see notes ** fully functional, A/V cable, power cable, 1 controller
Burnout Revenge CIB *
High Rollers Casino CIB *
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings CIB *
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers CIB *
Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds CIB *
Pirates of the Caribbean CIB *
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time CIB * Platinum Hits
Spy vs. Spy CIB ***
Star Wars: Clone Wars // Tetris World CIB * Includes both games
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic CIB *** Platinum Hits
Street Racing Syndicate CIB *
The Godfather CIB *
The Hobbit CIB *
Unreal Tournament CIB *
PS2 Updated 2/14
4-Way Adapter adapter only ** MadCatz
4-Way Adapter adapter only *** Sony official
ATV: Quad Power Racing 2 CIB *
Beyond Good & Evil CIB *
Blitz the League CIB **
Bully: Scholarship Edition CIB * Greatest Hits
Call of Duty 3 CIB **
Call of Duty Finest Hour CIB **
Cars CIB *
College Hoops 2k6 CIB *
Dr. Muto disc+case * no manual
Family Guy the Game CIB *
Ford Mustang Racing CIB *
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec CIB ** Greatest Hits
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City CIB *
Guitar Hero 2 CIB **
Gun Club disc + case * no manual
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets CIB **
Hot Wheels Stunt Track Challenge CIB **
Hunter the Reckoning: Wayward CIB *
Jak II disc only * generic case
Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy disc + case *
Madden 08 CIB *
Malice CIB *
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects CIB **
Micro Machines CIB ***
MLB 07 the Show CIB *
MLB Slugfest 2006 CIB *
Mojo CIB *
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance CIB ** Greatest Hits
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance Strategy Guide **
Mortal Kombat Deception CIB ***
NBA Ballers CIB *
NBA Street CIB *
Need for Speed Underground CIB *** Greatest Hits
NFL 2k3 CIB *
Pac-Man World Rally CIB **
Pinball Hall of Fame CIB *
Power Rangers Super Legends: 15th Anniversary CIB ***
Prince of Persia the Two Thrones CIB **
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling CIB *
Shrek 2 CIB * Greatest Hits
Simpsons Road Rage CIB ** Greatest Hits
Sims Bustin' Out CIB **
Sly Cooper & the Thievius Racoonus CIB ** Greatest Hits
Sly Cooper & the Thievius Racoonus CIB *** Black Label
SOCOM Combined Assault CIB *
Sonic Mega Collection Plus CIB **
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity CIB *
Spiderman 2 CIB *
Splinter Cell Double Agent CIB ***
Star Wars: Starfighter CIB ** Greatest Hits
Starsky & Hutch CIB *
The Cat in the Hat CIB *
The Simpsons Game CIB **
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 CIB *
Tomb Raider the Angel of Darkness CIB **
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 CIB **
Tony Hawk Underground 2 CIB **
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland CIB ** Greatest Hits
Top Gun CIB *
Transworld Surf disc+case *
Turok: Evolution CIB **
World Championship Poker CIB * Greatest Hits
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 CIB * Greatest Hits
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 CIB *
STEAM Updated 2/14
Binding of Isaac complete giftable ***
Drakensang giftable **
Legend of Grimrock giftable ***
Plants vs. Zombies GotY giftable **
Railworks 3 w/ multiple add-ons giftable **
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale giftable ***
The Witcher EE giftable *****
Zombie Driver giftable *
PS1 Updated 2/14
Activision Classic Games (Atari 2600) disc+manual *
Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley disc+manual *
Bedrock Bowling disc + manual *
Bob the Builder disc+manual *
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling disc+manual *
Caesar's Palace disc only *
Caesar's Palace II disc only *
Cybertiger disc+manual *
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX disc + manual *
Driver CIB *
Duke Nukem Time to Kill disc+manual *
Family Feud disc only *
Gameshark unit only *
Golden Nugget disc+manual *
Gran Turismo 2 CIB * Greatest Hits
Memory Cards *** have 2, one blue, one grey, both working
Mortal Kombat Trilogy Strategy Guide **
Syphon Filter disc+manual *
Tenchu Stealth Assassins disc+manual *
Tonka Space Station disc+manual *
Twisted Metal 4 disc+manual *
Wheel of Fortune disc+manual *
WWF Attitude disc+manual *
PSP Updated 2/14
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core CIB ***
Legend of Heroes:Trails in the Sky CIB ***
N64 Updated 2/14
1080 Snowboarding cart only * label good, sticker residue on cart
Flying Dragon cart + manual ** generic case
Star Wars Racer CIB **
SNES Updated 2/14
Jurassic Park cart only *
NCAA Football cart only *
NES Updated 2/14 have some dust covers
Adventure Island cart only *
Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge cart only *
Deja Vu cart only **
Exodus Ultima cart only **
Gauntlet 2 cart only *
Hydlide cart only *
Image Fight cart only *
NES Max Turbo controller controller ** working
Pinball cart only *
Pro Wrestling cart only *
Rampage cart only *
Sesame Street 1 2 3 cart only *
Super Mario Brothers cart only *
Superspike Volleyball cart only *
Swords and Serpents cart only *
Target: Renegade cart only *
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cart only *
Tetris cart only * 2 copies
The Black Bass cart only *
The Legend of Zelda cart only * gold cart
Tmnt III the Manhattan Project cart only * see pic - some damage to outer case, label is perfect, working
Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage cart only *
Vegas Dream cart only *
Wheel of Fortune cart only *
Win, Lose or Draw cart only *
Wrestlemania cart only *
14-day Xbox Live Gold Code *
Atari Flashback System no box ** 2 controller, A/V cables, power cable
FFXI Account login info ** First 2 or 3 expansions, never been attached to a Square Enix account so you can attach it to your own.
Game Boy Advance SP system system only ** solid blue, works perfectly, cosmetic scratches
Skylanders Figures *** Tons of series 1 extras
WANT - Updated 2/14
NI NO KUNI WIZARDS COMPANION - The book that comes with the Wizard Edition - Will trade my left testicle and a bottle of hand sanitizer for it.
ANY 'TALES OF' GAMES THAT I DON'T OWN * Tales of the Abyss (PS2) (PENDING IN) * Tales of Destiny (PSx) * Tales of Destiny 2 (PSx) * Tales of Eternia (PSP) * Tales of Phantasia (GBA) * Tales of Vesperia (PS3)
SKYLANDERS FIGURES * Almost any Series 2 or "Special" variants from series 1 * Zook - Series 1
360 * Steelbook cases for any games that I own
PS3 * Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk. 2 * Mugen Souls * NBA 2k13
3DS/DS * Atelier Annie: Alchemists of Sera Island (DS) (NEED CASE/MANUAL) * Disgaea * Etrian Odyssey * Final Fantasy Theatrhythm 3DS * Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS * Radiant Historia * Shin Megami Tensei games
Offers for DS/3DS/PS3/PSP/360
Game Need Desire Level Notes
PS2 RPGs UPD 2/14 Updating as I find new ones
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia CIB *****
Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica CIB *****
Arc the Lad: End of Darkness CIB **
Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny CIB *****
Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm CIB *****
Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance CIB *
Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance 2 CIB *
Baroque CIB ***
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter CIB **
Champions: Return to Arms CIB **
Dark Cloud CIB **
Dark Cloud 2 CIB **
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories CIB ***
Dokapon Kingdom CIB *****
Drakengard CIB *
Drakengard 2 CIB *
Dual Hearts CIB ***
Ephemeral Phantasia CIB **
Eternal Poison CIB ***
Eternal Ring CIB *
Evergrace CIB *
Forever Kingdom CIB *
Fullmetal Alchemist And The Broken Angel CIB ***
Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir CIB ***
Graffiti Kingdom CIB *
Grandia 2 CIB **
Grandia 3 CIB **
Grandia XTreme CIB **
Growlanser: Generations ****
Growlanser: Heritage of War ****
Jade Cocoon 2 CIB *
Kingdom Hearts CIB ** Black Label
La Pucelle: Tactics CIB *
LeGaia 2: Duel Saga CIB **
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age CIB ***
Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color CIB *
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome CIB ****
Mana Khemia 2: The Fall of Alchemy CIB *****
Metal Saga CIB ****
Monster Hunter CIB ***
MS Saga: A New Dawn CIB **
Nightmare of Druaga, the Fushigino Dungeon CIB ****
Odin Sphere CIB **** Black Label
Okage: Shadow Kingdom CIB *
Orphen: Scion of Sorcery CIB *
Phantasy Star Universe CIB ***
Phantom Brave CIB ****
Radiata Stories CIB *****
Rogue Galaxy CIB **
Romancing Saga CIB **
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love CIB *****
Shadow Hearts CIB ***
Shadow Hearts: Covenant CIB ***
Shadow Hearts: From the New World CIB ***
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner CIB *****
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 CIB *****
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne CIB *****
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES CIB *****
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 CIB *****
Shining Force NEO CIB ***
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time CIB ***
Steambot Chronicles CIB ****
Suikoden 3 CIB *****
Suikoden 4 CIB *****
Suikoden 5 CIB *****
Summoner CIB *
Summoner 2 CIB *
The Bard's Tale CIB *
Tsugunai: Atonement CIB ****
Unlimited Saga CIB ***
Virtua Quest CIB *
Wild Arms 3 CIB ****
Wild Arms 4 CIB ****
Wild Arms 5 CIB ****
Wild Arms: Alter Code: F CIB ***** Never heard of it, but seen it online
Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land CIB **
Xenosaga Episode 3 CIB *****
Ys: The Ark of Napishtim CIB **
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